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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

Sounds just lovely! Good for ya, no reason why you shouldn’t multi-task! Lucky Numbah Seven folks, the lady is on fire! But not smoking!
I believe that the female is meant to be better at multitasking (among other things!) than their male counterpart; I’m not entirely sure I could keep it together unless the machine does most of the work. I get distracted too easily.

Enjoy the rest of your evening. They say to succeed in life, you need to make goals. I’m very impressed with your work ethic! You’ve got a solid plan and the tools to make it happen, plus the wisdom of experience to pace those dabs! I’m jealous of your choice of flavours!

Me? I’m at 5.5 with a smile on as I fade away for the night. My younger self is shaking his head in disgust at my 11:30 bedtime. :disgust:
My younger self is shaking his head in disgust at my 11:30 bedtime.
Hey... Patty and I go to bed at 10:00 p.m.
My "older self loves me for it.
Oh... BTW- I am at a 8.9 with the SSV and a strain called "Sour Kosher" ( hybrid of Sour Diesel and Kosher Kush).
Feeling much less pain!
A hung-over 7, trying to get to a nice 9, if I can manage it.:uhh:
Sitting on a good 8 and rising
Had some freshly squeezed slug rosin and some ice bubble hash in the quartzbanger
V. nice :smug:

Bin offline for a few days...few things had to deal with, also being a bit of a weedientist.......

and melting away with the new quartz banger and other toys....:whoa: rocking a good 10+ for last few days

I need to make some brownies or anzac cookies with the rest of my old batch of coconut oil too, just reminded me @momofthegoons :weed:
Getting close to 10, I feel like I had this;

Plenty for today, dare I say, I`ve got Chinese eyes:smilie-devil::sleeping:
I am at a solid 6 right now but earlier I went to a big 8.5 from a single Mighty capsule. Woah boy. You know when one just knocks you for six?
I am at a solid 6 right now but earlier I went to a big 8.5 from a single Mighty capsule. Woah boy. You know when one just knocks you for six?
sitting on a 3.5 atm
Been cruising doing house jobs all day on a nice hash quartz banger this morning - was on a 7 cruising lower atm
Time to hit a vape or 10 to get back up n chill now
Cruising at a happy 7 but thinking I will wipe myself out tonight. I don't care if I have meetings all morning from 8.00am. This needs to happen I think :buzz:. Did you have your dinner first before hitting it bigtime @felvapes? Cruise into dinner & then hit the afterburners :dog:
Cruising at a happy 7 but thinking I will wipe myself out tonight. I don't care if I have meetings all morning from 8.00am. This needs to happen I think :buzz:. Did you have your dinner first before hitting it bigtime @felvapes? Cruise into dinner & then hit the afterburners :dog:
had a few F2s
Then a couple VCs
Now gonna have a feed and maybe do some slug work and/or break out the Plenty - I have been neglecting ol plents lately....
Up to a 5.5 atm
had a few F2s
Me too, just so I could play with my new magnetic charger cable, buzzing a good 8.5, Plenty ready to go, later.
This new to me strain is still knocking me around quite nicely, must be careful.....not :biggrin::biggrin::smoke:
Me too, just so I could play with my new magnetic charger cable, buzzing a good 8.5, Plenty ready to go, later.
This new to me strain is still knocking me around quite nicely, must be careful.....not :biggrin::biggrin::smoke:
My magnetic chargers arrived other day too
Work well on phone and devices....Only problem with phone is that it is very hard to remove the bit so if I was out I could not easily use another person charger
I have one in the car though as well so Most of the time I should be okay
6 and rising now....
Time to practice with slug now....
Pickle my grandmother, I am at 9 :smoke:
Holy fuck. I haven't been this high out of a VapCap since forever. This rivals those last dabs of durban I had on my birthday. was like a 9. blackberry kush and keefy grinder scrapings with my vapcap, no distractions, just hitting the vapcap and removing the cap with a paper towel to save time. many good hits
I just had a big ball of concentrate via the Wood Scents & am flying like a hawk at 8.7 & rising. Four minutes til first bounce & I will either need another just like this at 1/4 time to calm the nerves or have had a heart attack & not need another. What will it be? Maybe another stem or two in the WS will tip me over the edge but I can't peak too early.

Happy Friday folks. I hope you all end up as trashed as I plan on being :razz2:.
Sitting on a 4.5

Had a plenty sesh with a brother today and was on a good 8.5 while walking the dog
An HRF2 on the walk back kept me going

Had a feed and down again now

just had my most successful slug making sesh yet
Got close to 20% of the 30% yields advertised....

should be on a 10 and rising soon :D
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Bad luck Hawthorn :lol::dog:...9
I hit 15 for a minute or two,,,,
shit, that was the biggest dab i have had in one hit
just finished coughing for about 5 minutes.....
what a hit....had to ride that one out for a minute :)
feel like a youngling again....lol
cruising on a steady 10 atm and riding
I now must invest in a good dab setup......torch and IR gun serving me well currently with a quartz banger

I now get rosin properly......

Can maybe see why people have the double perc glass now for bigger hits...

I just cleaned this bong it was sparkly clean

It has just had the one dab through it....

I am toasty ppl :smug::whoa::zzz:goodnight and good morning to you all
I'm off to bed
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VGoodiez 420EDC