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I have mixed feelings about the spinning mouthpiece. I was so excited when I first got it that I sorta chipped my tooth...I notice that when using the mouthpiece I tend to stick it in my mouth far enough to go under my teeth, which I don't do when the mouthpiece isn't there. It does give slightly cooler vapor, and it is nice that there's no rubbing against my lips when I twist. But, it's also slightly more uncomfortable in my pocket, and the vape doesn't feel as solid. I don't notice any improvement in rotating it, or for how it feels in the hand. Hmm...guess I'll use it for one of my caps at least.

has anyone on here felt the differences to be marginal at best between the 19/18M's? specifically from non beta testers.

I haven't tried the 18, but I have tried the 17M, and I don't notice much difference in airflow between 17M and 19M...maybe I'm just not that sensitive to this, or maybe I haven't had enough time to compare (I've only tried the 19 once). If this changes for me I will report back.
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I have mixed feelings about the spinning mouthpiece. I was so excited when I first got it that I sorta chipped my tooth...I notice that when using the mouthpiece I tend to stick it in my mouth far enough to go under my teeth, which I don't do when the mouthpiece isn't there. It does give slightly cooler vapor, and it is nice that there's no rubbing against my lips when I twist. But, it's also slightly more uncomfortable in my pocket, and the vape doesn't feel as solid. I don't notice any improvement in rotating it, or for how it feels in the hand. Hmm...guess I'll use it for one of my caps at least.

I haven't tried the 18, but I have tried the 17M, and I don't notice much difference in airflow between 17M and 19M...maybe I'm just not that sensitive to this, or maybe I haven't had enough time to compare (I've only tried the 19 once). If this changes for me I will report back.
Yeah I would be pissed ifo if I copiedc a tooth on a vape! I don't insert the M far enough into my mouth to touch my teeth.
Never used one of their spinning mouthpieces. I almost got a wooden one back when I bought my first vapcap, but I went with the Woody. I didn't really like putting the wood directly in my mouth. Always seemed to have white gunk from my dirty lips
no rubbing against my lips when I twist.
Why twist it when it is in your mouth, you only need to twist while heating the tip and that is usually done before you stick it in your gob.:thumbsup:
Why twist it when it is in your mouth, you only need to twist while heating the tip and that is usually done before you stick it in your gob.:thumbsup:

Sometimes I twist to control the carb airflow.I start with it covered completely and slowly make adjustments, either by sliding my finger, lifting my finget, or rotating the cap in my lips so that the carb becomes exposed partially.
Hi, i just ordered my first dynavap and was wondering What was the purpose of the condenser if so many people go without them when using aftermarket stems and bodies?
I would use a condenser in aftermarket stems as it isolates the airpath from any unwanted potential leeching of materials etc
I have never tried my omni or shadow without the condensers they come with to know the difference
Hi, i just ordered my first dynavap and was wondering What was the purpose of the condenser if so many people go without them when using aftermarket stems and bodies?

The condenser is used in conjunction with the carb hole on standard Dynavap stems. In the earlier generation tips with significantly less ariflow using the carb was a necessity. The G4/M18 & later tips don't need it as much. As for using aftermarket stems I would strongly suggest either a glass stem or something like a Phatpiggie stem that have a metal or glass airpath.
The condenser also holds the mouthpiece, allowing it to spin, if you choose one of the 'S' versions.

If you have an M you can try it without the condenser.
My omni does not spin
It screws in and out though on the condenser
It could be used without if wanted though
Never bothered to try
They work fine as is
My shadow m and my omni or the eds wooden stem and condenser

The only stem I dont use one in is the glass stem - which I use most of the time Esp indoors
@Grumpy I think most people that don't use the carb are using it in conjunction with a water piece or doing mouth pulls. I also believe most aftermarket stems that don't have a carb hole are either made from metal, glass, or if wood they have a built in condenser to isolate the air path from the wood.
In the regular stems, the condenser works in conjunction with the condenser. The M doesn't really need the condenser if you are using it with a closed carb hole. With the carb hole open and the condenser, it serves to route the air intake from the carb up to the tip, otherwise it would enter the hole and bypass the tip directly to the mouth.
people that don't use the carb are using it in conjunction with a water piece
for me glass and water is the way,
SS or TI.

Is there a huge difference between the M and an omni ?
If your bank balance has no limits then no, the differences are a matter of opinion around here,
the caveat being dopamine hits of double clicks in the cart.

feeling loose today VC filled with some Jack Herer.
good day to be alive.
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I tried it without the carb hole and didn't care for it as much. I feel like I do better feathering it . haven't tried it threw water yet I usually use my tera for that. I'm trying to only use my dynavap this week to really give it a run threw.
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VGoodiez 420EDC