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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

Never folded anything
The exact opposite for me
While skating and doing a crossover I caught a rut in the ice and injured everything around my instep and a small fracture on the side of my foot
Injury has followed me for a couple of decades, that's what I recently aggravated, turns out the high ankle sprain was more painful
I am gonna turn this body back in used beyond salvage when I am done here.
Pharmacological remedy me indeed.
I am generally awake by 5:30 or 6 a.m.
I do not know why, but I went back to sleep after letting Dusty go out to poop.... an extreme rarity for me.
It was 6:05 a.m..
I slept later than ever, until 10:00 in the morning.
I just vaped 3 wands of Biscotti with my SSV.
8.5.... but that will improve.
Mission Statement is: "10"
Mission Statement is: "10"
Mission Statement has been realized, and accomplished.
I am leaning towards amputation of both
For a full 3 years after the coma (I had broken all bones in my body except Skull, Rt Arm, & Rt Leg), I begged them to amputate my left leg.
My M.D. of 40 years talked me out of it. He explained that I would have to wait the pain out... for any pain that you register at time of amputation,
will become phantom pain for an extremely long time.
I did wait it out. The pain never did diminish, but over the last 17 years, I have learned to live with the pain, spasticity, and control issues.
"It" even has a name. It is called "The Snake".
In spite of the discomfort, I am now happy that I waited... and have both of my legs.

No just sprung apart for lack of a better term it seems to have our local foot specialist stumped for a fix.
I am leaning towards amputation of both and replacing with spring steel.

Cyborg that shit!
Steve Austin The Adjusted for Inflation Man (Google says adjusted would be 28 billion)
Kidnap you and sell on eBay!!!!

Edit: obviously around a 9
I am leaning towards amputation
I have heard to amputate at the neck fixes most problems...
I am only a few dabs in for the day...5ish
Are you up there right now?? That's awesome! I canoed with a buddy once from Rockwood to the shore on Kineo to get stoned one morning... and the water was like GLASS the whole way, which is SUPER rare (when not frozen, of course) up there.... you should go checkout Moxie Falls if the snow isn't too deep. It would be cool to see frozen!


Unfrozen Moxie Falls pic

And DOOD, you gotta "play it off legit" like I do all the time... In this case, I woulda just gone back added something like .... "and after 2 balloons of GMO, and a fat slice of THC zucchini bread, I'm hovering miles above enjoying the view of Moosehead AND Kineo...! EASY TEN!"..... and then wait to gobble up all them tasty "LIKES".....!

(I kid.... kinda)

I wonder if the tower is still on top
That thing scared the crap out of everybody
Once the wind kicks up at 3pm it was a ride

We stayed in old mill campground until it closed, became a private mooring
Did Casey's on Spencer bay on the east side and finally cabin in rockwood
Went every year for 10 years and then the developers descended and it became toxic

Ever go to the original Road Kill Cafe? One of the best experiences ever, our waiter pretty much ate dinner with us
Wife did a painting from a picture taken from a primitive site at old mill campground
Edit: about a seven, just added some crumble and 2 new strains or whatever the reference is suppose to be
Wife commented on my merciless assault on the English language
Grammar, syntax,punctuation,,,,,,,,,, vocabulary.........sorry, sister Margaret Mary is warming up the 18 inch ruler with the metal edge right now
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I wonder if the tower is still on top
That thing scared the crap out of everybody
Once the wind kicks up at 3pm it was a ride

We stayed in old mill campground until it closed, became a private mooring
Did Casey's on Spencer bay on the east side and finally cabin in rockwood
Went every year for 10 years and then the developers descended and it became toxic

Ever go to the original Road Kill Cafe? One of the best experiences ever, our waiter pretty much ate dinner with us
Wife did a painting from a picture taken from a primitive site at old mill campground
View attachment 25019
Edit: about a seven, just added some crumble and 2 new strains or whatever the reference is suppose to be
Wife commented on my merciless assault on the English language
Grammar, syntax,punctuation,,,,,,,,,, vocabulary.........sorry, sister Margaret Mary is warming up the 18 inch ruler with the metal edge right now
Nuns and knuckles.........lolz.
It's one of those nights where I can't sleep ( now 5 a.m.), so vaping as a last resort. Vaping kief with flower, hoping it helps faster. At a 7.
Ever try just a thin layer of grind on the CCD (tamped) then totally filled with all keif (I use grinder keif, as purchaing it is usually too expensive, even if it's not "bubble")..? I then lightly tamp that below the edge if the tip... no further need for a slice of "toast" (grind) on top to complete the sammie... Cuz it's basically a mixture of all kinds of trichomes (and I get mostly Indies these days), I find I receive a rather "heavy" albeit somewhat nondescript buzz and can help to knock me out... good luck either way!

I'm at a 1... the new IH (Hotshot) is charging... tough to run the battery down three full cycles when you mostly vape alone (recommended battery conditioning) and still stay conscious... So it's back to old skool fire... I just got a little wickless alcohol burner for camping... it's kinda cool figuring out how to make it make a vapcap provide... so primitive, I feel like a caveman! Think I'll start the days festivities (I lie, there are no "festivities") with caps of Wedding Cake... I'll check back in here when I begin to maintain cruising altitude...

The Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame
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Ever try just a thin layer of grind on the CCD (tamped) then totally filled with all keif (I use grinder keif, as purchaing it is usually too expensive, even if it's not "bubble")... then lightly tamp that below the edge if the tip... no further need for a slice of "toast" (grind) on top to complete the sammie...? Cuz it's basically a mixture of all kinds of trichomes (and I get mostly Indies these days), I find I receive a rather "heavy" albeit somewhat nondescript buzz and can help to knock me out... good luck either way!

I'm at a 1... the new IH (Hotshot) is charging... tough to run the battery down three full cycles when you mostly vape alone (recommended battery conditioning) and still stay conscious... So it's back to old skool fire... I just got a little wickless alcohol burner for camping... it's kinda cool figuring out how use to make a vapcap provide... so primitive, I feel like a caveman! Think I'll start the days festivities (I lie, there are no "festivities") with caps of Wedding Cake... I'll check back in here when I begin to maintain cruising altitude...

The Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame

I'll try that method next. I've got five grinders that I'm trying to clear kief out of, and the project got side tracked when I caught pneumonia. Can't say I've ever bought kief, it just seems to show up.
So, I harvested in September, earlier than I wanted too because of ash from The Fires. I managed to save most of it, and all was uneventful in drying and curing. The only thing is, I haven't tried the 2020 crop yet. I've been trying to get through the 2019 stuff, and today I finally gave up on that, and tried Cakewalk from 2020.
I am so high.
I kept trying to get to VA, would forget why I was here, wander off, check the weather, wander back, get lost, and forget everything linking these actions. Cakewalk 2020 is like anesthesia for parts of the brain. It's pretty sticky, and I'm feeling pretty dumb.
I can't pick a number, it's so hopeless because I plan to get higher, and that will be the more accurate number, as that will be happening immediately.

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VGoodiez 420EDC