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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

Sitting on a nice 6.5, have had a prick of a day where little jobs kept turning into big ones, don't you just hate that.:thumbsup:(and this bloody cordless keyboard needs shooting)
Sitting at a nice pleasant 5 right now but Saturday & Sunday were total write offs. I must have averaged a good 8 over that 36 hours :dog:.
9.5...Been Tera WPA modding and have just about popped a pooper valve from coughing, had a bit of jelly leg, watched the stars and thought, nearly got it sorted. I might be able to upload pictures and stuff tomorrow on the Teta thread.:smilie-devil:
Cant find it...looking for ages
Carl Barron's Dad
"you'll bust a poofoo valve"....

VC and GH through ash catcher w/ j-hook

up in them 7.10s....

time for some Hard Quiz and oily dabses
9.9 and I can barely see to load the Plenty and see how my bamboo bowl retainers go.:sherlock:
Only 9, wtf was I on about bamboo....oh yeah, my Plenty branded me yesterday, I'm from ranch 'O' and the bits of bamboo work well!
oh yeah, my Plenty branded me yesterday
Lol... funny... I was thinking of starting a 'what vape branded you?' thread just the other day. I have scars from every vape I own that can burn you in any way; the worst of them being from my fucking enail. It's gotten me twice now on the wrist. How you might ask? The fuck if I know.....

I'm at a nice 4 right now. Contemplating facing the crowds at the stores and doing a bit of holiday shopping. Sigh.... I hate shopping..... unless it's for vape equipment lol.
Lol... funny... I was thinking of starting a 'what vape branded you?' thread just the other day. I have scars from every vape I own that can burn you in any way; the worst of them being from my fucking enail. It's gotten me twice now on the wrist. How you might ask? The fuck if I know.....

I'm at a nice 4 right now. Contemplating facing the crowds at the stores and doing a bit of holiday shopping. Sigh.... I hate shopping..... unless it's for vape equipment lol.
I have burns too hahahaa
The 710 coil got mee
I had nice stripey scars on my finger and thumb as I was stoned and just went to move the position of QB forgetting it was a hot coil ....DUH
VC often gives a bite when trying to take the cap off too quickly
The Plenty bites as it has a habit of breaking the tabs that hold the metal piece in and it falls out onto you when emptying
I once touched the F2 wpa at the bottom just after use....
GH gets hot but yet to burn me - Tera so far burn free also.....
I guess Bic lighters used to burn us and hot cone pieces too back in the smoking days....
And let's not forget the chest burns that happened if smoking a blunt in bed that had a seed in it....... :cool:

I love that now I am vaping there are no more holes burnt into my trackies from seeds in joints or popping cone cherries

Ppl think you're a crackhead...lol

whats that word ppl throw around in here? ahh yer - civilised ....lol

love that vape life
6 but puffing away like an old steam train looking for 7;
7 and cruising
put new blades on the mower today so it catches grass again - I might actually attack the jungle out back tomorrow
Got new spark plugs oil and filter for the hyundai too
Might put them in tomorrow too - will see how that pans out then

At least I did something productive - am now stopped for day and puffing away at my new toy - mighty fine feeling and intend to get up above that 7 shortly

Will post first MIGHTY impressions later on - only advantage to being on the mainland ay @LesPlenty ? I ordered my mighty a few days after you but it arrived today :)
:disgust: I did order mine late Friday night but it did not ship until Tues night, don't choke on any little plastic bits when first using the new toy, I was going to skip the pre-clean first use just like Troy to see how good something can be out of the box...lucky bastard!:thumbsup:

WS all day,
Terra just then,
just coming down from near 10 again :dog:
Go on, do it.:smoke:
Edit; just noticed how long ago the post was, no doubt you have already done it.
Shit.... I came into my office to medicate real quick before going grocery shopping.... and got sucked into the 5 letter game with @felvapes ...

Now I'm sitting here way too high at about a 7. If I go to the store now I am going to buy all kinds of shit we don't need.... :doh: Not to mention the fact that I don't think I can make eye contact with anyone at the moment...


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VGoodiez 420EDC