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Vape Dynavap

Thanks but what about the burl dabber that @Puffers mentioned, is that in the store or is it only by special request?

Mainly this is because I have been wondering what kind of tool is supposed to go in the small hole in my dynastash, it seems like they would want to fill this with some kind of item but I can't find anything like that in the dynashop.


Ah I believe what you are refering to is the Ti Dabber that comes with a DynastashER.

Checkout the vid on the DynastashER page it gives a better illustration of what the tool is.

Thanks but what about the burl dabber that @Puffers mentioned, is that in the store or is it only by special request?

Mainly this is because I have been wondering what kind of tool is supposed to go in the small hole in my dynastash, it seems like they would want to fill this with some kind of item but I can't find anything like that in the dynashop.

Sorry. I somehow misinterpreted your question...
The Dynastash ER comes with a tool to match. Its not on the website, but they have been selling them. If you want a tool for your non ER stash, you need to contact them directly.
Got the m last week and I'm so upset at how broke I'm going to be this thing is my favorite vape hands down and I have a bunch but this thing is what I've always wanted instant heat up on demand vapor very efficient sexy durable and closes thing we have to smoking it feels great just holding it like a metal blunt or cig man i must have them all because these are like functional art pieces to me in my eyes thnx for the VAS dynavap
O.K. they arrived. I inspected both, disassembled and reassembled, 7x cleaned, dry-runned, and used a silicone ring to cover up the carb. So I modded it, kinda. :nusenuse: All within 2hrs.
'M' is for Minuteman. :flamethrower2:
I just had to come back here to tell you guys that if you love clouds and flavor, all of you need to get a little concentrate pad for your vapcap and throw in some 2-4 star less melty bubble hash. You can pack one large bowl that could last the whole day with no lack of flavor and whitewall :weed::aaaaa:

Lesser melting hash is often available very cheaply where it can be found. It will often taste almost as wonderful as the full melt from the same starting material, but will need to be vaporized more like flower rather than dabbed. This is a great way for all of us to enjoy the finest flavors and effects on any budget :twocents:

I strongly recommend this method for the lazier of us who prefer not to have to dump and reload bowls over and over :dog:
I just had to come back here to tell you guys that if you love clouds and flavor, all of you need to get a little concentrate pad for your vapcap and throw in some 2-4 star less melty bubble hash. You can pack one large bowl that could last the whole day with no lack of flavor and whitewall :weed::aaaaa:

Lesser melting hash is often available very cheaply where it can be found. It will often taste almost as wonderful as the full melt from the same starting material, but will need to be vaporized more like flower rather than dabbed. This is a great way for all of us to enjoy the finest flavors and effects on any budget :twocents:

I strongly recommend this method for the lazier of us who prefer not to have to dump and reload bowls over and over :dog:
And as soon as those SOBs finally open dispensaries here, I will be sure to try it! haha
Honey Bee Acrylic with Blackwood 'hot end' and exposed condenser. A continuation of an idea I had with the first Black and White Ebony one.

A one piece Kingwood 150mm looked great but didn't like the way I took it off the bushings and I cracked it, not to let a nice piece of wood go to waste I added a brass accent and BW end.

The Blackwood had it's own little surprise for me, looks like someone scrawled their initials in it.

@Squiby , @Baron23 and your good self @herbivore21 here's where I ended up here with the concentrate pad idea made from the stuff I had to hand, I used it with some reclaim which I find particularly disgusting, but the idea worked and fitted my lazy needs for the day.

I used to smoke neat single skinnners and would take a couple of tokes and put it out, topping up as and when.
So it's memory lane stuff as well as a bit of sloth.
The idea of a VC bowl lasting all day appeals but it'd have to be something nice with plenty of fresh flavor and buzz.

Fine SS mesh from a device I got the chance to trial. It was half the length I needed hence the 2 pieces, folded length ways and then one overlapped slightly, dropped in each other and rolled into a cylinder, the small square was pushed in first and sat on the CCD.

Picked it up with a pair of tweezers and used my torch to warm it up, the reclaim wicked into it.
No idea how much it sucked up but it was not fully saturated.

The cylinder sits in okay but one piece of mesh may be better. I'll be getting some more and pursue it a bit, some green may have to sacrificed in the name of.
Triple torch and I did not heat beyond the click, the only time I did wonder and heat a little more was my last heat cycle and it had run out so no amount of heat was going to help that.
I had no need for the extra heat and got big vapor production for the 6 or 7 hours I went back and forth to it.
Honey Bee Acrylic with Blackwood 'hot end' and exposed condenser. A continuation of an idea I had with the first Black and White Ebony one.

A one piece Kingwood 150mm looked great but didn't like the way I took it off the bushings and I cracked it, not to let a nice piece of wood go to waste I added a brass accent and BW end.

The Blackwood had it's own little surprise for me, looks like someone scrawled their initials in it.

@Squiby , @Baron23 and your good self @herbivore21 here's where I ended up here with the concentrate pad idea made from the stuff I had to hand, I used it with some reclaim which I find particularly disgusting, but the idea worked and fitted my lazy needs for the day.

