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Two Year Anniversary Giveaway!!!

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I'd like to go to Mongolia, and see people ride the two humped camel. Literally . I don't mean that to sound trashy, it just does. While there I'll vape using a Lotus. Sounds kind of suitable for the very far East. I'll hang out in a yurt and eat yoghurt. Maybe some Mongolian BBQ. It would be something to look back on in my old age, going to Mongolia, that's why.
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Going to Gilligan's Island to hang with The Professor and Mary Ann. I might learn something about Island Living, like how to make a bra and a radio out of coconuts. Basic survival skills, that sort of thing. I'd take my Solo, because it's dependable, and hey, I'm not trying to hide anything. What are the castaways going to do? Tell? Tell who? Exactly. When the batteries need recharging, I'll just jump on the bamboo bicycle. Or The Professor can do it. I'm on vacation.
It'll be fun. Always something going on from what I see on TV. If nothings happening, I can always watch Ginger walk on heels in the sand, while wearing an evening gown and a girdle. Food might be a problem. I'm bringing a cooler and sandwiches. Maybe beer. Maybe soda. Cookies for sure. Canna cookies, that is. Everything edibles.
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I would like o take this old Morris Minor for a run on Flinders and see if @felvapes could keep up sin his Chinese knockoff! Battle of the Teras as the old Morris is 6 volt(I think the early ones are 6 volt), the WS would be relegated to Mozzie control duties.:thumbsup:
I could WS in my chinalux and 4x4
Mine works, I didn't buy a Cherry....they are dodgy Chinese jobbies
Just like different sellers in glass, some you pass on
These work though...Esp if modded as most brands are if serious driving anyway

We had an old Morris in the bush as a kid too
Started too look a bit like that one after being left to sit too long
Ended up as a sesh room at parties for diff ppl...

Today's vape out on another side of the lake again
Mighty doing the job as it tastes nice and in a hidden part of the lake I didn't need the more low key vape
Caps help for out and about packing too

Better look at the dash lol

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I don’t have all the requirements, and I’m fine with that - I just wanted share my spot as I’m on vacation as we speak, and am unmedicated and it would be great to medicate here.

Welcome to the forum knowgood. Don't worry you can still enter the contest :biggrin:. The criteria is you must have the required count of forum posts at the end of the contest. You still have 25 days to qualify so any members who don't have the required amount of posts can & should enter.

Keep the entries coming folks. All you need is where, what & why to enter
I'd love to go to Cancun. My Vitamin D is low, and rather than take supplements, I want to go to Cancun, and enjoy Spring Break, but without the crowds. Some want to swim with the dolphins, but this pool is even better. Here, I can swim with the elephants and hippos, and either an alligator , crocodile, or large lizzard. Imma sit at the top of the water slide and vape with a VapCap M and a small torch. There's enough water around that the flame won't be a problem if I get carried away, and the M is small enough to fit tucked into my fanny pack. Oh yea, I'm wearing the pack into pool. Where else would I keep my room key ? I'm taking Lunchables and frozen Milky Way Bars for snack. It's crap, but I'm On Vacation.
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I'd like to go back to Ye Olde Opium Den in San Francisco's China Town, circa back in the day. Instead of opium, I'll take cannabis and my Silver Surfer. A nice desktop would work well, and my SSV has been neglected lately, so it's time to bust it out. Might bring some Green Dragon to use while others Chase the Dragon. Everyone lying around on rugs, bunks and palletes makes for a chill environment, and the decor makes a nice atmosphere . Should be some Chinese food nearby, and I'll bring Doritos and Fanta Grape Soda. Sounds like a relaxed evening, and there's history and everything, so I'd be soaking up culture and stuff. I'm not into opiates, but everyone else will be, so there won't be a lack of enthusiasm in the room, it will just look low key. Why go ? So I have something to talk about at my next dinner party. I'm often short of topics.
I want to learn to Belly Dance while high. It's a great exercise and it would be great to have the muscle control that it demands. I'd vape before, after and during with my trusty VapCap with an exotic PP Tulipwood stem. It's short and easily tucked away but delivers the goods when called for.

