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Accessories Phattpiggies Wood Shed

I haven't read all posts nor looked at all vids, but I did read and look at a lot of them and wow, @phattpiggie is getting more and more inventive and his products are getting more and more beautiful.

So....just thought I would show you one of my prized possessions....a phattpiggie VC that I won via one of @momofthegoons contests. I think its beautiful and very functional.

Phattpiggie stem and Ti Tip.jpg
Well the original Abalone got prep'd and promptly returned to sender, not their fault and difficult to spot the problems without giving the pieces a quick polish.
I got a refund yesterday with no explanation or apology or jack shit and it cost me money to return them and I lost money on the refund as they used Paypal and the fukers charged me a fee.
Shitty email in the works for the supplier.

Anyway more Abalone bought and the first of a couple of pieces got turned

Plus a little magnet, the Abalone ring is about 1.5mm wide.

@momofthegoons yours is on the lathe.

Koa with a 10mm Blackwood tapered MP, this combination in the accents is my favourite.


Marble stands were a nice distraction, the little buttons are more time consuming than I originally anticipated and I'd rather put that time into something a bit more in keeping with an expensive marble. They can go for hundreds of dollars.


Buying condenser tube is the indicator on how busy it's been over the last few months. Luckily it's a UK supplier and next day on the delivery.

Drawings are going to the CNC shop in the next few days and fingers crossed they can get everything done without the costs escalating.
Some revisions to existing stuff and a couple of new pieces one of which has been a long time in the works.

It'll soon be the weekend so enjoy it where ever you are.
The abalone is beautiful. I live not far from the ocean, and it seemed like abalone shells were everywhere while I was growing up. People decorated their yards with them, nailed the shells to fences, used them as ash trays. I've got one on my front porch. You don't see them around much anymore. They either went out of style, or are harder to find. @phattpiggie, if I ever end up in a poverty abatement situation, I will contact you first. I already know you make magic.
That blackwood twist spinning is mesmerizing. :clap:
I still cannot work out what I need with my Tera stem, I actually put it off for a bit while I went on my Flinders Is. jaunt. I actually gave it some more thought while I was there watching abalone in the wild, weird creatures, who would have thought they would taste so good.:thumbsup:
I do like the twist, just not for the Tera...spoilt with choice...narrowing it down slowly...a bit.:thumbsup:

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VGoodiez 420EDC