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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Make a wish, win a one of a kind WoodScents

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I came here because I was of course interested in your prize, but your reasoning inspires me. We had our third son two years ago and every day I am so thankful that my boys are all healthy.

Good morning everyone, gosh what a crazy past couple weeks its been, have been slammed with BF sales and making all that happen but have been popping in here when able to and have really enjoyed seeing all the participation and donations adding up. Gosh thanks you all for doing your parts, I look at my sons and think oh how thankful I am that they are healthy and happy. I see my youngest grow and the 6th will be 6 months old the smiles and love he shows and shines warms my heart and fills it with much joy. I thank you all very much for what you all are doing to help make a wish for those that need it most. @Urahara some of these wishes may be so small to us but to that little girl seeing snow her first time meant the world to her and her family, thats what its all about.

As posted by @momofthegoons who has been such a big big help during this the raffle has been extended to the 7th and on the 8th I will post the winner. Thanks so much Mom I appreciate all you do and your friendship, you are a solid rock in my life.

Lets get those donations in more and more you all, we are in the last stretch, good luck to you!
I've planned on making another donation but wasn't going to enter the contest. Some recent news I got has changed that..... I'm not going to divulge who because I want to respect this member's privacy. But one of our members was busted this month... and they took all of his vapes and vape equipment; not to mention his phone and other items. Taking his phone meant he couldn't work and put him in dire financial straits. An awful situation.

So @Ed's TnT , as we discussed the other day, my two entries will now count as entries for this member. :smile:

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VGoodiez 420EDC