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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10


8 thin mintz, burning an all nighter on live deployment .....smooth and buttery

Ok, I am at a zero trying to figure the Ditanium out
Fast delivery from Planet of the Vapes and the best price I could find without driving myself crazy with coupons etc......and it was in stock
Bubbler/percolator/bong/vase is on the way

Everything seems so much bigger in the pics on the site
Mc Nugget fuckeded... close to a 10...no more bourbon...Tea, dabs, chocolate and bed. :zzz:
Now I see what you guys are going on about

Fits nicely into my bong but the bubbler will be better
Fast onset and the taste is so much better
You get one flavorful bag with the volcano then the rest tastes like old shoe

Need a few titanium tools
I think the glass piece is not suppose to be left attached to the base for more than 30 seconds when not in use

You sip the vapor, much like the magic flight box if anyone ever had one
About a 6 on some practice vapes

Impressive, Obi Wan has taught you well

Edit:You can sip and you can rip
Found the sweet spot 9+
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Went to a pub yesterday as they are open again now.. not been to a pub in over a year..
Had some nice food and drank in the sun all day...
Drinking something called a zombie.. was very nice.. rum i think.??
Anyway came home half cut.. got the dmt out.. not done it with alcohol before..
It makes the body feeling less intense.. far more manageable..
And the visuals were more normal acid trip like.. again more bearable...
Was a nice experience..

Today im sleepy, alcohol fucks my sleep..
Had a few vapcaps.. at a nice 6...
Too much an ill be k.o.
This morning the dispensary had Venom Distillate Syringes at a great price.
I like to pay no more that $10 per 100mg... and I need 300 - 500mg to have benefits.
I feel I am getting a bargain when it is 1000 mg at $50 - $100
This was $30 for 1000.
I tried a squirt... and ran back to dispensary to get another.
cheapest store-bought 1000mg I ever found.
Solid 10!
About a 5
Doing small amounts of flower to micro dose
Still a little unsure about concentrates on the ditanium
Looks like I will need to buy an extra concentrate to practice

I figured I would eventually invest in a concentrate system
Is this where the coils come into play?

Will do an edible soon and then play around with my dosing

Tree work and chainsaws this week
About a 5
Doing small amounts of flower to micro dose
Still a little unsure about concentrates on the ditanium
Looks like I will need to buy an extra concentrate to practice

I figured I would eventually invest in a concentrate system
Is this where the coils come into play?

Will do an edible soon and then play around with my dosing

Tree work and chainsaws this week
What coils are you referring to?
I think I am decidedly a dry dabberdoo as it seems so much.......easier.
What coils are you referring to?
I think I am decidedly a dry dabberdoo as it seems so much.......easier.

In some set ups I've seen there appears to be a coil like device surrounding some glass or quartz
I figured this was some sort of heating element
Very new to all of this so starting on the ground floor and rarely know what I'm looking at in some of the pics
In some set ups I've seen there appears to be a coil like device surrounding some glass or quartz
I figured this was some sort of heating element
Very new to all of this so starting on the ground floor and rarely know what I'm looking at in some of the pics
View attachment 26984
I see now........yes that is a heating coil.
I was wondering where one was on the ditanium is all.

Ditto (I'm at an 8.5 working' my way back to you, 10...)
I suspect our FedEx guys are at a 10 also as they have driven a package of ours back and forth across Montana 4 times now.......super excited to see where they take it tomorrow.
Mrs.arb say dry dabs taste better and are easier on her lungs plus no swabbing.
Time will tell on that one could be a temporary thing that girl loves some dabs.
Awesome Sunday here I hope you all's was as well........was drizzly though.

I think I am decidedly a dry dabberdoo as it seems so much.......easier.

Lazy heathens :rofl:
The only time I have dry dabs is when portable...looking to change that too!
Wet dabs today...I need that exhaust note!
7.5...only early:dog:

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VGoodiez 420EDC