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Lunacy Random Thoughts

What is the proper way to say cannabis as a plural.....cannabises,cannabai,cannabis?
Cannabis is not an amount, it's a description
So there is no plural
It's just cannabis

Plural would be cannabis plants as opposed to cannabis plant
Or it would be a certain measurement of cannabis as in -
10 grams of cannabis as plural or 1 gram of cannabis singular
What a weird and oddball week this has been so far.
I have had a couple conversations that have me questioning my grasp of reality as it exists these days.
Could be the old age or dementia but sometimes I wonder why I am so goddamn dumb.
@Madri-Gal where you at girlie?
I'm here. Everything I say sounds stupid. I've just been better about not saying anything.

I think the isolation is getting to me.
I'm here. Everything I say sounds stupid. I've just been better about not saying anything.

I think the isolation is getting to me

Have you read the internet!
You are a rocket scientist compared to what gets posted out there (point A finger at myself)
I've posted some seriously incomprehensible sh*t many times!
Don't get down on yourself

A lion made this kill and mrs.arb and the dogs flushed it off it on their morning walk the deer weighed more than she does so she got super excited about it.
We are about 40 miles west of yellowstone park with nothing but wild in between us.
I have seen wolves out my bedroom window also 4 of them moving north and flowing across the ground...........very nice here.
Today was snowing and looked like this here out the living room windows.
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VGoodiez 420EDC