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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

8 and toasty
Brought the plenty out for the night, been neglecting ol P a bit recent

Nice tasty night

Got middle daughters year 12 graduation tomorrow so an early morning Fury2 to get me through...And sunglasses to hide the ummm red eyes - yer that will do - its not tears or anything...
Wake and vape! My headband says 9, but my body says 6. so im at a a nice 15. I need to lay down. again. may have over down it abit

Lmao @BD9

However... I may be in the same boat. I went to physical therapy and then out to the grocery store. Decided to dab once I got home and... well... one dab became three... I am at a serious 8.9999 right now and I think I might just have to have a seat and chill for a bit. But this is the first time today I haven't felt much pain so I could care less lol.

sitting on a 5
About to hit the last dab of last nights squish
Then gonna make some more slug slime.... :)
Should get me up there laters....:razz2::smug::biggrin:

Yer that last nights dab did me nicely...the next squish is just sitting looking at me on the table atm....in a while
Im toasty for the minute...lol
8 ish?
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I am a good 4/5th Fucked, Old Eagles fan, just got home from Grand Final day Aussie style, a bottle of bourbon, 3 Southern Comfort cans, 4 beers and call the cops.....I'm anybodys!:smoke::smilie-devil:
I was just drinking anything left in the bar fridge after my own Jim Beam ran out. Southern Comfort & Cola in a can, about 8% alcohol, they call it cordial in Russia.:thumbsup:
Edit, oh yeah, I'm flying high...9.5.
2 Days later and I still feel crook, I don't bounce back as fast as I used to after a bender, I will no doubt do it again this weekend like every year, Bathurst.:thumbsup:
Currently at 2, only 1 vapcap so far today.
Also still recovering from a bender two days later today....lol

Yer I could get up and do it all again once - not these days.....

Far from light weight tho - can still out do most..lol

As for the weed - I can keep up with the best of them but it doesn't wound you like the grog does these days

Sitting on a 3-4 few F2s in - bout to hit the dabs reclaim in my VC so that should up me a bit more

Watching the Koori Knockout on SBS today
Some great football - Womens game on now - they play harder then the blokes half the time :)
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VGoodiez 420EDC