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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

I'm in the process of jamming down 2 maybe 3 caps of GMO x I-95... already used up the Hotshot IH earlier and it's still not done charging so I'm using the single flame Honest torch that came free with the new M, old Omni Ti tip w/the new captive cap from the M, Ddave water wand, Aqualabs Mini-Wax Rig and about 3 tablespoons of water... No idea where I'll end up cuz I'll be unconscious when I get there. Should be back up around 2.....

I'm in the process of jamming down 2 maybe 3 caps of GMO x I-95... already used up the Hotshot IH earlier and it's still not done charging so I'm using the single flame Honest torch that came free with the new M, old Omni Ti tip w/the new captive cap from the M, Ddave water wand, Aqualabs Mini-Wax Rig and about 3 tablespoons of water... No idea where I'll end up cuz I'll be unconscious when I get there. Should be back up around 2.....

Do they make them things in grown up sizes?

What a wild and wooly week so far and still the weekend to go.
Definitely converted another decades long smoker to vaping only.
Started with a solo and now she has a e-nano and a couple bubblers.
Super glad she has some serious respiratory problems that I suspect are gonna start improving.
I am also feeling pretty good about how well the Underdog Alpha units are doing with the new owners.
Nice people with what I think may be the best vape on the market I just hope their quality stays high with the increased volume........I also suspect that's a non issue.
Mrs.arb made chocolate chip cookies and we wormed all the cats and dogs today............winning.
9-10 and shooting for a solid 13.
Do they make them things in grown up sizes?

What a wild and wooly week so far and still the weekend to go.
Definitely converted another decades long smoker to vaping only.
Started with a solo and now she has a e-nano and a couple bubblers.
Super glad she has some serious respiratory problems that I suspect are gonna start improving.
I am also feeling pretty good about how well the Underdog Alpha units are doing with the new owners.
Nice people with what I think may be the best vape on the market I just hope their quality stays high with the increased volume........I also suspect that's a non issue.
Mrs.arb made chocolate chip cookies and we wormed all the cats and dogs today............winning.
9-10 and shooting for a solid 13.
Now I need chocolate chip cookies. I was totally unprepared for this. Not that I can't make cookies. Who doesn't keep stuff to make cookies on hand? I just kind of thought I'd be making oatmeal raisin, or sugar cookies. Easter is coming soon, and sugar cookies are so cute when they look like bunnies. I did figure there would be more time. I even bought new cookie cutters. Just because you can make cookies, doesn't mean you should make cookies. Sometimes it's wise to let months go by between bouts of baking. There are other snacks.
There, I think I talked myself out of baking cookies at near midnight.
I am so stoned, I am talking to mtself out loud on a forum.
I'd say 8.
There was kief involved.
I had 2 thumbnail sized buds left of Gorilla Glue#4, and it was the oldest strain present so I decided to grind it all. it filled my SSV wand three times, and was going to post a 9... stopped to grab a quick dab of Black Mamba Crumble.. and, ----->"10"
It is a good happy with life "10".
I can nurse this 10 along, and keep it there for a good few hours.

4 right now....up since midnight finishing some stuff I should have finished yesterday.
Fucked off way too much this week, paid the price having to work Saturday....all on me, the trail was calling
She is still sleeping, passed out after an ABV smoothie yesterday at 7pm...her first week at a new job, the poor thing is tired she deserves it.
Let’s go! Saturday is finally here bonghit
Big fat zero
Had to do fence repair after the wind storms

Earned an Ardent fx decarboxylator since I got banished from the oven for smelling up the neighborhood after a big batch decarb for tincture
Now it will take me several days to decarb a quarter pound, yeah!?
My stoner thought process was that a windy day would help clear the house of the smell of a big batch decarb, it did
Wife smelled it at the end of the driveway while getting the mail
When the mouth opens and nothing comes out, BIG trouble
I'm at a 2, and it's my own darned fault, and I am not happy about it. :mad:
I started the first vape of the day with this

