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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

How is he adjusting and what's his name?
He's doing pretty darn well. Had a great night last night... we actually slept! He's a little lonely for his litter mates. But all in all... doing really good. However... we have a long long way to go towards being housebroken. :lol:

Edit for.......only one!?!
LOL... yeah... well... my husband looked at me like I was nuts when I suggested two. And frankly... this one is keeping me on my toes so it's probably a good thing.
He's doing pretty darn well. Had a great night last night... we actually slept! He's a little lonely for his litter mates. But all in all... doing really good. However... we have a long long way to go towards being housebroken. :lol:

LOL... yeah... well... my husband looked at me like I was nuts when I suggested two. And frankly... this one is keeping me on my toes so it's probably a good thing.
Gotta let him sleep in your bed........solves his lonely and wakes you up to pee.
a few leftovers on the phone if you're interested...

no idea what it's happily munching on... some kinda hunk of fruit or potato...

coupla more vids of my buds:

and this LOUD, in both "song", and industry lil mofo (sorry, Rocky was pulling on the leash)!:

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VGoodiez 420EDC