I used to smoke neat single skinnners and would take a couple of tokes and put it out, topping up as and when.
So it's memory lane stuff as well as a bit of sloth.
The idea of a VC bowl lasting all day appeals but it'd have to be something nice with plenty of fresh flavor and buzz.

Fine SS mesh from a device I got the chance to trial. It was half the length I needed hence the 2 pieces, folded length ways and then one overlapped slightly, dropped in each other and rolled into a cylinder, the small square was pushed in first and sat on the CCD.

Picked it up with a pair of tweezers and used my torch to warm it up, the reclaim wicked into it.
No idea how much it sucked up but it was not fully saturated.

The cylinder sits in okay but one piece of mesh may be better. I'll be getting some more and pursue it a bit, some green may have to sacrificed in the name of.
Triple torch and I did not heat beyond the click, the only time I did wonder and heat a little more was my last heat cycle and it had run out so no amount of heat was going to help that.
I had no need for the extra heat and got big vapor production for the 6 or 7 hours I went back and forth to it.
Glad to hear you had such success first try my friend! It is wonderful isn't it! You enjoy those relaxing day-long rips now won't you :biggrin:
I received the M today and have to say I'm impressed. I hadn't tried any of the Dynavap lineup since the og beta unit. And I'll have to admit that I didn't like that... I couldn't get it to not combust on me.

However..... all that has changed for me with this model. I was able to get some serious rips right from the bat with no confusion or combustion. Love it. And I can totally see how this vape will fill a niche in my life.

And I LOVED it as a stem for the WoodScents. @CarolKing that was one hell of a good idea. And this is, imo, when the carb feature really shines. I felt no need to take the condenser out and pretty much just used it 'as is' without the cap.

So you guys have another convert on your hands. And now I've got the itch to get some purdy stems, and different styles, and...

That sucking sound you hear is my husband's wallet. :tongue:
I am very excited because my little green package has made it to Chicago which is the last step before being moved on to Canada. In the end I also added an M to my order. No comments from the @Squiby gallery please. :rofl:

Question for those who have the gen 3 Ti tip, gen 4 Ti tip and the M tip. Based on materials and shape, each of these seem to behave slightly differently. From your experience, is there one of these that is better suited to higher temps or lower temps and/or slower or faster sessions? Each tip will be dedicated to a different purpose (one on the omni for daytime use, one with water for nighttime use, and one for overnight use). I will obviously do some experimenting on my own, but I wanted the opinions of the experts. I only have the gen 3 now, but getting the other two soon.

So you guys have another convert on your hands. And now I've got the itch to get some purdy stems, and different styles, and...
I am so happy that you are a convert. I have been trying to get you to see how good these are since I got mine in December. But let us not lament how long it took you to get to the party, lets celebrate that you got here! :aaaaa:

Now that we have you here, I will present to you one link that will take you to the wonderful world of what @phattpiggie can do and another link to take you into @Winegums world. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention @ddave and his mod. With the vapcap you don't just get struck with VAS, you get hit with DYNAVAS! But if your husband asks, I was never here. :periodico:
In honour of our new Vapcap converts, I thought that I would post my tips for Vapcap success and a content and delightful life ...

Tip #1 - Respect the click.

BOTH WAYS. The cap really does know what it's doing. Sure, you can heat it past the click a second or so, but I have found that stopping at the click gets me three good hits per session with no worry over possible combustion. Leave thoughts of heating past the click for later, when you are more experienced with this marvelous wonderful device.

The first cycle is a flavour hit and the next two are pure vapour. I am a microdoser and I only use a tiny amount of herb per bowl. I get three cycles per load and then bliss. Some may prefer to slightly overheat the first round for full vapour on hit one, but that will get you very dark ABV while I myself prefer more of a toast colour.

The cooling click is even more important because if you don't wait for it before reheating, you will combust. It's guaranteed, write it down, take it to the bank, count on it. It's easy to get lost; heat the cap, toke away, gaze with loving admiration at your Woody's grain and undiscovered beauty and then, without thinking, you put the torch to it again. NO...STOP, don't do that. Wait for that cooling click. For me, this was the toughest part of the learning curve - learning to wait for the cooling click. Now, it's just habit. This alone should give you an indication of how incredibly easy it is to operate. I've never combusted, but I have come close a once or twice. Each time was without question, user malfunction.

When done correctly, the herb always comes out an even toasty brown or darker if you prefer. Pure vapor perfection. Yes, you guessed it, it's true. The cap it IS magic.

Tip #2 - Choose your fire.

The flame or heat source that you choose DOES effect your outcome. A four jet torch brings immediate, or within a few seconds, perfect vaping temps. Dial down the fire and you add more seconds getting to the click. With a quad, triple or double jet, the time to temp is very short. A candle may take up to 20 seconds but it is heating that oven nice and slow. Easy does it..Yum...

A single flame with its pinpoint precision is more challenging to a new Vapcapper than multiple flames which cover a greater general area of the cap. A quad will quickly bring you to the click without overheating. Stick to multiple flames if you are a novice. Dial in your technique with a single jet once you are feeling more comfortable.

The Vapcap is quick and can dissipate a load in a fast efficient manner. If you've got a Vapcap, you can get high inside a minute, from loading your herb to ABV.

