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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Vape Linx Eden


Guess what I got!
Received my Linx Eden today. I have it charging up, seems to feel solid to hold. It’s loaded with several accessories. There’s also 3 weed screens I forgot to include in the pic. The screens shown are for concentrates, very awesome!

The little black ring is rubber and you can put it on the bottom so you don’t scratch your table but it probably makes it more stable as well. It did look to be partially charged up but I haven’t tried it out yet. Charging up now!

I will be reporting back. Thank you Linx.:cheers:
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View attachment 10704
Guess what I got!
Received my Linx Eden today. I have it charging up, seems to feel solid to hold. It’s loaded with several accessories. There’s also 2 weed screens I forgot to include in the pic. The screens shown are for concentrates, very awesome!

The little black ring is rubber and you can put it on the bottom so you don’t scratch your table but it probably makes it more stable as well. It did look to be partially charged up but I haven’t tried it out yet. Charging up now!

I will be reporting back. Thank you Linx.:cheers:

Oh cool!!!

Tracking showed mine to be delivered today, but our local post office is not noted for their efficiency, lol. I look forward to your review Carol.
Pretty cool,
I got my LINKS!
Their in CALIFORNIA so maybe it take’s longer for the post?
Tomorrow is all day testing!
Good for you, @ataxian. I can't wait to hear about your experience with the Linx Eden. It was most generous of @Linx Vapor to have sent you one.
@CarolKing, how fun that it got there! Have fun testing. I can't wait to hear what you think.

A very nice owners manual included. It comes with three glass mouth pieces that feel and look to be thick enough glass.
The session turns off after 4 min. I did 2 - 4 min. sessions. I’m not a cloud chaser, I didn’t get huge clouds and I used the highest temp. which is 428 degrees, rather hot for flowers. I’m definitely at a nice 7.5 out of 10. I did take a picture of the ABV. I filled the oven up all the way too. Later I will do more testing.
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@Baron23 I am also disappointed as I would have liked to try this due to being convection based, I was asked by Boundless to test their latest cheapy before it came out a while back, I declined as it was just another convection heavy small herb slow cooker (I have enough of them).
So, @CarolKing how do you find the flavor so far?
Especially looking forward to @ataxian view on flavor as his taste requirements seem similar to mine..:thumbsup:
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@felvapes :smile::smile::smile:,
@CarolKing the silver colour looks spiffy, and it feels as good as it looks you say, not plasticky, take note S&B.:myday:
@felvapes :smile::smile::smile:,
@CarolKing the silver colour looks spiffy, and it feels as good as it looks you say, not plasticky, take note S&B.:myday:
It feels solid and somewhat heavy but not too heavy. The first 4 min session was the tastiest. Good flavor. I feel I can’t get all the goodies out of my flowers. Cant get any more vapor but the ABV isn’t completely dark and dried. After 2 - 4 min sessions the end gets hot and the mouthpiece is warm but not hot. The unit needs to cool off in my opinion after a couple of 4 - min sessions (8 min) on red back to back.

It’s really cool looking when it’s heating up with the synchronized light show.:sunbathing:
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I actually just found a card at my door for a missed delivery this morning
It says to felvapes so I'm assuming it is from here and my linx
They must have tapped on the door so lightly for me not to hear it
Anyway I can go pick it up in a couple of hours so we'll see :)
I actually just found a card at my door for a missed delivery this morning
It says to felvapes so I'm assuming it is from here and my linx
They must have tapped on the door so lightly for me not to hear it
Anyway I can go pick it up in a couple of hours so we'll see :)
How exciting, @felvapes ! In a few hours, you will have a Linx Eden! That seems quick to Australia. Good job, @Linx Vapor for speedy delivery.
Mine got here this evening. I'll unbox tomorrow so I'm ready for the review. This is such fun!
How exciting, @felvapes ! In a few hours, you will have a Linx Eden! That seems quick to Australia. Good job, @Linx Vapor for speedy delivery.
Mine got here this evening. I'll unbox tomorrow so I'm ready for the review. This is such fun!
I thought the same, very quick post to ausland
Look forward to testing and giving feedback
So, I just got to the depot in time
Thank goodness as waiting till monday would suck
Not that it would worry me if I didn't know it was there as I didn't expect it so soon
But knowing it's there all weekend would niggle at me all weekend

