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It's very clean @momofthegoons

Bowls last forever on a tiny piece.
One of guys who was over for the night had never tried it.
'How do you know it's finished'
I said he'd notice the decline in vapor.
I could see his last exhale was thin so suggested he dip in the IH for a little longer.
Dirty great big exhale this time.
He was well happy, shaking his head as it went again and again.
Paid for my PSM today
waiting for the post now....
You are going to love it. Absolutely love it. :nod:

Although, if my addled memory serves me, you're one of the members playing around with the Chinese induction heater... right? (Mind you I'm still half asleep so have mercy :dog:) So the east of use with the Vapcap wont be as big of a 'surprise' to you?
You are going to love it. Absolutely love it. :nod:

Although, if my addled memory serves me, you're one of the members playing around with the Chinese induction heater... right? (Mind you I'm still half asleep so have mercy :dog:) So the east of use with the Vapcap wont be as big of a 'surprise' to you?
Yes I have an SJK and love IH with my VC
My SJK has been a bit sick so the PSM is eagerly awaited

I notice I do not use my VC anywhere near as much since torching....The PSM should hopefully bring back the joy :)
with the help of the online community i have finished replacing my one-hitter and dugout stash. i don't remember where i got each idea but i think that VA has been the most helpful. because i'm in stealth mode--at least until my daughter goes away to college and/or life a couple of years from now--i got the interplanetary development silo as an odor proof replacement for the dugout. i got the aomai flint lighter and i really like it. to carry both in a single, nondescript bugout bag i got the leatherology double pen case. the aomai barely fit at first but the leather has stretched so that now it is a nice snug fit.




some pictures
Really a sleek set up @tnt .... thanks for sharing all the links. :thumbsup:
M = 2 rip's = MAXED OUT

@Kellya86 thank's 4 the tip about the H2O adapter.
Works' like a bought one!
Stoned not MEDICATED!
OK we had a FIRE season this year & no water. (NOT ENOUGH REALLY)
Hey da WEED? (Very acceptable) outdoor grow!
Dutch Crunch (not bad actually)? = DUTCH TREAT X JACK HERER

Shout out 2 @ddave he has the good's!
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A while ago I dropped my Mini and smashed the glass, when I replaced it I noticed the original was covered in resin.
I've been aware what the reason behind it is and managed to get some footage of what's going on.
Anyone planning on taking their Mini thru customs it may be worth Iso wiping the tube, them sniffing dogs are clever little shits.

Original sound on this one so you can hear the click, Fuck The Click T shirts in the works:rofl:.
Freshly charged cells with shatter and cotton. Watch when I remove the VC from the IH.
Fuck The Click T shirts in the works

I want one....

@ataxian your welcome...

Im just not using my evo, solo or eq anymore.. as time goes on im just vapcapping exclusively now..
Not sure if thats a god or bad thing.. have 2 evos..
Should make more effort to use it..
Im banning myself from dynavap for a week to see how it goes.. im betting i fail on this..
I want one....

@ataxian your welcome...

Im just not using my evo, solo or eq anymore.. as time goes on im just vapcapping exclusively now..
Not sure if thats a god or bad thing.. have 2 evos..
Should make more effort to use it..
Im banning myself from dynavap for a week to see how it goes.. im betting i fail on this..
I use my EVO as my driver & have two.
My M I use when i want to get stoned!
VCAPS are simple and FUN 2 FUCKING get Very STONED like a caveman!
My SOLO is my driver in my TV ROOM.
@momofthegoons I pushed the cotton on that one but no scorching.
Ten seconds or there about on the heat certainly boiled up the extract nicely.
Plus I skipped an exhale between heat ups.

I'll try and find the picture I took, the glass was dirty which surprised me.

As with any bowl I run with an IH I always tamp the load back by 2mm.
The cotton was set exactly the same so I knew I could bang plenty of heat in there.
Muji organic and rated at 300°c.

@Squiby sent me over a much appreciated S&B pad but my fingers ended up covered in crap.
I'm not good with oils or powders or sticky shit you should see me if I bake.

I liked the hemp for convenience, wrapping shatter in it meant I never got gooed up. However there's a background flavour which spoils it.

No flavour from the cotton at all.

I finished that bowl this morning and the first toke was still terpy.
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VGoodiez 420EDC