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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

Do you have access to thca isolate
I do.
I like them especially in diamond form. (and powder)
Strong meds, very true, but cost prohibits me from acquiring it as often as I buy flower, and other less costly Concentrates.
I did get to dispensary today, and am now at a wonderful 9...
very good 9 also.
Zero- getting ready to batten down the hatches for more cement snow
Fire up the old Cub-Cadet to make sure its ready
At least I can keep up with it now, this thing has a gear that only track athletes could use
Wait til the storm kicks up to gauge how bad it will be before going above a 4
TX mystery pen strikes again...
I found this magic wedding cake pen in my drawer......10 solid 10 .......this shit is going to fuck my tolerance up.
And so. How are you all doing this fine Friday night? :biggrin:

Well... I'll tell you how I'm doing. I'm at about a 9.5. And loving every minute of it. Hope you're doing the same.

View attachment 24272
Mrs.arb had a few dark rum drinks and is now snoozing away.
I am gonna load up a mix of rosin and thca in the Sequoia and see how she goes......... sometimes that's just the way she goes.
View attachment 24275

Lets Partyyyyyey.....7 right now but working on it, the night is just getting started.

Balloons are getting filled and the my Adicolor tracksuit is on.... Bob Marley playing in the background

Life is great :tongue:
I feel like your tracksuit is taunting mine...........lolz.
Rosin and thca is fucking nice in the Sequoia.
Now I am wondering if that makes it diamond in sauce?
What exactly is the sauce?
If its the stuff separated out when making the thca then doesn't mixing the two together kind of defeat the point of separation in the first place?
Clearly at least a 8 and heading up.

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VGoodiez 420EDC