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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

bin cruising at 4 all day
Just had a rosin hit to go bed and am straight up to 8.5
gotta finish this banger now.....wish me luck and nite all
Always bin a night owl...without weed sleep is difficult...

EDIT: Yup...the rest of the bucket did the job properly...
I'm off to bed people....flying nicely

Got my eldest daughter coming to visit tomorrow on her day off work so early start picking her up from train
Keep medicated ppl...
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9.69.....chocolate, tim tams whipped cream=:sleeping:
3:46 in the morning @felvapes , that is having a crack.:thumbsup:
I am just starting again, so only a 2:thumbsup:
Catching up now, nice relaxed 7 too.:cheers:
Faaark, I thought it was a night game, thanks for the heads up!
:partyhat::cheers:Hehe sitting on 8 now and climbing, hopefully riding that rocket later:smoke:
An hours sleep reset the clock to a low 5 but a kief bomb has fixed that back to a solid 9 :smoke:. I have one loaded but have managed to avoid it with a few green stems. That Wood Scents will be the death of me :lol:
Sitting on a 4 atm

Have a nice slug slime ready to go though and a clean piece of glass...... So should be up there shortly...

Had a brother bday yest...... Gave him the vape tour and semi converted him - absolutely rocked him by the time he had a cannacap of hash oil and then a huge dab.....

We were up in the teens I think hahaa

@LesPlenty yes it was a good run the other night/morning.....lol

Hoping to have an earlier one tonight.....
Cross faded at a 9.7
I just hit Bo Derek.....from behind, better go and have a shower before the boss gets home from work to straighten me up a bit.

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VGoodiez 420EDC