Tip #3 - Find your sweet spot.

Where you apply heat to your cap makes all the difference. Heat low on the cap and your bowl temps are higher than heating the tip of the cap. This adjustment fine tunes the temperature of your bowl and its contents. Infinite variability is possible through the heat source you choose, the length of the flame, how/where on the cap you apply heat and the moisture content of your herb. Experiment to find your sweet spot.

I begin by heating the lower half of the cap, near the digger outter. This creates an initial burst of heat. The second cycle has the heat concentrated in the middle section of the cap and the final cycle is heated near the top. This gives me toasty coloured ABV and flavorful vapor every time.

Practice often to find your sweet spot.

Tip #4 - Attract a magnet (or Dynastash/ER).

When I ordered my Dynastash and DynastashER, I really sort of expected them to be novelty items. Boy! Was I wrong. These tiny stashes are sooo cool and better yet, super convenient. They tuck away your vapcap and store your herb. They are a small dugout size, fit easily in your palm and your pocket, are super attractive and just sooo handy. The ER has the added benefit of an extra silicone stash. It's meant for concentrate but I have been stuffing flower in it or you could use it for your ABV. Again, super handy. I haven't even mentioned the main attraction, the magnet. It keeps your cap stuck close by so it won't roll away. And it looks great doing it. It holds the cap securely while you're filling the bowl. Place your vapcap on the magnet after a toke and it will cool the cap to the cooling click within a few seconds. The Dynastash/ER just ties the room together so to speak and I don't feel like I have a bunch of random separate pieces cluttering up the place.

Also, you can stash your stash by using the magnet to hold it to any ferris metal such as a table leg or your fridge. I hide a stash with its Vapcap on the back of a cast iron lantern that sits on my porch.

Tip #5 - Bigger is not better.

The bowl size is perfect; Small but not too small. Perfect and adjustable. I like to take a tiny nug and pop it in the bowl. No need to grind your herb or fiddle or fuss around when emptying the bowl. Take the cap off, tip the chamber and you nug will just fall out.

The Vapcap taught me to microdose. You will save money on your herb. It will surprise you with its efficiency. Try vaping smaller and smaller amounts and you will find that less actually delivers the same effect.

Tip #6 - Lose the Loose Particulates.

I was so thrilled when I found the Vapcap and the surprisingly smooth vapor It delivers. But, I still experienced lung irritation from the teeny weeny bits of plant material that would get past the screen and into the condenser. Some bits would stick to the inside of the condenser but some would make it into my lungs. A short bit of degummed hemp fiber can be fashioned into a flat disk shaped filter and sandwiched between two screens. This stops all particulate bits from making their way to your lungs. It creates an even smoother cooler vapor and as a special bonus, it keeps your condenser unbelievably clean for a very very long time.

Tip #6 - Sucking sucks. Try pulling a toke.

The best technique I have found for toking on a Vapcap is the mouthpull.

Covering the air intake hole will restrict airflow but will also create larger clouds and a more concentrated vapor.

I prefer to cover the air intake on my regular Vapcaps and the condenser on my Omni is dialed all the way out to achieve a similar restriction.

I prefer this setting as I have sensitive lungs and want the cooler smoother vapor achieved by mouthpulling my vapor rather than inhaling directly into the lungs like a regular toke.

Cover the carb and puff on it like you would a cigar. Pull the vapor into your mouth using suction with your cheeks - like you are slurping a milkshake. Then either feather the carb and inhale fresh cool air along with your vapor into your lungs or just open your mouth and inhale the vapor. This is much less irritating to your lungs and a very enjoyable toking method compared to direct inhalation methods IMO.

And finally, love your Vapcap. Keep it close by. Use it often and it will reward you will endless happy and blissfully pain free days.
@Squiby thank you for the comprehensive guide to the Vapcap. I need to put my thinking cap on and figure a way to make these types of tutorials front and center for users of specific vapes..... it'll come to me. Just have to put the vape down for a sec... :dog:

Hmmm... perhaps adding these to the Resource section......
I'm also a convert. :dogpile: Got mine on $ 4/20. A few 'M' reviews.
Dynavap M | Quick Look & First Impressions | Sneaky Pete's Vaporizer Reviews

DynaVap VapCap M REVIEW!: watch before you buy
@Squiby thank you for the comprehensive guide to the Vapcap. I need to put my thinking cap on and figure a way to make these types of tutorials front and center for users of specific vapes..... it'll come to me. Just have to put the vape down for a sec... :dog:

Hmmm... perhaps adding these to the Resource section......
What about adding sticky-worthy content to the op, maybe letting thread creators edit it in perpetuity?
I promised pics when the Omni burl came in. Wish there was some better sun out here today for better lighting. I love my Omni so far. I haven't tried to play with my stoner Lego's yet..... I'll probably throw the burl VonG on later tonight. I am a little scared to break down this beauty :lol:





Don't mind the combustion in the background.... you know us VC'ers like to play with fire. :science: :flamethrower2:

Is hempwick the way to go for melty concentrates or should I try mesh?
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VGoodiez 420EDC