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Meds Why Do You Medicate

cannabis helps with my stress
If a patient suffers physical discomfort.....
...even if Cannabis did nothing for the discomfort, it lightens one's mood.
Being in a lighter-hearted mood, can do a great deal to heighten our ability to "overlook" the discomfort.
...absolutely right there vitolo...
...I started out "just to get high"...in about 1968-69..needless to say over the years it's evolved to a clearly defined medical assist...hurt my lower back playing sports when I was 36..it required surgery...which I simply refused to do...a stew of Cannabis ...acupuncture..massage...and common sense keeps me functional...it's a wonderful thing being able to experience this moment with cannabis...in my youth when I combusted I never imagined this sort of experience ...luck of the draw being able to see this model...test and use these devices..there are many folks I grew up with who also loved the plant...but didn't live long enough to experience this model...we are lucky.
I think @Vitolo is absolutely correct.

Keep ones spirits up when dealing with physical ailments can be a real drag, so make it a draw instead :thumbsup:

When I was at my worst (most of 2016) I couldn't even leave the house, cannabis was a life saver.

The other thing I found out was coming on to the vape forum and talking with everyone about what was going on with them (and me), what vapes they liked (and I liked), what mad skills they had applied to their hobby (working on my own skillz) really helped pull me out of a very low and painful experience.

So thank you mother nature for the delightful plant we call cannabis and thank you @momofthegoons for setting up this forum and thank you @Vitolo and all the peeps like you who have helped me and many others out.
The other thing I found out was coming on to the vape forum and talking with everyone about what was going on with them (and me), what vapes they liked (and I liked), what mad skills they had applied to their hobby (working on my own skillz) really helped pull me out of a very low and painful experience.
I learned the value of a forum when I was undergoing treatment for HepC. Back then, it was an awful process of interferon and ribaviron... and I was awfully sick. Not only did cannabis help immensely, being on a support forum got me through some terrible times and helped me be able to complete my treatment successfully. My hope is that this forum will be that sort of place; a place where people feel they are supported, helped, given the information they need and a place they can relax and enjoy.
I medicate to manage pain and nausea related to my psoriatic arthritis and the chemo/immuno therapies I have to endure. I have been exploring high CBD strains as well as nano, water soluble, pure CBD and CBD in MCT oil vaped through a pen. I really like the calming effect of the high CBD meds, it relieves anxiety and promotes better sleep while soothing pain.
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I have been exploring high CBD strains as well as nano, water soluble pure CBD and CBD in MCT oil vaped through a pen. I really like the calming effect of the high CBD meds, it relieves anxiety and promotes better sleep.
CBD rocks!!! High CBD strains have quickly become my favourite.

The strain Remedy leaves me with an alert clear head with a fantastic sense of calm, all the while melting pain away and easing nausea. Love it. Love it. Love it!!! :love: :kiss: :love:
I used to smoke purely for recreational reasons until I discovered it made my mental tolerance to deal with people and life much easier. In my younger years i was in lots of trouble. once i started smoking that went away. But I still feel it was recreational compared to most of the members here. Not until I recently stopped vaping, I think I have a mild form of ptsd. I didn't realize it before because the cannabis was already doing its job. Once i stopped I've been having disturbing dreams and cant sleep more than 2-3 hours a night.

**disturbing content below**​

In my line of work I've seen a lot of death. I'm not talking about a dead body, I'm talking about body parts scattered over a mile. I feel comfortable sharing this now because I can't get in trouble if I'm not using cannabis anymore. I work for a railroad building and repairing tracks and when someone gets struck by a train going anywhere from 80mph to 150mph its never a good sight. They send me and my guys out to protect the crews that clean up after those incidents. Just typing this is sending chills down my spine.

