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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

Alright, so, admittedly I have no Idea what this scale really is... is a "10" the highest you've ever been or the highest you're currently able to get? These are two very different things to me... one is something from the past that can never be reached or attained ever again, spoiled by age, wisdom and experience. The other, "Nirvana", a somewhat mythical yet achievable state... Either way, I'm at a .5 and I'm gonna load up a fat dab of Peanut Butter Breath LR and top it off with a cap or 2 Wedding Crashers... I'll be up there, 7-9, easy... After all, It's 10AM and still only 7F out there and not supposed to get above 16F all day... nothing better to do...!

Edit: And what do you call being OS'd or "over-stoned", or, as I used to like calling it, cuz it so rarely if ever happens these days, being "more stoned than you want to be"? Is that an "11"...? (not to be confused with "Dorkin" or "Nirvana")

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6...I just got a proper keyboard and lapboard(Corsair k63 wireless) makes typing a lot easier than the tiny bluetooth job I had...now I have to build a gaming computer to match!
View attachment 23815
South Pole is close to your location?
When I was down in SOUTH AMERICA that looked like the place to explore?
So warm on the pale blue dot (wetsuit’s have no function in the ocean at it’s surface?
AIR CONDITIONERS made living possible in warm environments?
Early 70’’’’’’s PC’S had no hard drive’s or random access memory?
DAZEd , cOnFuSion was cool once?
Computer Shopper was as big as a phone book when they were first issued, however smaller today?
Black & green monochrome screen before color & pixel count’s?
Stop ranting !
Level UNCIVIL actually?
South Pole is close to your location?
When I was down in SOUTH AMERICA that looked like the place to explore?
So warm on the pale blue dot (wetsuit’s have no function in the ocean at it’s surface?
AIR CONDITIONERS made living possible in warm environments?
Early 70’’’’’’s PC’S had no hard drive’s or random access memory?
DAZEd , cOnFuSion was cool once?
Computer Shopper was as big as a phone book when they were first issued, however smaller today?
Black & green monochrome screen before color & pixel count’s?
Stop ranting !
No goddamn phone books in motel rooms anymore?
Alright, so, admittedly I have no Idea what this scale really is... is a "10" the highest you've ever been or the highest you're currently able to get? These are two very different things to me... one is something from the past that can never be reached or attained ever again, spoiled by age, wisdom and experience. The other, "Nirvana", a somewhat mythical yet achievable state... Either way, I'm at a .5 and I'm gonna load up a fat dab of Peanut Butter Breath LR and top it off with a cap or 2 Wedding Crashers... I'll be up there, 7-9, easy... After all, It's 10AM and still only 7F out there and not supposed to get above 16F all day... nothing better to do...!

Edit: And what do you call being OS'd or "over-stoned", or, as I used to like calling it, cuz it so rarely if ever happens these days, being "more stoned than you want to be"? Is that an "11"...? (not to be confused with "Dorkin" or "Nirvana"
For me, it's a scale based on my current state and tolerance. Everything is relative and mutable :newspaper:
is a "10" the highest you've ever been or the highest you're currently able to get?
I call 10 when I chuck a whitey or I come to with a busted bong in front of me and wonder where I am, luckily that only happens about once a week nowadays :rofl:
I call 10 when I chuck a whitey or I come to with a busted bong in front of me and wonder where I am, luckily that only happens about once a week nowadays :rofl:
CANNABIS a 6 usally
Coke afraid
Mushroom’s a 7 however in the 70’s of the last century.
If the THC is 29% and no seed’s a 10 can be reach?
CDB is decent for light or hesitation?
10 level is close 2 coma (induced)
My kid’s surf 50 foot wave’s and they say I’m FUCK UP?
Loook who is calling the kettle black!
Just came down from the chocolate milk I made last night and drank this afternoon
My tolerance is almost non existent, so no numerical scale just a great green out
Watched citizen Kane on TMC for 100th time, never miss it if its on
Maybe some gaming and a little boost before bed
Was suppose to shoot a video but my neighbor is doing his sewer line and it is a bit loud
Poor folks just put a new lawn in their yard this past summer
yeah, or being OS'd... I think the kids call that "greening out" now... See, that is not a "10" to me, a "10" to me would be a desired state.
I call that state nappy for Papi.
Crazy day today should have stayed here posting.........my mistake was looking up.
"How does his weiner smell"......... the vet asked me that and then things got all fucky.
Ever seen a bull that stepped on his pecker and broke it......then dragged it around through the sagebrush and barb wire for what appears to be several days.
Bull is oddly enough a bit cranky and only has murderous intent which makes reaching under and gently massaging it...........unwise no matter how tempting it may be.
Prices are down like a motherfucker so.........win win.
Screw this... it's almost 11AM and still only 12F out... 2nd day of this shit. Wife's at work til 6:30. Kids are still asleep. Dog is snoring loudly under like 20 blankets. I just stuffed a bagel, lox and cream cheese w/a giant vitamix yogurt/fruit smoothie... and now I have 6 dif types of flower and 4 types of "loud" resin in front of me and all my gear is clean... I'm shooting for a freakin TEN... wtf that may be...

Enjoy your Saturdays!

Got To Get You Into My Life (Remastered 2009)

The Beatles song Paul McCartney wrote as an ode to marijuana

Update: 2 big dabs in and I'm cruisin' already... I just decided to torch a SiC pearl and drop it into ISO to see what would happen (yup, that stoned) but before I could, the reverse tweezers thingy unsprung cuz of the heat or whatever and it shot across the room... in a 52 year old basement... at least it wasn't crazy hot yet...I looked too for a bit vainly with a flashlight... GONE... Ha. Oh well, down to 4 now unless it magically turns up, stranger things have happened. Enough dabs for now... flower-time.
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In no way was a "10", "Nirvana", "Greenout" or "Dorkin" ever obtained... I'm pretty sure I lost interest focusing on trying around an 8 or so and just decided to completely clean and reorganize my vape-pit.

Busted out the whip to use with the SP Mini-globe this morning, give it a go again, why not..? Gonna start off with a dab of Prenup lr and a cap of PoonTang... happy 4:20!

Edit: and it's 2F out right now and we're supposed to get a foot to 18" of snow monday.... yay...

Safely in at a "6" and currently maintaining altitude an hour before sunrise... just me, the dog, crappy "French vanilla" coffee (don't ask), tunes and plenty of cannabis products... niiice!

Almost FORGOT...! Obligatory Beatles related vid/tune:

The Beatles - Get Back (2021, HD)
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VGoodiez 420EDC