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Vape Arizer Solo II

@ataxian Our situations are similar, Me? NO $, can no longer work- ill.
Husband ( not French ) but works, doesn't partake. But, is very happy
I have found comfort. I am too. Solo helps.:nod:
My wife & daughter are back from FRANCE.
After looking at schools in EUROPE the USA is actually a more conductive fit for schools.

Look’s like CALIFORNIA is going to prove her education?

Still want to go in SEPTEMBER and check it out?
I hope the law become’s CIVILIZED so I can SOLO like a CIVILIZED person?

At. Least CALIFORNIA is decent and somewhat CIVILIZED!

Da best man 4 da job is a woman!
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The Solo 2 does have it's advantage, especially if you're tight on space.

I'm not really tight on space.

It's really for home use. Though, since it's "legal" in the state, I might take it out. So I did take that in mind. Someplace I've got an original VapeBros... not sure where? After life upheaval and buying my house... lot of stuff has begun packed away separate from other stuff. It'll move mostly from bedroom to livingroom to guitar room.

I'm looking forward to the Solo 2. I remember the Solo having quite a following on another vape enthusiast forum. :smug: I was considering a couple of others, as well The Storz & Bickel Mighty and the Hydrology 9.

I went with the Solo 2 since they've dropped to $169 and seem to produce the best vapor. There Mighty seemed a nice choice... but for twice the price... naw.
I went with the Solo 2 since they've dropped to $169 and seem to produce the best vapor. There Mighty seemed a nice choice... but for twice the price... naw.
I will agree that you made the correct decision. You will have ample vape power, and can always check out the Mighty at another opportunity!
Wow... have I been missing out. Can't wait to get the attachments tomorrow.

I'm still a fan of my MF. Its easy to carry... and I still have original batteries (that's creeping up on 8 years, or so). Granted, I haven't been vaping dry herb. Graduated to dabs and then they got to the point, they weren't agreeing with me healthwise. I'd like to use my HI, I don't feel like hunting down the power boxes. It had become more of a one hitter for me. Been using my MF since I went back to herb... and just wasn't filling the void, as pretty much, just a portable.

I wanted something I could chill with, was somewhat portable and delivered some clouds. Its mostly going to be in the house.

Got it this afternoon... did the heat up and off gas. Had to try it before the battery was charged... but it had enough and I plugged it in. I obviously haven't had experience with the grind (using a Mendo Mulcher 2-pc), or temps. I read that anything below 360 is nothing... so I started at 370. I let it heat up, put the glass in and let it sit for about 10-15 seconds, then started to draw. First thing I noticed, was the glass frosted up immediately. Wasn't from vapor... as those draws from 370 were very flavorful, though no visible exhale vapor. Reaction to the heat, maybe? Though... the unit gets warm... I haven't noticed it on my lips. Glass stays pretty cool.

I raised the temp and ended up around 390. I was drawing thick vapor clouds by then. Obviously I wasn't getting the same flavor hits (though, better than with the MF, to be honest). Needed to walk the dogs, so I shut it off... wanted to see how the grind was vaping and extracted the tube. The ABV was a nice, light tan color. Looked pretty even throughout.

I'm going to heat it back up, once the battery is done charging (at 95% now) and try to extract some more at about 405... which I've read, is about as high as you really want to go. But, that was from a blog post as well. Haven't searched the forums either... so if anyone wants to respond with their temp guides... I'm open.

I'm very satisfied with the purchase. Wish I'd bought one a long time ago. But, I did a nice tea break. All the concentrates around here are a mixed bag, so I wanted to return to the roots, so to speak. Its a much cleaner, clearer experience. Though, I was pretty ripped, walking those dogs. :smug:

Edit: after a 10 minute session at 405°. Was pulling pretty thick clouds. Flavor was lost... but still good medicating. Good extraction, imo.


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A day of observation. I've mentioned my MF and HI. Don't know if I mentioned my VB-1. Years back, I was communicating back and forth with them, and they've always been class acts. I ended up being gifted an original desktop (plus a few glass pieces). Like I was saying... class acts, stand up company.

That was what I used for a while, and enjoyed it... because it extracted so much out of the herb. I think the Solo 2 extracts very close to that, if not just as well. In a portable? Digital, timed sessions at precise temps?

I read through this thread, and saw a lot of comparison commentary. A recurring theme was draw restriction, especially when referring to the OG. I also noticed a lot of the replacement tubes for the OG, had notches cut into them. The Solo 2 pieces are flat, and I don't notice any draw constriction. I noticed the recessed vents were milled into the heating chamber, on the newer model. I'm perfect with the draw. Feels very natural.