My first strike was a group of three kids my age who went going off roading and ended up driving on train tracks late at night after a night of partying. What they didn't know was the last train was an hour late. he was traveling at 125mph. That was the end of that. The worst part was it was in the summer and the smell was like nothing I've ever smelt in my life. Death has a distinct smell that I'll never be able to forget. At those speeds it takes a train over a mile to come to a stop. The vehicle (land rover) was absolutely destroyed and the three occupants were all dismembered. Those images will never leave my head.

The worst by far was a mentally unstable coworker and friend committed suicide. That one I couldn't even go to.

They offer counseling after these incidents but in this male dominated craft its not utilized as much as it should be. I personally didn't think I was affected until my cannabis usage stopped and the dreams came. Now I dread going to sleep because of these dreams. When I'm working I need to be focused on what I'm doing because I have my own life and the guys that work for me to worry about. One mistake could result in death and that's something I couldn't live with.

Sorry for getting all disturbing but it kinda helps getting it off my chest. But now I have to deal with these dreams and try to stay focused on my work because my and other lives depend on it.

Fuck the MAN for not letting me have peace of mind!!
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I think I have a mild form of ptsd
I suffer from this, I won't say why. Its way too personal. I found EMDR therapy to be absolutely amazing. For me it took improperly processed trauma soaked memories and defused them in a very natural way.
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I found EMDR therapy

Can you elaborate? I'm unfamiliar with this. pm me if you'd like.

Thanks for sharing. I hope the asylum can be a place of comfort and catharsis for you. I for one will never complain when someone shares an honest story from the heart no matter how dark; if you have to deal with something like that everyday the least I can do is read your story.

Thank you buddy.
Using cannabis helps me to continue to live a productive life and be part of society. I can medicate plus get stuff done. Also being able to feel well enough to help others and have a fulfilling life. I usually have some kind of pain that I'm dealing with.
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I hate prednisone... It is the absolute worst....
10 years of twelve epidural steroid injections per year to treat chronic pain (after running like hell from freaking opiates) and...

The final retching of my sorry ass out of the Medical Mafia:

"Oops, sorry OldOyler. That pain in your hip bone that you developed? Ha, funny story what steroids can do over time..."

Cannabis only now. Treats it all. Not perfect, but at least I am still *me*.


Started for the HIGH :partyhat:

Following two major body injuries and a brain injury, I've been strain playing for my pains, emotional state, and general well being ever since :juggle:

But I still do enjoy just getting HIGH a lot

I joke with my wife when I get all chatty. "Do you *remember* the side effects from the Big Pharma list? Prozac/xanax was last I believe, and I didn't even know who I was."

So high, pleasant, and chatty?

Pfffft. One acceptable list of side effects, coming right up!

Peace and healing to everyone.
...tried a friends silver surfer on New Year's Eve 2011...1st week of 2012 mine was delivered...since than it's been nothing but vaping....5 years now...can't conceive of combusting...still have that silver surfer too....somewhere.
High everyone, nice place you got going here @momofthegoons! It's still got that "new forum" smell :thumbsup:

I've been getting high forever but I've stopped a couple of times over the years. I came back to cannabis both times for medical reasons, the first was to ditch pain pills when they had to reconstruct my knee a second time because of medical errors. The second time was more complicated, I had quit smoking for chronic pain because I couldn't tolerate combustion anymore. Then I got back into vaping and I haven't looked back, even if I still have trouble with certain strains.
10 years of twelve epidural steroid injections per year to treat chronic pain (after running like hell from freaking opiates) and...

The final retching of my sorry ass out of the Medical Mafia:

"Oops, sorry OldOyler. That pain in your hip bone that you developed? Ha, funny story what steroids can do over time..."

I know exactly what you're talking about with regards to the pain in your hip.

I'm so glad you've found something that helps.
I mostly vaporize for daily, chronic pain in my neck and spine caused from a car accident. I also vape for nausea because of all the RX drugs I'm taking. I have chronic kidney disease, and was just diagnosed with COPD, so they added even more RX drugs.

I've decided I'm going to look into more holistic sources to treat my many medical conditions, many that I didn't even list above.

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VGoodiez 420EDC