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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

He brought them all out of his toy box and lined them up in front of me. I call this pic 'Expectations.' :lol:


Snow day for little one..
Cornelius final Vet visit is done... it took 2.5 hours, and he's doing great. I have tried to get candid shots of his beak, but he seems to know what I'm up to and makes photography tricky by always turning to his unaffected side when I am about to snap a photo.
This was him prior to the procedures:

As you can see the Gnathotheca had a great extension and a very sharp point as well as a razor sharp edge.
The blade has been blunted so it no longer scrapes the tongue, and the pointy edge has been muted and reduced by 35% so it does not get stuck when he eats, and can no longer hook itself on the cage, or clothing:

Close up you'll see some reddened tissue at the base of his tongue, from the measurement of where the removal was to stop.
In the second picture one can more clearly compare the removed 35% to the top image.
The actual point of the lower beak has been removed so the top and bottom no longer meet so that he can eat without placing undo force on the entire reduced lower structure:

He's eating well, and I no longer must bite or tear each piece of food for him. He is holding it in his talon, and ripping it by himself, as he munches away with impunity.

He still is joyful, and affectionate, and still loves to cuddle and dance!
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VGoodiez 420EDC