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Extraction Dabpress Rosin Plates

Well done @just_tHe_fLu I am really looking forward to seeing pictures of how you set it up...lucky bugger.:thumbsup:
So I found out the new pump already has the gauge so no need to buy that separately.:thumbsup:
I ended up getting the 10t and went with the 40mm puck maker and got a pack of smaller 37u bags that I will hand fill once I get to know my new toy.
A big thanks goes out to @psychonaut for making the order process easy...Paypal too nice:thumbsup:
Now, I wait patiently...and get all my other stuff together and make a little room on the workbench:cheers:
So I found out the new pump already has the gauge so no need to buy that separately.:thumbsup:
I ended up getting the 10t and went with the 40mm puck maker and got a pack of smaller 37u bags that I will hand fill once I get to know my new toy.
A big thanks goes out to @psychonaut for making the order process easy...Paypal too nice:thumbsup:
Now, I wait patiently...and get all my other stuff together and make a little room on the workbench:cheers:
How exciting, @LesPlenty ! I can't wait to see your dream set up.
My wife said ' There is your birthday present early' I replied, Na, you said I could have that S/S Dream Toolbox for my birthday.:smile:
I ended up ordering what I believe is a decent set up that will last me many years,
1x 10t Press
1x Pump to suit (comes complete with gauge)
1x 40mm Puck maker
2x 25 Pack of bags to suit buds (160a, 40mm)Puck packed
1x 25 pack of bags to suit kief (37a, 30mm)Hand packed
!x Bamboo Collection Kit
All I need to supply is parchment paper and something to squish.:thumbsup:
I like the One Stop Shop with Dabpress, makes it nice and easy and they do not price gouge for offering that service.:myday:
I have been researching presses and accessories for quite a while and some stuff out there looks like overpriced toys compared from what I can tell.:sherlock:
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I've been wanting a dab press ever since I used a straightner

The slug has got me through but want something I can do more at once without waiting for it to cool down in between 2gram presses

I do a good squish to set me for a while but the slug can take a few hours work when the dab press will do it in one go

I did heaps of research back then and knew I wanted one as they are the best priced top grade presses

Everything cheaper is not good enough
The ones that cost a lot more are not really much better

I will own one soon......
I thought about getting a slug, too, mainly for the price as we're brand new to dabs. But all my research keeps pointing me to dabpress. I just need to decide which way to go and start saving up for it.

Lots to learn about dab rigs, too. Lots to learn.
The slug is great for small amounts
But I now want to do more at a time and dabpress is it
@LesPlenty welcome to the dabpress family! :cheers: I have to say you had been the reason we worked so hard to find a pump, only in Australia had it been difficult to source the whole time, and now america it's becoming harder to find a suitable/affordable consumer grade pump. So thank you for pressing us to deliver one stop shopping on this unit :wave:

@felvapes it's our goal, give the best product at the best price to our customers! I hope our products can speak for themself. Rosineers are usually quite satisfied on day 1 :cool:

@Moses Baca when you get closer to deciding, we should talk on the phone. I can tie up any loose ends in your decision :nod:
I won the Tier one contest (didn't see the other 2 tiers oops) over on FC. 3x7 dabpress caged plates. They require the sizable h frame 10 to 20 ton shop press. I don't have one of those sitting around ....yet ! Plates arrive tomorrow. Thanks dabpress. Thanks @psychonaut
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@LesPlenty welcome to the dabpress family! :cheers: I have to say you had been the reason we worked so hard to find a pump, only in Australia had it been difficult to source the whole time, and now america it's becoming harder to find a suitable/affordable consumer grade pump. So thank you for pressing us to deliver one stop shopping on this unit :wave:

@felvapes it's our goal, give the best product at the best price to our customers! I hope our products can speak for themself. Rosineers are usually quite satisfied on day 1 :cool:

@Moses Baca when you get closer to deciding, we should talk on the phone. I can tie up any loose ends in your decision :nod:

Thanks, I look forward to it! I'm still learning and need to save up some $$ but pressing is definitely in my future.
I won the Tier one contest (didn't see the other 2 tiers oops) over on FC. 3x7 dabpress caged plates. They require the sizable h frame 10 to 20 ton shop press. I don't have one of those sitting around ....yet ! Plates arrive tomorrow. Thanks dabpress. Thanks @psychonaut


Harbor freight has a good selection of presses. If you get on their mailing list they send discount fliers frequently.

I use a 20ton with an air assist pump works great.
Happy Monday VA! Regarding our 10-ton hydraulic hand pump to pair to our hr10t35v driptech heat press machine, the details per below:


Here are the details of the pump's dimensions -

  • Capacity: 10 Ton
  • Rated PSI: 8800
  • Gross Weight: 8.4kg
  • Dimension of Package: (L) 75cm x (W) 23cm x (D) 24cm
  • Length of Pump: 23.6 inches / 60cm

Sorry for the double post, I noticed our new accessories are online.

Here's some pictures, the titanium enail kit and 7x7" heated plate to manipulate your oils while warm.

$109 - Titanium universal enail with carb cap


$109 - 7x7" sauce plate


Availability only in the China factory warehouse at this time.

Decent prices!
Just to ad to your decisions @LesPlenty
That Ti banger and carb cap look exactly like the 2 I already have.:thumbsup:

Out of the blue he'd have stuff coming every day
I still do, noticed I had ordered a bong the other day that really did function like shit, luckily the item was out of stock so I managed to cancel the order.:disgust:
Too much late night window shopping.:biggrin:
Got some tracking info for my 10t kit so must be coming soon.:clap:
@psychonaut, I like the look of the new pump you posted, so glad it was not the small field service unit.

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VGoodiez 420EDC