So, firstly - super quick post for me to get mine the same day as ppl in US
Well done at addressing the issue from your ex employee and we'll done at the Super quick post from when I got my tracking number

I think those that only recently gave motg their details should get theirs soon enough as others seem to be getting them as of now
I'm not that stressed as others because I got a free vape I never asked for......Linx honoured a deal that wasn't meant to be offered so kudos from me

I've seen ppl defend other critics/business with a lot of gusto when ppl have said things so maybe we give linx the benefit of the doubt and a chance - multiple issues and we can start to make assessment on their behaviour

Now the vape -

It was half charged on arrival, I currently have it on charge before testing so will get back to you all then with feedback

It arrived with all the stuff as @CarolKing pictured

It has 3 spare glass MPs and if they get too hot as mentioned above there is 3 silicone tubes that fit over the glass

Also as pictured above it has a silicone black tube to go on outside - this will help with drops or heat to touch also

I think the black ring is actually for the cap to make the tube a complete case and heat shield as opposed to for the bottom

Mine is also silver unless in the black case :)

Feels good and solid
It is not plastic looking or feeling @LesPlenty as it is not made of plastic
Metal body/finish to it :thumbsup:

So looks good, construction good, nice accessories and covers

Yet to try
Watching the last light blink while charging as I type eagerly awaiting full charge so I can try it out :smoke:

Feedback on how well it performs yet to come

Oh and unlike most every other vape I own
It doesn't smell on opening the box

When I opened the envelope which had the instructions in it - that had the hugest robot fart new vape smell all contained in that....lol

Reading the instructions stank

But the box and vape is all good
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Well done at addressing the issue from your ex employee

Well, not entirely.

However, they do seem to get all of their sales email adverts into both of my email addresses so I guess there is that....sigh. :shakehead:
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Well, not entirely.

However, they do seem to get all of their sales email adverts into both of my email addresses so I guess there is that....sigh. :shakehead:
Once you are on a mailing list you get those via an automated system
You've bought off them before so that would solve that

I think you will get one as you only gave motg your details other day

I have had a hard time getting a reply from boundless recently but they got back to me and fixed me up

Sometimes it takes a bit to fix problems and catch up

It's not like we ordered and paid for these....

I don't have so much salt for them yet

They need to fuck up more before I call them shite

Dnail have horrid communication but are great to deal with once you get them to reply

I'm more salty and speak to HL like this as they have beyond ruined their rep and have no CS or care and yet I love their product
I paid them money for things so expect more
They let us down and ignore purposefully

I get a company should honour things they put out but think as long as everyone gets one then they have copped it on the chin and coughed up most likely losing money they hadn't budgeted for
Maybe better coms would be good as with any manufacturer on here but if they do the right thing that's good
If not then it's a shit go but hey at least we are not out of pocket and we can share the reputation of the company as such

If they continue to ignore motg and don't fix you and Les up then let's start calling them out and spread that
Right now it is a matter of days since tracking numbers and apology msgs started going out

I'll leave my first feedback of this Eden tomorrow, so far I'm impressed... for what it is....
Already modded it some though.....

Hope everyone else gets their promised vape soon.....if not linx need to pick up the ball and honour their word

Wonder if they would answer any safety concerns we had as a forum ?
Not all critic/manufacturers do....
Pretty cool,

Good for you, @ataxian. I can't wait to hear about your experience with the Linx Eden. It was most generous of @Linx Vapor to have sent you one.
@CarolKing, how fun that it got there! Have fun testing. I can't wait to hear what you think.
I don’t have anything impressive!
However GDP, LEMON HAZE & MAUI will have to suffice?
I need to charge mine after my nap!
It is built very well!
CANNABIS thru my silver LINKS will give me pleasure!
@felvapes you will like it I believe?
I don’t have anything impressive!
However GDP, LEMON HAZE & MAUI will have to suffice?
I need to charge mine after my nap!
It is built very well!
CANNABIS thru my silver LINKS will give me pleasure!
@felvapes you will like it I believe?
@ataxian, I'd be pretty pleased if I had GDP, Lemon Haze & Maui. All that and a new Linx Eden from @Linx Vapor ? You are set, my friend. Giving mine a test after I get some errands done.
Enjoy your Linx Eden.

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VGoodiez 420EDC