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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Roys growth...


Couple more years till he fully grown... his shell should end up about 12 inches diameter...

A photo that will remain immortal in history... taken by the photographer Anil Prabhakar in the forests of Indonesia. The photo shows an orangutan monkey (currently in danger) trying to help a geologist who fell in a mud puddle during his research.
When the photographer took the picture, he subtitled it: At a time when mankind is dying inside humans, animals lead us to the principles of humanity


Found this little fella scooting about... fuzzy....
Found this little fella scooting about... fuzzy....
This is what is often referred to as "scooting" in the states:
(I can't stop watching and laughing at these scooting gifs now, thanks...)


Human babies do it too but usually for very different reasons...

My kids will tell you, very few woolly bear (type?) caterpillars escape my grasp when once spotted by me.... For I am the Woolly Bear Whisperer.

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