and my Apollo. Things started OK, that is, the first cycle was over...except it wasn't. I was staring horrified at the tip in the IH, a tip with no click. Far too late, of course. I'm not one to let my mistakes hang around long, so I had to clean everything right away. I decided to burn off the screen, had to hunt down tweezers to hold it, grabbed the screen and moved it to the flame on the stove and...it wasn't there. In the few inches from the counter to the flame, the screen vanished into thin air.
Just in case it didn't vanish, but rather jumped, I searched the counter, stove top, floor. I swept the floor, because no matter what I do, there is cat fur and kibble near the kick plate. Sometimes a cat toy hides in the hair. With 6 cats, the floors are a daily chore. If I'm sweeping, I'm mopping, so after I sorted through the debris in the dust pan and found no screen, I mopped. That's fine. It was time. I know it sounds like it would be more fun to mop stoned, but I've tried it both ways many, many times, and it doesn't matter. Mopping blows either way, but I'm old enough to have been trained that a clean house is a moral imperative, and I felt remorse and shame over the Cat Kibble and the Vanishing Vape Screen, so I mopped unmedicated, save for the vape wispies from before the Combustion Event. As if the vanishing screen wasn't enough punishment.
So the only reason I say I'm at a 2, is because of last night, and the 10 hang over. I whould have written then, but I was having too good of a time.
And that screen did, in fact, vanish into thin air. It is nowhere to be found, and long gone, and it was one of those nice mesh screens from @ddave, too.
And that screen did, in fact, vanish into thin air. It is nowhere to be found...
I am witness to vanished "Adventurine Heart". It dropped and I searched the kitchen... moved everything.
I searched that kitchen for a week, and the heart and it's healing properties were destined to be a part of the house forever.. nothing lost!
Please do not be put-off by my talking aloud here. I will state the obvious in effort to help you think.
I respect you and your thoroughness totally, you obviously being bright and methodical.
  1. Don't forget to lift the "hood" (top of stove).. to inspect that dirty base area under the burners.
  2. Some recent gas stoves do not have that space, but have elevated flames. ( I hate them because fans and breezes affect the flame's integrity).
  3. Check your hair completely?
  4. Garments completely?
  5. Did you approach the stove, tweezers in hand with the screen in tweezers? Could it have fallen out of the tweezers approaching stove... with you beginning the burn with a phantom screen?EDIT:
  6. I forgot... I am at a pleasant 5... waiting till dinnertime to pull out the big guns. (Skunk Hero/Afgahni kush)
The screen was on the counter top, picked up, and moved over to the flame about ten inches away. Alas, there is no under the burner. I did a fair search, except for my hair, which I wear pinned up, and I'm more inclined to think a screen can vanish than jump on top of my head.
It's fine. I buy screens and other small things that aren't fun ( I don't enjoy O-rings) but are needed when I buy the fun stuff. Vanishing screen events trigger the use of a fresh, new screen, and I get to feel good for thinking ahead and having screens on hand.
I've also lost enough earrings to know if you don't find it right away, you might as well start shopping for a new pair. There will still be anguish, but you have to move on and give up false hope.
I did once find a diamond stud after 4 days lost, but it was a one off.
Now I am at a 6, but I'm chain vaping now to pull ahead.

Thank you for your concerned advice, @Vitolo. I can't say I'm bright, but I can for sure say I'm not methodical. If I were, I wouldn't have charred my weed. I start day dreaming, and Poof!
I'll do better for awhile, but one day I will forget the click. My best hope it that it will be awhile between events.
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It's fine.
I'm sure it is.
It was simply an exercise...... A delving into Dramatic Mystery Investigation, lived vicariously through your eyes,
by an old and fairly well elevated old dude....
I currently am playing on the 7th floor of this 10 story Nuthouse of Medicated frolic.
I be on the 10th floor in no time flat.
Trying diligently to polish off some Second Breakfast (under a yellow cfl) now before heading North for freshies... usually meet sometime between 10-12 and should take no more than 1.5 hours each way (not including stopping for tax free "goodies" in NH!). Using the IH ALL DAY today, on and off the wall/dash... I'm at a 3 at best... it's all gonna change soon as I only have time to kill... no limit for a while as far as I can see


LIFT Innovations medium sifting disc
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VGoodiez 420EDC