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I've been invited to Europe on someone else's dime twice, and preferred to just stay put!
Got to be careful of sex traffickers!
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We all know the virus is spread by breathing the virus in. We are still in a pandemic. Well, if you‘re a Texan it’s because Texas is better at everything, including kicking the ass of covid. A lot of people in TX have already had the virus. Check out the number of lives they’ve lost. It makes me angry when I see the packed stadium. We have our Mariners games - it’s not at a
packed stadium.

Almost 50,000 of somebody’s loved ones have died in TX. That’s a huge amount! We have way less people in our state, like almost 9,000,000. I didn’t realize how many until I looked it up. 29,000,000 people live in TX.

WA state - 5,500 deaths and we have 9,000,000 people in our state. We have had strict rules. We have lessened the rules to 50% occupancy for sports games. Our schools are getting back to hybrid, restaurants are still at 50%. We still need to wear masks. Gyms are back. People are eating outside under covered areas. We are trying to get back to normal but in a regulated way. It’s not going from one extreme to another like some states.
By September hopefully our schools will be back to a regular schedule. All teachers and staff and parents will be vaccinated that want a vaccine. Our teenagers will be vaccinated in a few months.

I hope they don’t get a resurge in the states that they opened up too soon.
We are the United States of America but it feels like 50 different countries. I guess that’s a good thing unless we are in a pandemic.

Im excited that I’ve been fully vaccinated.

There have been some worrisome updates about AstraZeneca and blood clots again in the UK.

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Wow, Australia only has 25 million total! (and 900 deaths from Covid)
Yeah, 26 million people spread out over 3 million square miles (8.8/sq mi pop density) of a generally much more arid climate... as opposed to Texas' 29 million people spread out over 270 thousand square miles (108/sq mi pop density)... the over-abundance of ignoramuses aside, maybe this is also a factor?
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270 thousand square miles
Sorry, the WOW was about the population, not the deaths. (Tokyo city has a population of 37 million...fuck)..too many reasons to count why the death toll is so different...Australia has water as a border with all its neighbors and generally being behind the rest of the world on most matters probably helped the most. :thumbsup:
New Variants in CO

Vax Facility in CO shuts down
Australia has put the brakes on the Astrovinegar vaccine, only 50 and older are allowed...whoo hoo, I am underaged again...for a few months :cry:
Sorry, the WOW was about the population, not the deaths. (Tokyo city has a population of 37 million...fuck)..too many reasons to count why the death toll is so different...Australia has water as a border with all its neighbors and generally being behind the rest of the world on most matters probably helped the most. :thumbsup:
Still not a island though.........lolz.
We are the United States of America but it feels like 50 different countries.
Hi Carol - I'm sure you are aware that the name of the country actually reflects is structure, we are a federation of sovereign states so we are, in some respects, like 50 different states.

Of course this has been severely undermined by continued expansion of Federal authority for the last 50 years or more.

As for comparative statistics, this is from the CDC and shows new cases normalized for population


And this is the same treatment of the data but for deaths


I don't think the picture is as clear as some believe.

America..........the land of the non stop moral panic and virtue signal.
You can get evacuated from a volcano but only if you have the shot?
Gonna pack the supreme court here to make all that is coming legal.
The merging of corporate and government is the exact definition of fascism.
99.7% survivability rates and we are seeing this?
You have both shots and still have to mask,what science is this?
Why is every single dissenting voice from the medical and scientific community silenced?
Why is there a moral stigma being attached to questions and speaking?
Where is all the protest and question authority now?
When you are in lockstep with big government, big pharma, big business and actively shutting down your fellow humans ability to be..........you are a fascist.
@Helios stuff like that is depressing. I didn’t even want to look.

Really trying hard to have a positive attitude. It’s spring!!

I think they will have vaccine passports when flying or traveling internationally. Not within the U.S.

More big business wanting vaccination cards. It comes down to filling stadiums and corporations opening offices. Some people are tired at working from their homes. It depends on what the governor decides for their state.
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