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Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud Evo

Vapes no longer in production
Yes. I can't tell if it's inside or on the outside of it.... but I can't get it to rinse off.

I'll be re-soaking it today in a fresh pail of Simple Green lol....

As far as PBW goes, I usually soak for about 5 - 10 minutes and then flush with very hot water. I've found that white 'etching' to happen if there's any air bubble or unfilled space in the bubbler. I'll try to get a pic of it later when I have a chance... but if there's air space in the bubbler, a 'water line' will appear that is almost impossible to get out. It's one of the reasons I only use PBW in my larger pieces now and use Simple Green for the ones that will fit, submerged, in the pail.
Wow, Mom....and with the PBW...you do heat the water (like in a microwave) and stir in the PBW until completely dissolved, then pour it into the glass?

I ask because I have some piece that its really difficult to fill entirely and I have not had any issues with the streaking but certainly know others that have.

Were the pieced that streaked good US glass or DHGate type.....I wonder of there is something in some glass that causes this???
Were the pieced that streaked good US glass or DHGate type.....I wonder of there is something in some glass that causes this???
It was my Leviathan M & M Tech piece. So I would consider it 'good glass.'

I use boiling water after tempering the glass with very hot water. But I have not dissolved the PBW in it first... perhaps that's the issue!?! Hmmmm...

Well I know I'd certainly have to dissolve it if I did the Calyx. So if resoaking in Simple Green doesn't work I'll try that approach again.
Leviathan M & M Tech piece. So I would consider it 'good glass.'

Oh, hell yeah its good glass.

Absolutely do NOT put the PBW directly in your glass. Stir it up in the hot water (and yes, heat condition the glass with hot tap water first) until completely dissolved then pour into the glass. When in doubt, use less (like 1/3 tsp in a cup of water).

Wow, sorry about your M&M piece....yeah, that would definitely annoy me.
I'm guessing you just got the EVO? Did you get a hydratube with it?
Got the Evo on Friday. However I have a local sesh buddy that has one so I have used his multiple times. I liked it so much that I was keeping my eyes open for one at a good price.

I already had a hydratube that I got a few months back but the guy who sold me the evo threw another one in for free. Very cool.

By the way, I've got a dilemma, I happened to get an Evo case too but it only fits the precision tubes. Should I try to swap tubes with someone or keep the larger hydrabomb tube that I have?
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I already had a hydratube that I got a few months back but the guy who sold me the evo threw another one in for free. Very cool.
That is very cool! I was hoping you had one because the flavor profile using the hydratube is so much nicer than through a whip (imo).

And I just remembered that you asked for a function vid of my Calyx on IG... :doh: I'll see if I can't get that done today for you.

I love it for use. But cleaning that damn thing has proven difficult. My advice to anyone who has one would be to clean it after each (daily) use so that there's no build up.
Yeah this is my first experience with a tree perc and it is a pia to get and keep clean.
Imagine if it had a hole that was only 1/4" in diameter to get all the water in and out of.... it makes it almost impossible. If I have one major criticism of the Calyx that would be it. Otherwise I love it. Small and efficient.. gives nice, smooth hits...

Do you use straight water or do you add cranberry concentrate or Rezblock in it? I've found that using the additive really helps keep the resin off the sides of glass and makes it much easier to clean. I wasn't using it in the Calyx and it was a big mistake.
Loving the Evo.
This was my nightcap at about 1 on the dial.

Nice......I run my EVO pretty much exclusively at 1 - 1:15 on the dial but I suspect...given that they are analog devices...that much like the Enano there may be some small differences in temp vs dial setting from unit to unit.

Looks like nice thick vapor to me! YEAH BUDDY!

Well I finally got some new Simple Green (when the fuck did they change it to blue?) and my Calyx is soaking as I type. But looky what came in the mail. :biggrin: Seems like they printed or cut it a little wonky in the lower right hand corner of the mouth but it's not worth the effort or cost to return it to Vapefiend. And I don't really mind it.

My fear with PBW is that it wont rinse out completely. It can leave a white residue behind that can almost etch the glass. I had it happen in one of my bubblers.

