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Lunacy Random Thoughts

Just dropped in.... with a random thought.

Went on another overnight mountain biking trip. With all the gear to worry about getting lost along the way. So my OCD has a mission to help me prepare for each expedition. :argh:

Which gear do you REALLY need for an overnight. IF you have too much, then there is also more to try to remember as well. And nothing worse that losing that one thing and sifting through all your gear and in my case, a state forest where I did some primitive camping.

So the OCD keeps an eye on everything I took with me and where to store it, So I don't think it's missing and wear myself out tearing through my gear and perhaps blowing a fuse. :cursing:

Well I NEVER want to find out that my vape is missing in the woods. And after moving things around in small groups, laying out what I needed for the AM and repacking a few things, etc. while being distracted with a flying insect that wants to live in your ear.
Well that is what seemed to happen to me. How can I not find that vaper? It's body is made of natural agate and had a Dynavap Ti tip attached to it.

Broke camp the next day. Looked through all the containers 3x. Tipped over everything 8x Skimmed the ground and grass 5x. Circled camped and concluded the only possibility left was that a magpie stole my vape. :nut:

Had thoughts of that magpie being attracted to the red color of the stone and the shiniest vapcap. Yes, I had honest thoughts that an animal stole my vape.

Then I got home and found it in a zippered pocket. Where I keep my First Aid Kit. :roto2palm: The more reasonable solution presented itself. Must have rolled INTO that pocket while I was putting things back before daylight was running out.

Whew! :sherlock:Mystery solved.

Same Here! I Feel a lot better. And don't experience certain types of fatigue. Fruit is best source of the proper sugar because it has fiber and is more complex for the body to break down. Damn I miss those 1/2 gallons of Ice cream tho.:homer:

Sounds familiar, lol. While I've never had an overnight bike trip, I've had lots of backpacking trips.

On one years ago to isle royal, I made brownies that turned to mush from rough handling on the boat ride over to the island. The oil seeped out of the bag (i used too much oil for sure) and stained clothes. So for a week I wore clothes stained by weed brownies, lol.

And during my drug testing years I had several weeks vacation and felt imboldened. So on a trip to the porky pine mountains i took several joints. On my first break I fired up a joint. After smoking it, I forgot what direction i was hiking, lol. After a half hour I realized my direction by the rivers flow that I was standing next to. Something that should have been very obvious, lol.
It's been a month since my surgery and everyone around me has had about enough of me... :dog: My daughter, who has been visiting, is leaving today. My husband has decided to head up to the cottage for a guy's weekend... So I'll be on my own this weekend. I still can't drive so I'll be home... vaping my fool head off. :sifone:

Got an amazing gift basket from my neighbors yesterday. It's got everything in it; a pineapple, cheese, salami, crackers, grapes, cookies, chocolates..... and more. So I just looked at my husband and said, " so you're leaving me home... bored... can't drive... lot's of cannabis and this gift basket huh?" Party time at mom's house......... :biggrin: Anyone want to join me? :lol:

In all seriousness this recovery has been one bitch. Not sure if it's cause I'm getting older or if this was just one hell of a surgery. I feel like I seriously lost some tiles on re-entry this time. But I'm finally feeling like myself again. Yup.. I'm back in the saddle. Look out.... :biggrin:

Good to hear you are feeling better, no talk about getting older, it was just a bad surgery!
I briefly caught up with an old friend while out for breakfast this morning that I have not seen since before I gave up combusting/tobacco today and had a quick chat about vaping. I will catch up with him again soon for a vape sesh and was wondering which of my vapes would be best for his first experience., taste time with the Air nice and easy through to hit him like a hammer with the Plenty or a bit of both with the W/S log, any recommendations, he has always been a joint and/or plastic bottle bong type of guy?
any recommendations, he has always been a joint and/or plastic bottle bong type of guy?

I've found that the thing that most smokers 'miss' the most when vaping for the first time is the high they've experienced smoking. As we all know, vaping gives a more cerebral high than that 'couch lock' feeling. So I usually hit them with a vape that will deliver high temps and a punch to the face. In my case, it's the SSV since you can crank up the heat and it gives you massive hits. Some feel that the Dynavap works best because it's 'joint like' in nature and can get to those near combustion levels as well.

