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Lunacy Random Thoughts

My youngest son was a pro surfer 4 ten or 11?

He calls me : “LEGEND” !

My 4 foot COLA ground in a small space?
DUTCH Crunch 11 ozs!
One tree?
Brother if we ever have the pleasure of meeting I will bring you a cola...........a giant,frosty stanky one!
Give me enough lead time and I will take us on a Hawaiian powered vegatal time trip........I have some old seeds.

Just trying to find out what size, might be 10mm where the bowls go. @momofthegoons linked a similar larger piece similar that looked nice but was a bit pricey, this one is US$25...nice:thumbsup:
I wonder if I could fit 5 Vapcaps in my IH at once....

Close, might have to plug 1 hole with my F2.:thumbsup:
Went out for first time in ever to watch a band the other night
Good night, weird night
Got multiple offers of ppl trying to pick me up while I in my own stoned world
Got bought drinks by two different ppl and told by one coz I had a good energy....I was thinking I'm stoned af thanks to my mighty and public use :)
Ppl think it's an ecig

I really loving this vaping thing
Being able to medicate while out in public really helps with the pains and anxiety etc

I used to take my F2 in public as it is smaller and a bit more discreet
But the dosing caps really hinder performance in the F2 and suck compared to the mighty caps
Packing the F2 without caps is hard and more obvious in public

I had only been looking at a fierce and an lsv for future vassing
But now am thinking maybe I need to look at a crafty for my outings in public and easy less obvious loading plus a less bulky machine that will blend in the legal vape asthetically

Not sure if I should get the fierce and see if it does what I want or if I should go the crafty

In a dilemma now....
I have been thinking of a Vivant Alternate for that scenario but then I read up on body cracking problems.:thumbsup:

I have heard a few rumours of new S$B models in the works, so more to think about...the old models might get cheaper:sherlock:
I have been thinking of a Vivant Alternate for that scenario but then I read up on body cracking problems.:thumbsup:

I have heard a few rumours of new S$B models in the works, so more to think about...the old models might get cheaper:sherlock:
I don't know what to do ATM....
I might have another vape and a dab for good measure and see if that helps

Just trying to find out what size, might be 10mm where the bowls go. @momofthegoons linked a similar larger piece similar that looked nice but was a bit pricey, this one is US$25...nice:thumbsup:
I wonder if I could fit 5 Vapcaps in my IH at once....
View attachment 9025
Close, might have to plug 1 hole with my F2.:thumbsup:
I would cough so intense?
I vape because it keep’s me in the game!

I want a new lighter like yours?
You got a bunch of chicken rignt?!?

No, we had six, butchered 3 today and probably 3 tomorrow. They're layers that just wore out. Isa browns. My wife wants to can them for soup. They are 2.5 years old, and should have been butchered last fall. We don't even get a dozen eggs a week anymore.

We'll get another batch soon. Idk what variety, that's my wife's dept., hen house operations director. I'm more into the manure for my compost heap, lol.
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I had 2 Isa Brown chickens, 2 eggs every day for just over a year then nothing. A couple of months later 1 died and the other is still running around the back yard eating bugs(and pellets) but is a pet so no culling here.:disgust:
I had 2 Isa Brown chickens, 2 eggs every day for just over a year then nothing. A couple of months later 1 died and the other is still running around the back yard eating bugs(and pellets) but is a pet so no culling here.:disgust:
In HAWAII dazed & very CONFUSED however UNCIVIL 2-da MAX we had CHICK’S & CHICKEN ‘S!


PAPAYA juice 2 wash it down da HATCH!
Dabs make my lungs feel shitty and give me a smokers cough...........what's up with that?
Well that's no fun.....

I cough like a fool while dabbing. But that cough doesn't stick around like the cough used to when I smoked. I think it's all that concentration of meds hitting your lungs at one time. If I dab too many dabs in a row my lungs almost feel like they're spasming for a bit. But the only time they've ever felt shitty is with improperly purged concentrates.

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VGoodiez 420EDC