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Cherry AK paired with SS tip in my favorite Binger,
cooking for Vegetarian guests tonight, damn! I cant be getting too stoned before they arrive?
ah well there goes that..

@ataxian ..Are you sure?:rofl:
When I skied TAHOE, CHILE, COLORADO, UTAH all we had was JOINT’S!
“M” would have been perfect for SKIING.
We made SNOWBOARD’s in a Surf SHOP 1971 before it was a thing?
In HAWAII a “M” would have been better than the GORILLA FINGER sized JOINTS before surfing the shark infested waters over shallow coral reef’s!

Healthy or sick a “M” is the ticket!
VAPCAP if your not scared ?

We killed the MALE CANNABIS plants before it was a thing?
Making fun of SEEDS which are not CIVILIZED!
CALIFORNIA is not a bad place to SKI as well!
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When I skied TAHOE, CHILE, COLORADO, UTAH all we had was JOINT’S!
“M” would have been perfect for SKIING.
We made SNOWBOARD’s in a Surf SHOP 1971 before it was a thing?
In HAWAII a “M” would have been better than the GORILLA FINGER sized JOINTS before surfing the shark infested waters over shallow coral reef’s!

Healthy or sick a “M” is the ticket!
VAPCAP if your not scared ?

We killed the MALE CANNABIS plants before it was a thing?
Making fun of SEEDS which are not CIVILIZED!
I find seeds to be most civilized.
My cap has a couple of session’s left!

Did you get a new cap or M when you got that CIVILIZED stash box? Caps can live forever I find so long as you don't overheat them.
Did you get a new cap or M when you got that CIVILIZED stash box? Caps can live forever I find so long as you don't overheat them.
My TORCH was way to large?
Had to use a smaller torch?
Da one VAPCAP send with the “M” work’s better for me?

I want to get a INDUCTION lighter however they seem like their not made big enough?
My FOXY WIFE hates flames?
Indoor use is not possible!

So I use a plug-in until I find one?
It nice and sunny we’re I live so maybe I’ll go outside?
When I was hanging out in COLORADO I would find arrowhead’s on da ground.
Skiing every weekend back in the 80’s without a “M”?

I'm sure it was awesome! Skiing in the Rockies in the Early aughts in CO. without an M almost everyday!
back then we young guns smoked in avalanche huts, on the lift, brass bats or glass bowls if you were brave? Snow Bunnies were so Hot!
DV replaced my brass one hitter with SS/TI stems I prefer a glass airpath at home.

@Stevenski happy belated bday dude:partyhat:

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VGoodiez 420EDC