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VGoodiez 420EDC
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In my experience, dry the glass all takes a little oil from vaping. With water, it tends to collect in a ring where the water ends. Also, I don't like the smell of the water after 1 session, but I'm too lazy to fuck with dumping it every session. No fun dumping water when I'm high, and when I'm not, I don't have time to replace the water lol
I hate changing H2O in a water pipe?
That is what I have clean and changed every session by someone else!

Smarter not harder = CIVILIZED!
Yep, bottled concentrate lemon juice while I wait for my lemon tree to produce, 2 drops in a normal bong (D020-d etc) and 5 drops in my Rattle-Can.
Back on topic, I just read some emails and noticed I could have pre-ordered a M19 for US$56 delivered, offer ended yesterday, oh well I did not really need another M...did I?:biggrin:
Yep, bottled concentrate lemon juice while I wait for my lemon tree to produce, 2 drops in a normal bong (D020-d etc) and 5 drops in my Rattle-Can.
Back on topic, I just read some emails and noticed I could have pre-ordered a M19 for US$56 delivered, offer ended yesterday, oh well I did not really need another M...did I?:biggrin:

Daymn nice price
Oh well, missed out for now, prob for the best I have rego due....

I use 5 - 10 drops of fresh LJ in most rigs
Works well for me
Hmm. Glass tips. 5 drops of lemon water into fresh bong water? To improve scent? Does the lemon juice have any other effect
Not for smell, although can help a bit with keeping back the stale vape smell
It's more for helping to keep the glass clean and not fog up so quickly
The citric acid helps to do this much like the branded rezblock etc use cranberry extracts

But lj is cheap, natural and the water isn't red or green

It keeps the water fresh feeling for longer to me also

I put 5-10 drops in with the clean water when filling
I love glass, must have water though
Unless j-hooking

A small piece with minimal diffusion is a nie alternative to a J hook when run dry.

Hmm. Glass tips. 5 drops of lemon water into fresh bong water? To improve scent? Does the lemon juice have any other effect

Not to improve scent but the citric acid stops the glass getting as dirty as quickly. Check out this thread for more info.
Yep, bottled concentrate lemon juice while I wait for my lemon tree to produce, 2 drops in a normal bong (D020-d etc) and 5 drops in my Rattle-Can.
Back on topic, I just read some emails and noticed I could have pre-ordered a M19 for US$56 delivered, offer ended yesterday, oh well I did not really need another M...did I?:biggrin:

I almost pulled the trigger on their last preorder day, had it in the cart and everything.. cancelled my order. don't need a new one. I'm hearing chatter people got some extra goodiez from DV with their pre orders. that's always fun. Now if a Ti model were to just so happen to come out..instabuy! take my money G ya mad engineer.

perhaps a new jhook to satiate obsessive consumerism?
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I almost pulled the trigger on their last preorder day
I was tempted as well. However I tend to agree with @Stevenski . If they release the same changes in a Ti version I'll jump. But for right now, I have all the M's I need.

I've got a couple new stems coming from @phattpiggie ... so I really wish they'd release that fictitious Ti version soon. :tongue:
I hope you share pics of your new stems!!! I can't wait to see them!!!
Oh absolutely!!! Although I have to admit one of them is abalone and might look a bit like yours. Not sure what phatts has up his sleeve with this one. :biggrin:

I just got a notice that my Glass Charlie cooling stem is out for delivery today. Looking forward to checking that out. :thumbsup:
I like to dream in Californian?
going Dry tonight after a long work day Stainless M style..
DV is pain management for real Atax!
My wife is in FRANCE!
Miss her so much!

My parents are taking care of me.
My “M” is at home and a new lighter I bought for it.

Can’t wait to use it?
ROSIN with my wax pen to be hidden!

PINEAPPLE ESPRESS during the day!

Getting by for now?

Miss my COLAS!

Living da dream da best I can!

The ABALONE STEM by @phattpiggie is very impressive!
I ordered the new M even tho i don't need more DVs. I had to see the new tip.They sent a KarmaVap as well! One to gift to a friend. Nice idea dynavap.Somebody I know just got lucky.


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VGoodiez 420EDC