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Lunacy Random Thoughts


I don't understand the joke, but I like the picture. :rofl:
Happy Day to all the mothers. And a special happy day to my mother. Here's a pic of me and mom being hugged by dad.

There was a bumper sticker with the name of a very expensive private school on the back. I’m not sure what ACAB means to them but it probably has a different meaning to anyone with the authority to pull them over.

About the most stupid numberplate you could pick :lol:. I had one of my few positive experiences with police last weekend when I got pulled over for being a fuckwit. Polite, courteous & knocked me down a speeding bracket for a clean driving record. I just don't get it as highway patrol have a streak of pure c#%t in them by default.

There was dude rolling round Sydney in the 90's with an absolute weapon of a RX2 number plate PIG B8. Street lethal too :worship:

A dog walking down the street alone looks lost. A cat walking down the street alone looks like it's going about it's usual business. :mental::thinker::tinfoil:
A beard oil is essential when growing out a beard. The skin needs time to adjust & will get dry, scaly & itchy unless you do so. Once the beard has "settled" the skin will adjust & you don't need to use oil as frequently (if you don't want to). The key is surviving weeks 2-6 without caving to the razor

I found this very interesting...I've had a beard for over 40 years, and never used any products on it. I have very coarse hair, and never had issues with it itching or being scaly. I guess I am very fortunate that I didn't...most definitely would be a deal-breaker. :myday:

Taken out of context:
No can do @arb , my CCD is hard up

Why not higher a hooker? :aaaaa:
I found this very interesting...I've had a beard for over 40 years, and never used any products on it. I have very coarse hair, and never had issues with it itching or being scaly. I guess I am very fortunate that I didn't...most definitely would be a deal-breaker. :myday:

Beards only get itchy when they are first growing I find. Weeks 2-6 are the make of break ones where things can still be patchy & the itchiness of the beard breaking through properly can lead me to shaving. Something to do with there being less oil glands on your face than your head or something. The skin adjusts after a month or two though. My mustache can get really brittle compared to my beard although I keep my mo a lot longer & it gets washed & waxed after most meals.
I seem o shave a lot more than I did before vaping...can't beat a smoother surface for mating to a bong.:biggrin:

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VGoodiez 420EDC