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Sucked in on Italy for intercepting and stealing Australia's shipment of the Oxford AstraZenica, they will probably try to sell it back to us now...no wonder the UK said FU EU!
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I’m worried
You worry a lot...be happy :aaaaa: :cheers:

When I see the contrast of a repeat lockdown in Italy and uncaring young adults jammed together on the beaches of Florida I think this is not going to end well. It seems at times like some people are trying to extend the social and economic impact of the pandemic out for as long as possible either intentionally or out of sheer stupidity.
When I see the contrast of a repeat lockdown in Italy and uncaring young adults jammed together on the beaches of Florida I think this is not going to end well. It seems at times like some people are trying to extend the social and economic impact of the pandemic out for as long as possible either intentionally or out of sheer stupidity.
A year ago the experts you quote now locked us down with the prediction of 2.2 million dead from covid by October 2020 in the USA.
@Baron23 I wish I could throw caution to the wind, I’m just not like that. I used to be that way, life changes us. unexpected things happen. @arb I thought they said 200,000 to 300,000 could die? I was in shock when I heard that! It’s much worse and it’s not over. A half a million dead is a big deal.

The U,S had a few weeks lock down early on then states did what they wanted depending on the governor.
We kept hearing we are flattening the curve a year ago, we didn’t really know how bad it was but others knew.
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from the article posted above:

“Some vaccinologists point to a possible contamination of a certain batch of the vaccine as a potential explanation for the blood clots, but Trudeau said that none of the AstraZeneca doses deployed in Canada have come from the batch that's under scrutiny in Europe.”

so I guess we shouldn’t worry about possible contamination either? Just jab it!
@Baron23 I wish I could throw caution to the wind, I’m just not like that. I used to be that way, life changes us. unexpected things happen. @arb I thought they said 200,000 to 300,000 could die? I was in shock when I heard that! It’s much worse and it’s not over. A half a million dead is a big deal.

The U,S had a few weeks lock down early on then states did what they wanted depending on the governor.
We kept hearing we are flattening the curve a year ago, we didn’t really know how bad it was but others knew.
Do you need me to link the CNN,msnbc and various other news anchors saying it?
2.2 million dead in the USA.
I will if you are unable or unwilling to find it just holler.
@Baron23 I wish I could throw caution to the wind, I’m just not like that. I used to be that way, life changes us. unexpected things happen. @arb I thought they said 200,000 to 300,000 could die? I was in shock when I heard that! It’s much worse and it’s not over. A half a million dead is a big deal.

The U,S had a few weeks lock down early on then states did what they wanted depending on the governor.
We kept hearing we are flattening the curve a year ago, we didn’t really know how bad it was but others knew.

Do you need me to link the CNN,msnbc and various other news anchors saying it?
2.2 million dead in the USA.

Doom, gloom and fear mongering sells ad time.
My husband passed away unexpectedly around 3 years ago. We had been together for 42 years, life just seems a times more scary especially having lived this past year during a pandemic. Covid had been isolating for me during the first 6 months. I actually feel more hopeful now than I have for a year.

I know we all go through stuff in life. I had breast cancer the year before my husband passed away. So it feels like all this bad stuff in a short period of time. You don’t know what people are going through.
The pandemic is a reality. For me I feel like I need to do something like being proactive. Finding out as much as I can about the subject and doing my part. It makes me feel like I have some control.
Believe it or not I’ve come a long way. I’m feeling positive about the future.
My husband passed away unexpectedly around 3 years ago. We had been together for 42 years, life just seems a times more scary especially having lived this past year during a pandemic. Covid had been isolating for me during the first 6 months. I actually feel more hopeful now than I have for a year.

I know we all go through stuff in life. I had breast cancer the year before my husband passed away. So it feels like all this bad stuff in a short period of time. You don’t know what people are going through.
The pandemic is a reality. For me I feel like I need to do something like being proactive. Finding out as much as I can about the subject and doing my part. It makes me feel like I have some control.
Believe it or not I’ve come a long way. I’m feeling positive about the future.
I wish I could give you a hug.........and neither one of us got scared.
My husband passed away unexpectedly around 3 years ago. We had been together for 42 years, life just seems a times more scary especially having lived this past year during a pandemic. Covid had been isolating for me during the first 6 months. I actually feel more hopeful now than I have for a year.
I can relate... A few dozen life changers all in a short time took the wind out of my sail.. but I feel some hope.
I wish I could give you a hug.........and neither one of us got scared.
That is good reaching out @arb.... Nice! As close and sincere as one can get across cyberspace.
I had breast cancer the year before my husband passed away
"Under the bludgeonings of chance..... My head is bloody but unbowed"
Believe it or not I’ve come a long way.
You really have.
I’m feeling positive about the future.
I'm positive about your future too!
The Future
I was pretty reckless... I think a number of us here were hit hard and repeatedly.
I can't believe that I made it to now, but realize that I am on borrowed time.
That is what drives me faster and faster, the more time that passes...
I see now what old people (younger then, than I am now) meant about time.
And so close to the finish stretch... I want to still be there for many, and do not
want to be stopped cold by reckless treatment of my health.
Older has meant taking more precautions with my health.... and less concern about material things.
I can't wait to get #2!
Now that light's at end of tunnel, I am going to be more vigilant than ever after #2, and will actually quarantine myself until April 11th.
Note** I am getting that weird Deja-Vous feeling... like maybe I have said this before.
If I got chatty and repeated myself, I apologize. I am in a more comfortable frame of mind and body than many
other times.

Here is what actually happened - Marvin Hagler died TWO WEEKS ago, just minutes after the covid jab. He went down before he even left the hospital and died on the spot. The Daily Mail is making it look like he just died yesterday, but that's not what happened at all, he died in February at the vaccination site and the MSM buried it for as long as possible. Obviously, you go from the vaccination area to the ICU before you are declared dead.

He's so famous they can't hide his disappearance any longer, so they are now finally saying it, and claiming they don't know why he died. THAT would be a BIG FAT LIE (at least the daily mail admitted it), they know, and they can't have the death of such an icon be reported accurately because if it is, even the brain dead won't get their pandemic 'victory jab'...

Rip:rip:along with Hank Aaron and so many others.
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Here's some Anti Vaccine folks protesting the vaccine, that actually blocked a vaccination location, and tried to stop people from getting their inoculations.
Weirdest article ever!
Just found out Monday I was able to get the first Moderna vaccine, and now that's done.
The event was at the fair grounds, and it was packed. It was like going to a concert, but no music after you get in. It was amazing. I haven't been in a crowd that large in over a year. People were friendly and happy, and talking about how this all might be over soon. Once though the line, and in the main building, the noise was huge. So many people talking! I teared up, being among so many people wearing masks, trying to help end this terrible pandemic. I'm going back in a month for the second part. California is getting it done.
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