Lol... maybe do a tag team on him of your Dynavap and then your Plenty... or vice versa.... :lol:
Uhhh, spent the day with a friend in his last days. He has lung cancer, throat cancer, congestive heart failure, and just broke a leg. He needs an operation for his leg that his heart is to weak to survive. We, his friends, are urging him to go to a rehab facility, but so far he is steadfast that he will go home. Even though he can't even get out of bed by himself. He wants to go home and die. A sad end and a testament to smoking cigarettes. If you smoke cigarettes, please for your loved ones sake, quit.........
Uhhh, spent the day with a friend in his last days. He has lung cancer, throat cancer, congestive heart failure, and just broke a leg. He needs an operation for his leg that his heart is to weak to survive. We, his friends, are urging him to go to a rehab facility, but so far he is steadfast that he will go home. Even though he can't even get out of bed by himself. He wants to go home and die. A sad end and a testament to smoking cigarettes. If you smoke cigarettes, please for your loved ones sake, quit.........
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Shredder..... so sorry.... hopefully his last days will be as comfortable and happy as possible and in the place he wants to be.
So sorry to hear about your friend too Shredder, don`t know what else to say, except, bloody smokes. They had their grip on me since primary school until nearly 12 months ago (over 35 years). At least the Australian government are taxing tobacco products so hard that school kids cannot afford them like I could, my lunch money used to get me a pack of 15`s:disgust:
I briefly caught up with an old friend while out for breakfast this morning that I have not seen since before I gave up combusting/tobacco today and had a quick chat about vaping. I will catch up with him again soon for a vape sesh and was wondering which of my vapes would be best for his first experience., taste time with the Air nice and easy through to hit him like a hammer with the Plenty or a bit of both with the W/S log, any recommendations, he has always been a joint and/or plastic bottle bong type of guy?

I think the VC to mimic a joint
The Plenty to send a rockin
And the HRF2 with wpa for closest to a cone at a time dose and feel

Give a tour - VC and F2 first and then plenty later

Uhhh, spent the day with a friend in his last days. He has lung cancer, throat cancer, congestive heart failure, and just broke a leg. He needs an operation for his leg that his heart is to weak to survive. We, his friends, are urging him to go to a rehab facility, but so far he is steadfast that he will go home. Even though he can't even get out of bed by himself. He wants to go home and die. A sad end and a testament to smoking cigarettes. If you smoke cigarettes, please for your loved ones sake, quit.........

Sorry to hear mate, I lost a friend not too long ago leave and have another friend with cancer atm...family members in past too....
I have been trying to help my friend with meds and oil and info and want to get her a vape to stop combustion also

I used champix tablets from the doctor to quit smoking after smoking since 12 ..... vapes were not a thing here when I quit, if they were I would have given them a go I think (the tablets are reported to give some ppl mental health issues but anyone I know just stopped smoking)...never felt better though, yet I still smoked cones with tobacco I never needed another cigarette and felt I could breathe again

I have quit combustion all together since march this year and again have NEVER felt better and really notice what breathing is about

I urge anyone I speak to now to look into vaping and quitting combustion completely

from tobacco to weed, carcinogens suck arse
any recommendations, he has always been a joint and/or plastic bottle bong type of guy?

As a fellow Aussie I can only recommend in the strongest possible terms to set your friend up with the following. A full 2-4 cycle dry VapCap for the joint like experience followed by a full 2-3 cycle water rip to replicate punching a few cones or two WS 1/2 loads. If that does not see them right after 20 minutes then pack them a Fury capsule but I somehow think two full caps will do the job :wink:.

At least the Australian government are taxing tobacco products so hard that school kids cannot afford them like I could, my lunch money used to get me a pack of 15`s:disgust:

Damm straight the bungers are through the roof out here. Trying my best to quit & have been for some time. I have the odd stumble but the Nicorette spray is working well for me.

And the HRF2 with wpa for closest to a cone at a time dose and feel

I have found a good single pack rip via a log to be about as close as it gets to "punching a cone" or maybe the 2nd VC heat cycle. I love my Mighty through water but it is not as dense as the WS or VC.

I have quit combustion all together since march this year and again have NEVER felt better and really notice what breathing is about

Good move. How much better does food taste?

Sorry to hear about your friend @Shredder :confundio1:. Life can be so fucking cruel sometimes :disgust:
As a fellow Aussie I can only recommend in the strongest possible terms to set your friend up with the following. A full 2-4 cycle dry VapCap for the joint like experience followed by a full 2-3 cycle water rip to replicate punching a few cones or two WS 1/2 loads. If that does not see them right after 20 minutes then pack them a Fury capsule but I somehow think two full caps will do the job :wink:.