Noticed a couple comments about just throwing away the ABV... I can see that as well. This stuff is coming out baked. It's a little darker at the bottom, but still pretty consistent. I don't know what good it would be? I dunno... I suppose I can check at least once.

I'm surprised how much it can milk out of what I wouldn't consider much. I'm working at 390° and 410°. It's not the most flavorful during the second session, but it does the job... and will go 15 minutes, dishing out vapor.

First session, it really shines. Several, very flavorful hits. You know... if there's better on the market... I don't feel a great need to look. I'm curious about the Hydrology 9... but, doesn't look like it gives the vapor I'm looking for. Brilliant design, however. Sexy too. But, so is the Solo 2.

I've only seen pics of the OG. My thinking is slimming it down, was maybe water pipes? I checked my pieces last night, and the 2 will fit just fine. I'm wondering if the fatter OG had issues with some glass? Still waiting on my adapters. Still says arriving today, but claims there's a delay and no info on where the package is. Hope it's here by tomorrow.

As long as I don't run into a faulty unit, I can see this handling my needs pretty exclusively for however long it lasts. Feels good in the hand, brilliant little package.

Though, think I'm going to take the sessions back to 10 minutes. 15 is "baked" in more ways, than one.
When my OG Solo died a couple days back... I seriously considered the Solo 2. Still am if I'm completely honest... VAS always lurks in my background lol. I ended up opting for the Air 2.

I like the Air 2 a lot. But.. would love to check out the Solo 2 as well. I see it happening.

Thanks @BigDaddyVapor for fueling that lol.... :shakehead:

A recurring theme was draw restriction,
I've never minded the draw restriction. And I would imagine that, much like you, it's because of the background with log vapes. The Arizer Solo's and Air are like log vapes on steroids. And use the same principle with the draw.

My thinking is slimming it down, was maybe water pipes? I checked my pieces last night, and the 2 will fit just fine. I'm wondering if the fatter OG had issues with some glass?
Maybe? I never had an issue. I will say it lends itself well to a particular type of bubbler; with this type of joint...


So maybe slimming it down was so it would fit with other types of glass, with the downstem on the outside of the rig.
When my OG Solo died a couple days back... I seriously considered the Solo 2. Still am if I'm completely honest... VAS always lurks in my background lol. I ended up opting for the Air 2.

I like the Air 2 a lot. But.. would love to check out the Solo 2 as well. I see it happening.

Thanks @BigDaddyVapor for fueling that lol.... :shakehead:

I basically replaced my old glass collection with guitars (and amps). I've got a room full of Les Pauls now... you wanna talk "fueling." :drooling: And several new guns. :lmao:

I just wanted one really effective, somewhat portable vape.

I've never minded the draw restriction. And I would imagine that, much like you, it's because of the background with log vapes. The Arizer Solo's and Air are like log vapes on steroids. And use the same principle with the draw.

I only used the logs with water pieces. Didn't bother with the draw tubes, really ever. Was a bit too harsh for me. This was my goto method. And another blast from the past...

Plus, I torched a lot of loads in the HI trying to max vape. Ugh... talk about harsh.

Maybe? I never had an issue. I will say it lends itself well to a particular type of bubbler; with this type of joint...

View attachment 17874

So maybe slimming it down was so it would fit with other types of glass, with the downstem on the outside of the rig.

I've got a couple like that. My little VB bubbler, and my Treehouse Glass. Though, the bases on my other pieces should be heavy enough. The stout M&M piece (the original FC gridded bubbler) and my EFS which is something like an 8" base.
Each session gets better. I've lowered the temps down. Tried 370° and got desired effect. Just took a little longer to start drawing vapor. Checked it afterwards, and a nice even tan color. If I can increase to 390... then another at 410... this would be stellar.

The efficiency is amazing. Nothing wasted.

Adapters should be here today (late). It'll be nice with an extra tube to load. I like keeping them preloaded. :juggle:
I never really liked my easyflow wpa for my OG Air as the slits made me feel like it was cutting my Airs seals as you inserted it, did not matter as I broke it not long after getting it and swapped to $5 DHGate jobs instead...
I never really liked my easyflow wpa for my OG Air as the slits made me feel like it was cutting my Airs seals as you inserted it, did not matter as I broke it not long after getting it and swapped to $5 DHGate jobs instead...
The Sneaky Pete adapter uses a single large diameter hole in the vapour path protecting your herb with a stainless-steel screen. Sized to work perfectly with either the Solo 2 or Air 2, this adapter fits on any 10mm, 14mm or 18mm . I'm interested, my only problem is finding one .

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VGoodiez 420EDC