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Economic Terrorism Via Fraud Science?

googled the publication was interesting
Economic Terrorism Via Fraud Science?

Yeah, saw that the other day. The national data is shit and this is one of the reasons why along with general inconsistency in how the data is formulated.

But, I also saw where the CDC is now saying that asymptomatic cases are like 40% of the total, increasing the denominator quite a bit and lowering the resulting mortality rate.

Not sure I believe that either....not sure they know their ass from a COVID hole in the ground at this point.

Stay safe, stay healthy, all.
But, I also saw where the CDC is now saying that asymptomatic cases are like 40% of the total, increasing the denominator quite a bit and lowering the resulting mortality rate
Yea Dr. Henry Niman was saying this as well on a radio program, I guess to boost up business? Now Hong Kong hit with a new mutation 30% worse than current strain..we shall see how it plays out.
The Autumn going to be tricky here in the US, the way this thing is managed is embarrassing in regards to how the rest of the world is responding. Feds running out of PPE's leaving the states to hold the bag, yep good times.
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I retract my previous statements regarding the virus, I was a fool and an asshole. I have recently been surrounded by death, and forced to fear for the well-being of my loved ones. Thank God I have made it to the weekend where I can stay indoors...but I know I'm not safe. Come Monday when I have to step through the work building doors (assuming that God allows me another Monday), it will start all over again.

I saw that Trump is now taking CDC out of the picture...uhh, what is this guy doing!? These are scary times yall, vape up and keep your families safe!

Don't get it - why believe COVID isn't real, and why test it this way? Must be something else going on, but haven't found much more on it.

It all seems so stupid and surreal until it hits close to home. I think because it has been declared a "global pandemic", first of its kind, and yet so many people are still lucky to not had to have faced it. But, there is a day when it approaches you and then the sky begins to fall, and you are encompassed by darkness. That's how it went for me, anyway.
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It all seems so stupid and surreal until it hits close to home. I think because it has been declared a "global pandemic", first of its kind, and yet so many people are still lucky to not had to have faced it. But, there is a day when it approaches you and then the sky begins to fall, and you are encompassed by darkness. That's how it went for me, anyway.

Are you saying that initially, people reacted to the news of the pandemic with panic; then, if nothing much happened locally, they began to feel the risk had been exaggerated, or even made up?

That's understandable. Nature rarely conforms to our hurried pace. The pandemic is measured in months or years. Climate change is measured in decades or centuries. But the time still comes, and it always seems too soon.

Sorry for your suffering.
Are you saying that initially, people reacted to the news of the pandemic with panic; then, if nothing much happened locally, they began to feel the risk had been exaggerated, or even made up?

That's understandable. Nature rarely conforms to our hurried pace. The pandemic is measured in months or years. Climate change is measured in decades or centuries. But the time still comes, and it always seems too soon.

Sorry for your suffering.

Yeah, that is a better way of wording it. I remember being initially scared, and then as the numbers went up and nothing happened, and everyone was joking about it, it just sounded like a bunch of nonsense. Another thing that makes it unreal is that this thing is shrouded in mystery and lies...I watch the government change laws and profit over the pandemic, and gain more control/shortcuts every day. I see the occasional twenty-something year old on the news and think "OK, they're just trying to scare the young folks". Honestly, that still could be the case. How do you know who/what to trust, and when to start trusting?

@Helios some people say the forced vaccination process is distribution of the Mark of the Beast. What you posted sounds like exactly that, very scary stuff. What happens if you refuse the vaccine? These are dark and marvelous times...
Probably listening to scientists from major universities is your best source of info. CA has some very great scientists. If your governor isn’t listening to science that’s a red flag.
We needed leadership from the very top, we haven’t had that. Dr. Fouci knows his shit. Prez needs to be listening to him. Seems to be a gag on the CDC as well.

Our schools in my state have been working on opening since they were closed in March. CDC was going to come out with recommendations. They had already put out regulations, they are now being revised. It takes a long time for a school to prepare for opening, especially if you want a safe environment and you need special accommodations. Some schools are only a few weeks from opening. What are they suppose to do? Prez wants them to open fully. This plan is unsafe and wreckless. To me it shows lack of caring.

edit - I reread this, it might be too political. I’m sorry if I crossed the line.
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@voyciz, dark indeed, refusal mandatory vax could have a multitude of social/civic repercussions yet unknown? perhaps limited travel (flying) benefits, revoked voting privileges, idk anything u can think of. Well thought out think tanks running sophisticated algorithms running real world like simulations have been published. Many prbly scrubbed off the net by now. Evil runs very deep within these well entrenched, heavily funded cabals, they truly don't give a fuck about you or me.. Sounds fantastic sure even fabricated, people need to be ready for what's coming in the next few months and years. Be safe and am truly sorry for what's been going on in your family circle. One love.
@CarolKing, I m extremely wary of A.F. Or any of his ilk with regards to public health.

How do you know who/what to trust, and when to start trusting?

Trust no one, but reason and the evidence of your senses. Recommend beginning with this basic principle of logic.

Occam's razor
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami) or law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae) is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied without necessity."[1][2] The idea is attributed to English Franciscan friar William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347), a scholastic philosopher and theologian who used a preference for simplicity to defend the idea of divine miracles. It is variously paraphrased by statements like "the simplest explanation is most likely the right one".

IMO, this is the fundamental problem with elaborate conspiracies. That, and the inability of human beings to keep a secret. At the very least, the burden of proof is on those who would propose needlessly complicated theories. In the present case, there's nothing suspicious about a coronavirus jumping species. It happens all of the time. (There are some posts further back.) Other coronaviruses jumped to humans at least twice in recent years. It's surprising it doesn't lead to this outcome, or worse, more frequently.

Which isn't to say that the coronavirus' origin shouldn't be investigated, just that there's no reason to expect it to be more sinister. It's also not to say that privacy concerns aren't valid, just that they're more likely effects than causes. Address them as they arise, by all means, but right now, we have to work together to do get through this.

Or not.
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6 mega corps own every media platform we consume, 6! In 1983 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies, today Truth telling or honest journalism is tricky to discern.
Anything Robert FK. Has to say is conspiracy researched facts not theories, you won't see him doing interviews on 60 minutes wonder why??


, alternative news gets buried, labeled as quackery (to be fair many honest alternative sites have been infiltrated over the years and are now disinfo propaganda outlets) however these corps interests are with their benefactors and their vested $$interests, so of course its easy to dismiss anything outside the scope of corporate major mass media mouthpiece babble. After all it was the CIA who coined the term 'conspiracy theory' operation mockingbird as to discredit those long gone dig in the dirt journalists trying to tell truth. POV... But I digress.. :cheers:

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