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Two Year Anniversary Giveaway!!!

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I'd love to go to Cancun. My Vitamin D is low, and rather than take supplements, I want to go to Cancun, and enjoy Spring Break, but without the crowds. Some want to swim with the dolphins, but this pool is even better. Here, I can swim with the elephants and hippos, and either an alligator , crocodile, or large lizzard. Imma sit at the top of the water slide and vape with a VapCap M and a small torch. There's enough water around that the flame won't be a problem if I get carried away, and the M is small enough to fit tucked into my fanny pack. Oh yea, I'm wearing the pack into pool. Where else would I keep my room key ? I'm taking Lunchables and frozen Milky Way Bars for snack. It's crap, but I'm On Vacation. View attachment 7967

In ausland we call fanny a different thing....
Tucking things into your fanny pack in the pool brings different images to mind.....lol

Tastes good in a stew as well.

Roo tastes great a number of ways....best meat going too, leanest in fat, high protein and iron...
Quebec Canada Is home to the famous Hotel de Glace. It's the only Ice Hotel in North America. It's an architectural marvel and a wonder to behold. I'd stay in one of the themed suites and try out the outdoor spa. Enjoy a drink from an ice cup. It would be a luxury weekend unique experience. I'm only a few hours away. It's too late for this season but I'd love to book a stay in the 2020 season. By then I'll be able to take the not yet released, Omni2, if there is one. I'm sure it will shiny and sophisticated, perfect for the icy glistening stay. If there's no Omni 2 by then, then I'll take a quartz stem and to tipped VapcapVapcap to compliment the ice.



I'd like to go back in time, to the Olden Days, when everything was in black and white, and go to this club and see Sally Rand do a fan dance. It sounds luscious, and risque. I'm a big Sally fan, so off I go to see the show. Taking a Volcano, because there might be a balloon dancer that needs 'em. Plus, the Volcano is classic. Just like Sally. Going to vape, drink champagne, eat salted peanuts, and go for Chinese after. It wil be fantastic.

@felvapes, yup. Fanny. That's what I meant. :kiss:
Here's the clip.
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Peggy's Cove is a small rural community located on the eastern Atlantic shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. The rugged old rocks are worn down and polished by time and water, so different from the young ragged mountains of the West Coast. It's a beautiful place to visit and feast on some fresh caught lobster. I can't wait for the next time I'm fortunate enough to go. I'd take a couple of Ms to use and then gift to someone special before leaving for home.
I want to get lost in Austin. Walk along the river, listen to music, drink beer and eat a Popcorn Tofu Po' Boy at the Wheatsville Food Co-op. Always wanted to check out Austin, because you hear things. My memory is faulty, so I kind of have to go to see if if I can remember, so I can see if any of it is true. I want a manly vape, like the Plenty, so I'll need a plug in near the table. Near all the tables. I might club hop as the day goes on. Nothing wrong with enchiladas, so I might find me some yum.
Thunder Bay has some wonderful Amethyst mines. They do offer tours and I'd love to go on one. Then I'd go over to the gift shop and pick up a nice bit cluster. I collect crystals and rocks and can always use another. My trusty Omni would come along and get me ready for the visual delights because its a fast, easy and efficient delight.

From Austin to Austen, now I'd like to go to Pemberley and see Mr. Darcy take the plunge. That's literature, so it's classy oogling. It's about character development. After the show I might wander the grounds vaping with an Air. It would be easy to hide behind a fan. For munchies I want those sweet little finger sammiches with the crusts cut off, and pastry. Maybe some fruit so I won't get backed up. It's just my favorite book, Pride & Prejudice . Or maybe I'm thinking of the movie.
Turkey. The country, not the bird. A richly historical land with some of the best cuisine you will ever taste like turkey, the bird not the country, scenery from beaches to mountains and the great city of İstanbul. It would be a wonderful holiday. I'd like to vape there with a Vapman, cause it's so cute and would fit nicely in my backpack.

Stock car races where there is a bus involved. I love busses. In this case, the what matters more than the where. Big yellow bus vs. a Red Pick-up. You can guess where Imma put my money. Going to use a vape that takes a torch, an OmniVap XL. Something rugged. Going to have nachos and burgers, but the good ones, so the food has to be catered, Or bussed in.
Drinking beer, but mostly diet Pepsi.
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I'm dreaming of a fantasy vape with the Man in the Moon; the old Woodcutter himself. We'd share a toke, back and forth, using a fantasy vape that vaporizes bud on draw alone. No batteries, no cords, no external flame or heat. Powered by mere thought, intention and draw, I'd call this vape the Moondream, cause that's what it's made of.
Going to Carlsbad Caverns to see the bats, because bats are our friends. I'm vaping in the cavern with my Solo. It's black and bat sized, so no one will pay attention if it looks like I'm vaping on a bat. They'll just think I'm batty, (har har). I'm keeping my hair tied up, and I'm wearing a hat, and goggles, so I'm covered. I'm wearing layers, because you never can tell with a cave. They can get real chilly, or they can be warm if there's lots of people. With layers you can adjust. I'm wearing boots, because, bat sh*t. Going to eat a burrito, because they are bat sized. It would be kewl if was wrapped in a black tortilla. It'd look like a bat. Twinkies for dessert, the chocolate covered, bat sized ones. Chocodiles? I'm thinking iced coffee, so I don't fall asleep in the cave, and get attacked by bats and end up a bat lady zombie mutant vampire . I'm not up on bat lore, but just don't invite me in.
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MVI_3280_Moment (2).jpg

We had one wild night and day weather-wise while on Flinders. My wife caught this image while I was having a Tera Rattle can nightcap as it makes lightening storms even cooler when smashed, something the Tera + Rattlecan do together very well.:smoke:
Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain,

Looking for a place called Lee Ho Fooks. Going to get a big dish of beef chow mein.

I saw Lon Cheney, Jr. walking with the Queen.

(He's the hairy handed gent who ran amok in Kent
Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair)

I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's.
His hair was perfect.

So I'm going to Soho, taking my Solo.
And only Zevon knows why.

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I want to go to Versailles, to this mirror room. Taking my Arizer Extreme Q because it is kinda classy, and would look fine on one of those tables. After I'm vaked, I'm putting on thick socks, and I'm going to run and sliiiide across that floor. It's too tempting to not do it, and is my biggest reason to go. No snacks. All of those mirrors make me look fat. It's like a damned fun house in there .
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I'd like to vape a bowl or two with Star Treks Guinan. She'd listen to me and offer her unique forward seeing perspective and I'd come away with a different point of view. We'd have to share a couple of hash filled Lotus bowls cause it would be a super cool retro vape for the future Trekkers.

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VGoodiez 420EDC