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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

So, the larger point is, there could be ANYTHING in there... like fentanyl and nothing weed derived at all... or it could be fine and CLOSE to what it says it is.... who knows...?
I think your giving it too much credit
Avoid at all costs
There were several bars that I tossed and passed the info to my sister
Not worth taking a chance
Apparently the cost is close to the cost of Heroin so I looked up street price of Heroin
  • The average cost of heroin is $15-20 for a single dose (0.1g).
  • Someone with heavy tolerance may spend upwards of $200 every day to maintain their addiction.
  • The effects of heroin can be felt for 2-6 hours, peaking at 2 hours.
I found the correlation to street price of Heroin by the kg vs. a kg of Fentanyl at:
Yes it is surely a great deal more costly than cannabis.
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I am high enough to see manbearpig :weed: 9.9
Apparently the cost is close to the cost of Heroin so I looked up street price of Heroin
  • The average cost of heroin is $15-20 for a single dose (0.1g).
  • Someone with heavy tolerance may spend upwards of $200 every day to maintain their addiction.
  • The effects of heroin can be felt for 2-6 hours, peaking at 2 hours.
I found the correlation to street price of Heroin by the kg vs. a kg of Fentanyl at:
Yes it is surely a great deal more costly than cannabis.
Is it tho? as opposed to growing, extracting cannabis? A tiny bit of fentanyl goes a LONG way, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is why it is 20x more profitable than heroin in the data shown... sprinkle a few tiny grains on an edible and see what the effects are...
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Is it tho? as opposed to growing, extracting cannabis? A tiny bit of fentanyl goes a LONG way, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is why it is 20x more profitable than heroin in the data shown) ... sprinkle a few tiny grains on an edible and see what the effects are...

Really ??? Whats going on here.. are we now lacing our flower with pharmaceutical drugs ??
Not my cup of tea.....
You don't seem to know how the black !market works.........lolz.
Spent decades in said market and the fastest way to end up chopped is bait and switch.
The first time you pulled some shit like that especially in bulk........better be the time you move far the fuck away.
Just my experience anyways.....carry on.
I what...?

you did what 50 billion years ago...? and at what level?

welcome to 2021, buddy... and the wonderful world of snapchat plugs.

"lolz" indeed :nut:

And to add to the topic at hand:

Last summer, my wife came to me freaking out at about 9-10pm one Sunday evening saying that our daughter is "od'ing" and that I may need to drive her to the hospital (she drinks, I don't). Turns out she ate a tiny corner of an edible packaged EXACTLY like one of these on the left:


and was freaking out OS'd, having a panic attack etc... and I was able to talk her down (more importantly her mother down...) with humor and snacks and we avoided the hospital... BUT I confiscated it, and I had to try it to see what it was (she purchased it from a neighborhood snapchat plug)... well, I ate about half and I was def VERY stoned in a non-cannabis way... much more opiate-like with the waves of nausea etc and lasted waaaaay longer into the next day... remember, though I don't prefer them, I have had PLENTY of experience with edibles over the years (opiates, too)... :twocents:

Mod note: posts merged
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9:35 a.m.
Finished 3 loads of laundry, cleaned house, cut my hair, and I am ready to leave this now "0" level, and start climbing.
I think I'll start with a dab of Indica shatter "Rookies" (not Glories... a separate strain)
and move on from there.
The dab took me to 3. Now I have a platform I can build upon!
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The dab took me to 3. Now I have a platform I can build upon!
And a few loads of Guava 2 in a Mighty... has me at a strong 7.
I'll be OK folks.... I can find my way from here!
I bought several grams of oil, I had some points I used at the bud shop today, saved 10%. Using some orange creamsicle. I’m at a 7+. Feeling very tired even though it’s only 8:30. It’s been a busy week. Hung some little sparkly lights on the back porch. All set for spring and summer. Also bought some flowers, for the yard.
Happy Friday!
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VGoodiez 420EDC