Damm straight the bungers are through the roof out here. Trying my best to quit & have been for some time. I have the odd stumble but the Nicorette spray is working well for me.

I have found a good single pack rip via a log to be about as close as it gets to "punching a cone" or maybe the 2nd VC heat cycle. I love my Mighty through water but it is not as dense as the WS or VC.

Good move. How much better does food taste?

Sorry to hear about your friend @Shredder :confundio1:. Life can be so fucking cruel sometimes :disgust:

I have looked at WS logs....almost got one when I got the fury2 so had to wait till next purchase round....so I haven't tried one yet

now trying to choose between fierce pre-order and a WS for the next spend....

So for me without having tried the WS the F2 is the closest to a cone in one hit...I do not have nor use dosing capsules though....

The GH hits harder and more cloud but more rips due to chamber size

plenty through water is great taste and a beast...but a sesh not a cone like experience

food, weed, drink all tastes better
As does oxygen and a clearer head....
Many benefits...
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trying to choose between fierce pre-order and a WS for the next spend
I was too, I just sent Ed a little slab of Houn Pine to make me a custom one instead of getting the Fierce, I will wait until the Fierce has been for sale for a while and get it in the next lot of sales the same as I did with the Fury, I got the Fury2, niggling things got fixed during that wait.
Edit; My WS hits a fair bit harder than my F2, especially on higher volts.:thumbsup:
I have looked at WS logs....almost got one when I got the fury2 so had to wait till next purchase round....so I haven't tried one yet

There are a number of reasons serious vapers should have a log vape in their arsenal & it is especially relevant to us folks on the other side of the planet.
  • 12v power means you can use a bunch of different power sources limited by your imagination
  • Log vapes are simple beasts & if a power supply fails you probably have another at home
  • Unbreakable stem options
  • Economical with your green
  • Natural beauty of wood & each one is utterly unique
  • Perfect if you are a solo/couple user
I have two log vapes & love them. I challenge anyone to outpace the heater in the WS & that is the only downfall of older log vapes.

Question for all log owners out there on the forum. Do you regret purchasing a log? I don't believe I have found anyone who has one & regrets it.

I just sent Ed a little slab of Houn Pine

Fingers crossed it makes it to Ed. I am sure he will work wonders with it
A number of good points there @Stevenski , I would also add that I only seem to use my F2 while I wait for my WS to heat up (it takes about 2 mins to get to vape temperature, maybe a bit sooner?)
Nice feed back
This may help me choose a WS while the fierce works out any kinks.....
Would love to send Ed some natives we have here or some red cedar I had saved for years.....
How much has Ed quoted for a custom where you send him the wood?
I am impatient though so may have to order one of his in store models atm
The F2 is often a quick hitter for me whilst waiting for another vape to heat or just as a small quick hit in between other hard hitters
Question for all log owners out there on the forum. Do you regret purchasing a log? I don't believe I have found anyone who has one & regrets it.
Not in the slightest... and I own quite a few... :dog:

In your list of pluses you forgot to add that you can leave a log vape on 24/7. And that it's a great little aromatherapy device as well. :thumbsup:

And in the case of the WS, you can use your Dynavaps with it as well.

Congratulations to all of you quitting that nasty cigarette or combustion habit.
Not in the slightest... and I own quite a few... :dog:

In your list of pluses you forgot to add that you can leave a log vape on 24/7. And that it's a great little aromatherapy device as well. :thumbsup:

And in the case of the WS, you can use your Dynavaps with it as well.

Congratulations to all of you quitting that nasty cigarette or combustion habit.
I was sold on getting a WS ages ago
As I said I just got distracted with the F2 when I was about to go with a WS - the VC compatibility is great also

Question for all log owners out there on the forum. Do you regret purchasing a log? I don't believe I have found anyone who has one & regrets it.

I have two underdogs that I don't use a lot lately. I think the water wand with a VC tip took their place due to convenience. And i gave away my enano cause I never liked the clunky 120v cord and the temperture dial in the cord. The person that has it now uses it daily. But really no regrets. They do look very nice and they work well.
I think the water wand with a VC tip took their place due to convenience.
Do you have an induction heater for your Vapcap? The only thing I find more convenient than a vapcap with an IH is a vapcap with an Ed`s TNT WS on it, less restriction and you can keep pulling until you click/crack!

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VGoodiez 420EDC