I have not had this happen yet -- or at least that I've noticed it. But, I don't have a lot of glass pieces and none of them seem to have especially intricate interiors, so that may also explain it for me. Or maybe I'm just lucky :biggrin:


As far as PBW goes, I usually soak for about 5 - 10 minutes and then flush with very hot water. I've found that white 'etching' to happen if there's any air bubble or unfilled space in the bubbler. I'll try to get a pic of it later when I have a chance... but if there's air space in the bubbler, a 'water line' will appear that is almost impossible to get out. It's one of the reasons I only use PBW in my larger pieces now and use Simple Green for the ones that will fit, submerged, in the pail.

That helps me better understand how you had this happen to you. Do you ever plug up the openings of the glass piece with stoppers or corks and shake the piece with solution and then later with rinse water? I usually (~ 80% of the time) do mine like that, I wonder if that makes any difference?

. ..and with the PBW...you do heat the water (like in a microwave) and stir in the PBW until completely dissolved, then pour it into the glass?

I don't do this at all. I do know that most solutes dissolve better in hot water, but usually all I do is use hot tap water (after I've let it run long enough to be at its hottest) and then stir in PBW. I have learned that one can use a LOT less than what I thought I needed. I find that a teaspoon's worth is more than enough in about 2 gallons of water. Something that's really dirty -- like my glass nails, I will heat up the water and PBW in the microwave, sometimes even on the stove top. I usually use a lot less water when I do this and up the PBW concentration - more like a teaspoon in about a gallon or less of water.

I happened to get an Evo case too but it only fits the precision tubes. Should I try to swap tubes with someone or keep the larger hydrabomb tube that I have?

I am going to send you a PM regarding this, @duff ... I've been wanting to try one of the larger ones ...

Yeah this is my first experience with a tree perc and it is a pia to get and keep clean.
Also agree about whips but for videos they are very handy. But holy crap they stink.

YES on the stinking whips !!! I find that cleaning mine regularly and having two that I rotate helps a lot. I've been doing some experimenting, and, to date, the method that seems to work well is to heat up water with PBW, then soak the whip hose in that for a couple of hours or even overnight.

After the whip has been in for a while, I use a long test tube brush to brush the interior of the whip tube. I've got a test tube brush and handle that's about 14-1/2” long and the brush part is about 1/2" diameter. That makes it possible for me to clean a 2-foot+ length of whip hose from either end. Longer hoses don't get their middle cleaned as much, but the majority of the buildup of deposits on the interior of the hose seems to be greatest at the ends, so this is effective.

ole that was only 1/4" in diameter to get all the water in and out of.... it makes it almost impossible. If I have one major criticism of the Calyx that would be it. Otherwise I love it. Small and efficient.. gives nice, smooth hits...

That does take away from the Calyx! On the other hand, I think the small hole also gives it a bit of draw resistance and sometimes when I use it I find it reminiscent of using a bowl -- yeah, like back in the combustion days ;-)

I have taken to filling mine by running the tap at a low rate, letting the water flow over the Calyx until enough of it is inside to suit my taste, and then I wipe the outside of the Calyx off before use. To empty, I pour it out the small hole at the top, then blow from the bottom -- that usually gets almost all of it out except a bit on that top "shelf".

I have been making my own cranberry concentrate and I am thinking I am going to try a 50/50 cranberry/water mix next time and see if that makes cleaning happen a little less frequently.

The new skin is very slimming by the way.

I agree! :thumbsup:
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Well I finally got some new Simple Green (when the fuck did they change it to blue?) and my Calyx is soaking as I type. But looky what came in the mail. :biggrin: Seems like they printed or cut it a little wonky in the lower right hand corner of the mouth but it's not worth the effort or cost to return it to Vapefiend. And I don't really mind it.

View attachment 2790

Mine has imperfections too... but I don't mind cause it still looks cool as fuck...
Get a uv light to make it glow green...
I miss using my evo....
It's a pleasurable experience....
Maybe I'll go back to vaping other botanicals...
Do you ever plug up the openings of the glass piece with stoppers or corks and shake the piece with solution and then later with rinse water? I usually (~ 80% of the time) do mine like that, I wonder if that makes any difference?
Yes I do. I have a variety of corks for different sized openings... and have always just added the powder then poured the hot water in. Then shake and soak. I'm really cautious to make sure there are no air bubbles now because of the staining or etching that happened.

I think the way to go is to premix the solution. However, I still think that that white 'stain' can happen if there is a 'water line' of any sort.

