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Oh ataxian... I almost pm'd you with a reminder!.... dammit I wish I had now. :doh:
My wife bought me a couple of OZ’s.
One is this BANANA KUSH that is just way strong?
Feel like I’m 19?I feel
My wife is against CANNABIS?
I feel fine!
Tomorrow is cleaning daze!
“M” will B like new except I completely have destroyed da CAP?
I’m a ROOKIE 2-B truthfully honest.
My bad!
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“M” will B like new except I completely have destroyed da CAP?
Have you been using the Oxy/acetylene torch again? I find it amazing that you could destroy it so soon after getting it, they are usually very robust and forgiving to a bit of abuse, well done.:thumbsup:
I used a large torch I got 4 $9.00 at HARBOR Freight. (Toopowerfull)
The one that da “M” came with functioned much butter!

You need IH in your DV life.....

$10 for parts and make your own or a few premade ones out there or dental ones also
Will change your experience all together

I hate torching with the VC now
IH all day
Ti tip is here!
Washed and ready to rock :razz2:

And so @I'm Ron Burgundy? ..... The age old question. :lol: How are you finding the difference between the M and the new Ti tip you got?

I've been thinking about it as I use my different tips... and I wonder if some of the difference lies in the cap as well as the tip...... each of my caps 'works' differently. Someone was talking about it earlier in the thread and in my stoned state I can't remember who it was and am too lazy to look... :ko: Maybe @phattpiggie ? Different caps click and don't click and I wonder if the way they are made makes a difference in the performance as well.
I can’t wait for my IH to arrive. I’m already over the torch.
I mean I do like the fact that you can heat it that way, but quite honestly it’s starting to bother my hands having to twist the VapCap with one and the hold down the torch with the other.

in case you didn't know, the aomai flint doesn't require you to hold the torch button. it's also a nice small, stealth form factor
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VGoodiez 420EDC