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Lunacy Random Thoughts

So ...

(long-winded intended old man sigh placed here ...)

I knew this woman. She was perfect in every way. And for some reason, she liked me. In a sexual way, if you can believe it.

Difficult to believe. I know.

So when she found out I do impressions, she had a request.

When I do impressions, I generally work on them for years. Not always but usually. To the point where no one would know the difference between voices, or to the point that it's so absurd that of course you know the difference.

So this lovely woman, who helped me through a time in my life that I would have never lived on without her, asked me to do an impression of Michael Caine.

Because I'm a fucking moron, I let her slip away. Maybe for the best. She deserved better than me. The me I was at that time.

But I never got to do my Caine impression for her. I worked on it for over a year.

It sounds like 0:35 of this video.

I do it all the time now. I will walk around the house talking like Caine, Walken, and Jeannette - a woman I used to work for - and Seinfeld and Tom Waits and Joker and more, and not even be aware of it until Sierra gets up in my face and tells me to stop. I just talk in different voices because that's the way my brain works.

You'll just have to watch it on YT.

So Jacob and I had a few drinks and were reminicing. To the point where he's spending the night here on the couch. :buenrollo:

There was this guy we met, on the same day we met at the laundromat where I worked at the time. Jacob and I were talking about Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing And then Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove and this old man - I'd say mid 60's - barged in and started going off about this laundromat two counties away and he'd clearly been banned from there.

He was bitching, at a ridiculous volume, about how there was no hot water, and how none of the girls who worked there would talk to him, and how there was never enough parking space, and how they should have never made two Dakotas, and on and on.

He did this before even saying hello, and completely interrupted the conversation between Jacob and me. And then he walked out while saying he forgot his laundry in the car.

Jacob and I look at each other, and he says, "Okay, that man has clearly been hit on the head too many times."

So I decided we would call him "Headwound Harry."

It doesn't really make sense, considering the sketch. But everybody on staff started calling him that when he wasn't around. There would be days that customers had brought me too many alchoholic drinks and I would have to duck behind or under the counter because I was laughing so hard.

Jacob is better at this shit than I am and would just egg him on with a straight face. We ended up getting him on video going off on a rant about aliens landing at Roswell in '47 and how he was there to help cover it up.

Jacob has thousands of hours of people going off on crazy shit. Not to be mean, but simply to preserve it. He finds it fascinating. We did it at the laundromat because Jacob didn't want this guy to know where he lived.

If you spent more than 30 seconds with this guy, you would understand and not judge us.

I stopped by there the other day to talk to a woman I worked with there, and she said everyone still calls him Headwound Harry.

I'm not saying it's right. But guess what people? Everywhere you go, the staff probably has a nickname for you.

Probably the wrong thread but just some exchange on another site,

ABV came up in a semi related thread on another site
Psychedelic Sam got some results back that a sample tested at 5% potency and 4.5% of that was thca
So it would seem ABV needs decarbing
I'm just about to extract some material and was wondering if anyone else did an oven or Ardent fx decarb on their vaped flower
I was doing 10 minutes at 240f 115c
Not much info on oven or Ardent, mostly immersion and slow cooker

Cannot wait to use the carbonx on this product
Probably the wrong thread but just some exchange on another site,

ABV came up in a semi related thread on another site
Psychedelic Sam got some results back that a sample tested at 5% potency and 4.5% of that was thca
So it would seem ABV needs decarbing
I'm just about to extract some material and was wondering if anyone else did an oven or Ardent fx decarb on their vaped flower
I was doing 10 minutes at 240f 115c
Not much info on oven or Ardent, mostly immersion and slow cooker
View attachment 32529

Cannot wait to use the carbonx on this product
I've posted before on ABV test results, I have decarbed my AVB and I don't think it helped. I believe it all has to do with moisture content. While it's decarbed after vaping, I believe that it's still converting THCA into THC during the cooking process . I decarbed at 240 degrees for 20 minutes. It did dry it out, and made it hard to filter. As far as potency, I couldn't tell the difference. Here's an interesting article on AVB

We’ve wondered from day 1 exactly how much THC is left in the ABV / AVB / Volcano Poo produced by our Volcano. Finally, we had the opportunity to do some semi-scientific testing. The results are surprising – there is much more THC in the already been vaped bud than I would have imagined.

Here are the details:

  1. We started with 2 grams of Golden Goat from our local dispensary, and finely ground the buds in a grinder.
  2. 4 samples were divided from the ground material, .5g each, with one reserved as a control.
  3. All 3 samples were vaporized at a setting of 6 (which equates to 190°c or 374°f) on a Volcano Classic with easy valve and a standard size bag.
  4. Method 1: Fill 4 bags.
    Method 2: Fill 6 bags.
    Method 3: Fill 3 bags, regrind with fingers, fill 3 more bags
  5. Samples were analyzed by LuvBud from Fort Collins, Colorado.
Unsurprisingly method 3 extracted the most THC from the herb. All of the methods completely extracted all the terpenes, which explains the rapidly declining flavor profile the further you go.

Bottom line, our most efficiently extracted sample still contained 48% of the THC available in the sample. Even after 6 bags with stirring in the middle, the potency of the leftovers is 9.34%. That means 1 gram of ABV of this strain potentially has 93mg of THC, which is nothing to sneeze at.
I've posted before on ABV test results, I have decarbed my AVB and I don't think it helped. I believe it all has to do with moisture content. While it's decarbed after vaping, I believe that it's still converting THCA into THC during the cooking process . I decarbed at 240 degrees for 20 minutes. It did dry it out, and made it hard to filter. As far as potency, I couldn't tell the difference. Here's an interesting article on AVB

We’ve wondered from day 1 exactly how much THC is left in the ABV / AVB / Volcano Poo produced by our Volcano. Finally, we had the opportunity to do some semi-scientific testing. The results are surprising – there is much more THC in the already been vaped bud than I would have imagined.

Here are the details:

  1. We started with 2 grams of Golden Goat from our local dispensary, and finely ground the buds in a grinder.
  2. 4 samples were divided from the ground material, .5g each, with one reserved as a control.
  3. All 3 samples were vaporized at a setting of 6 (which equates to 190°c or 374°f) on a Volcano Classic with easy valve and a standard size bag.
  4. Method 1: Fill 4 bags.
    Method 2: Fill 6 bags.
    Method 3: Fill 3 bags, regrind with fingers, fill 3 more bags
  5. Samples were analyzed by LuvBud from Fort Collins, Colorado.
Unsurprisingly method 3 extracted the most THC from the herb. All of the methods completely extracted all the terpenes, which explains the rapidly declining flavor profile the further you go.

Bottom line, our most efficiently extracted sample still contained 48% of the THC available in the sample. Even after 6 bags with stirring in the middle, the potency of the leftovers is 9.34%. That means 1 gram of ABV of this strain potentially has 93mg of THC, which is nothing to sneeze at.

I think I recall reading this information

So is it thc or thca or a combination that is left over
Sam got 5% potency with most of it being thca from lab results
So many factors go into this that doing anything exact is impossible
Strain, duration of vaping, temp all play a role in the make up of the ABV
The difference in the numbers you and Sam have could be the type of vaporizer used and how it was used
I would guess both are accurate if not exact

Knowing the efficiency of the vaporizer would help
But so many factors again
Strain, moisture content

Learn extraction folks
You are throwing milligrams away

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VGoodiez 420EDC