On the other hand, I think the small hole also gives it a bit of draw resistance and sometimes when I use it I find it reminiscent of using a bowl -- yeah, like back in the combustion days ;-)
So you got one? :smile: I agree about the draw resistance and I think that's an integral part of this bubbler being a good one. I guess it's a trade off. :nusenuse:
So you got one? :smile: I agree about the draw resistance and I think that's an integral part of this bubbler being a good one. I guess it's a trade off. :nusenuse:

YES I did, and I like mine very much, more than I thought I would have liked it, actually.

I much prefer using the Calyx to using the Lynx -- with or without a whip.

I like how I can use the Calyx at higher heat settings when I want, yet still get a nice smooth hit. It's very smooth.

Mine has imperfections too... but I don't mind cause it still looks cool as fuck...
Get a uv light to make it glow green...

I agree it looks as cool as fuck, though I often run my EVO without using the heat shield.
I am not sure you need a UV light to see how cool that shield is, BTW. Mine glows in a darkened room after being exposed to light and I don't have a UV light.
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YES I did, and I like mine very much, more than I thought I would have liked it, actually.
I'm glad you like it. I do as well... except for the cleaning. Have you tried doing that yet?

I am going to try giving mine a PBW soak today. It still has a tiny spot on in that same area as before that wouldn't budge. After using it again, new gunk has stuck to that area... I can see this is going to be an ongoing thing. I really need to figure out the best practice in cleaning it.
I'm glad you like it. I do as well... except for the cleaning. Have you tried doing that yet?

I am going to try giving mine a PBW soak today. It still has a tiny spot on in that same area as before that wouldn't budge. After using it again, new gunk has stuck to that area... I can see this is going to be an ongoing thing. I really need to figure out the best practice in cleaning it.

Yes I have cleaned mine. I did so just last night and I was thinking of you as I did it, because I wanted to be able to tell you what I did.

I prepared a solution of very hot tap water and PBW, making sure the PBW was well dissolved. Then I submerged my Calyx letting it fill with water, plugging up the holes a bit while shaking it a bit. I did this a few times, basically plunging the piece into the water, letting it mostly fill, blocking off the openings while I shook it, then letting it empty out and repeating.

What I then did was instead of just laying the Calyx on its side in the bucket to soak, I made sure that I inserted the Calyx into the water keeping it vertical, such that the water was able to fill its volume without leaving any big air bubbles (which is what I've noticed happens if I just lay the piece in the solution).

As the Calyx filled with water, I made sure to move the Calyx around gently to help encourage filling of water and displacement of the air. Anyway, that's a very long-winded way of saying that I try to make sure that there are no to very few air pockets in the piece as it fills.

I let it soak for maybe 10 mins, then did the same thing with a bucket of hot rinse water. Finally, I held the Calyx upside down under a stream of water to "flush" the interior a bit, finishing off by letting the water drain out and then blowing air from the bottom to empty the Calyx of almost all of the water.

When I fill the piece to use it, I simply make sure the interior of the GONG joint is dried, then I hold the piece under a suitably-sized stream of running water from the tap. I wipe off the exterior and I'm ready to blast off!

I hope this is of some use to you @momofthegoons and maybe someone else...
@bener thanks for the detailed explanation. I didn't get around to cleaning mine yesterday and have a few pieces to clean... so this is timely. I'm thinking that your method is probably the best way to clean the Calyx. Any other way isn't thorough enough and doesn't get all the gunk inside. I know.... I've tried lol..

Just curious... how dirty did you let your Calyx get first?
@bener thanks for the detailed explanation...

Just curious... how dirty did you let your Calyx get first?

Thank you, @momofthegoons.

I am not one that usually lets my glass get too, too dirty. If the taste is affected much I usually think it's time to clean.

I did have some residue build up on the interior of the joint, and the interior walls of the Calyx had some globs of residue and was definitely dirty, but nothing like a college kid's bong would typically be. So, I would say it was "medium" dirty and not very dirty.

I have thought that the Calyx is going to benefit from frequent "lightish" cleaning rather than letting it go for a while and then trying a "deep" cleaning.

I hope you have great success cleaning your pieces today!!! I like to clean mine before a weekend for maximum enjoyment :-)

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VGoodiez 420EDC