Good morning everyone, wow I had school this past weekend. I am a certified range officer for my local 4H club. It was way down south in the state almost a 3 hour drive, my club got my hotel room and class fees, woot woot and they fed me as well! 4H is more than just cows, chickens and pigs, as most of you know we do shooting sports. I learned alot this weekend, most often we have kids that dont fit into football or baseball but still wanna do a sport. Shooting sports is the 3rd most popular sport in the Olympics, most dont know it. We encourage growth and success, its not just about competitiveness. Yeah competitions are great and all but watching a child get better and better with their aim and the discipline it takes to group their shots down range repetitively in varying conditions and seeing them smile with accomplishment is a big big deal. Believe me mine spend enough time on their electronics devices so getting them outside and doing this is positive and I will be able to make sure its done properly and safely, very cool! On the way home my girl and I took the long way, yeah she went with me, was great, she sat through the whole class doing her thing she likes to sew, listening and was so nice to look over and see her smile back at me when our eyes met. We live apart and our times together arent that often as we would like so she went too. We went through one of the delta river towns where there are these really old plantation ruins of a huge house that was built in the 1800's that burned down. I had seen it on TV and in artists pics and paintings at festivals and had wanted to see it for the longest time. I mean in the middle of no where you drive back into the deep woods and there it is, Windsor Ruins
The columns were really tall and spread out over a large area. The neat cast iron toppers looked to be still in great condition, was fun to see for sure.
So I have been working more wood as always, I had 4 blocks of the Amboyna left. I made mention of that and now 2 are gone. I have 2 left that are all red with burl eyes all over them, if anyone wants to get one of the 2 pls let me know. As said once they are gone they are gone, unless a great deal falls out of the sky in my lap which I just dont see happening thats it for em.
@Stevenski The Bog Oak would look sweet with inlay but wasnt ordered, I will only do that on a custom order. Dont wanna dump that much time and effort into it and then it sit on a shelf for the price. Inlay takes time and once the WS is chucked in the lathe I dont take it out til after the inlay is completely done. There is so many steps to the process that I put the inlay in first then do the rest. I make the size larger OD to compensate for the sanding and grinding of the stone. So a WS with inlay has to stay in the lathe for 3 days, while its in there I cant turn any other units. I worry when I take it out that it would chuck up at the same angle and would throw the whole unit out of square causing serious problems to finish it properly. I appreciate the posts and hope all is well y our way!
@momofthegoons You know you right vaping isnt quite as popular as most may think and log vapes are uhhhhh say what. I am trying to get the word out it just takes time, I am hanging in there as I advise others to do often. This is a great reason why we all need to do our parts and let the world know as often as possible and to all that dont know, lets educate and inform! Hope you are enjoying that extra special custom piece, was one of my most fun so far to make and doing the inlay at the top rim was neat. I thought long and hard about what I could do differently and feel that was a good start towards that goal!
@elykpeace lol I know right! Hmm nifty find, not to expensive, give it a go and let us know how it works out pls sir.
Alright you all I am off to make it happen cause thats what I do and dont know no other way!