I really want to go to Dollywood, in Pigeon Forge, TN. Ever since I saw this picture, I have wanted to vape on this ride. It just suits me, you know ? I'm using a crappy vape pen and concentrates on the rides, as it's just going to fly out of my pocket on the roller coaster anyway. I'm buying fudge and a silk screened t-shirt that says, "The Bitch Is Back, " but all fancy looking, so it's nice. I won't want the shirt when I'm sober, but I'll be Super Trashed at purchase, and I'm going to buy something stupid, so it's good. I can give it as a Christmas gift. This looks like a corn dog and Kettle Korn setting, but I haven't checked out the food vendors. Might be something better. I'm having Kettle Korn either way.
As a young adult, my husband and I had an opportunity to relocate to Australia. We seriously considered it, but in the end we couldn't leave our families. One day I would like to visit Australia, preferably sometime between January and March. It would be a wonderful escape from the winter blues. I also love the Australian accent. so very very sexy!!! I don't care what you say....just talk to me. My M would travel with because it's a fantastic vape but could be disposed of it need be.


Oh...and who wouldn't want to see a real life Kangaroo???
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Gonna go to the Amazonian rain forest and do yoga on a log with some bendy folk. Why? If you're going to do yoga every day, you sometimes want a bit of variety in the setting, and I want to see it before one of us disappears. Going to take my Solo to vape with because I can throw it if there is a vicious monkey attack. Or flying fish, or something weird. Going to bring tacos and fruity Mentos, and wash it down with some Colt 45 malt liquor. That's for after the workout.
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I'd love to go ballroom dancing with a romantic handsome prince without the threat of disaster at the stroke of midnight. Just dance the night away to wonderful music. No sore feet and never fatigued as we float over the dance floor. What a lovely evening it would be. Of course this fantasy requires that we would both be accomplished dancers. Breaks would only be taken to enjoy a quick puff from a working Grasshopper anodized to match my gown. Pure fantasy, but worth dreaming about.

My next vape spot Google HQ. I want to look upon the evil layer and ask questions right to the source. Like whens the Mighty 2.0 going to be out? For my vape I’ll take a Crafty. Easy to conceal and nice thick vapor like the Mighty.
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@Kurtdigglur, I wouldn't move too quick down there at Google HQ. They are kind of jumpy since the shootings.
I, myself, am going down the Amazon in a boat, vaping on a Fierce. That just sounds like the kind of vape you'd want anywhere there are piranhas and swimming snakes. I want to vape away, and see tropical birds in the trees. Keeping my hands and feet in the boat, as I want to come home with all my digits. It's an educational trip, so it won't be long, but I will eat on the boat. Fish Fingers, apples and Oreos, washed down with ice cold lemonade. Sounds like a nice afternoon.
When I'm out in the garden, my neighbours dogs come to visit. Tux, or Dayza, or Hailey might tumble out of the forest, come over for some pats and attention and sit beside me as I fuss with the plants. These are relaxed happy dogs. We might go for a walk together through the woods before I resume my gardening. Tux will often then go sit by the edge of the pond quitely watching what he sees. Then at some point he'll get up and amble home about a half a mile away. I love those dogs! Before a walk they patently wait for me to toke a bowl from my Omni which waits for me on the porch.

I want to go to Ikea, now. Just because I love wandering through acres of home goods, searching for items I can't live without, bathrooms, and the cafeteria. I'll sit on a couch on the show room, vaping on a Crafty, because I haven't tried one yet. For sure I'm buying dishtowels, throw pillows and an easy chair. Maybe not the chair. I don't really need a chair. Buying a cabinet for my bongs and rigs. Or maybe planters for the patio. This trip will take all day. I have enough trouble deciding what to buy sober, and this time I will be high, high, high. Going to go to the cafeteria at lunch and having Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes and lingonberry sauce. Getting my free cup of coffee, and the pink Swedish cake with marzipan. It's super cheap, and I'm super stoned. Might get a veggie wrap for later. It's a big store, and I might get lost and not be able to find food.
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VGoodiez 420EDC