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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

1970 in a bathroom on the beach at the local pier across the surf movie house completely stoned and definitely dazed was a time when seed’s were in our nugget’s.
It was free so no problem except the chopper’s flying overhead to support reefer madness that made the administration happy or content while they drank some liquid to make CIVILIZATION very intoxicated?
CANNABIS is a nonprofit substance to enhance some lives in a state of NIRVANA!
I0 years later sitting on a log on the edge of the Everglades and hearing a helicopter searching for flowers for the first time.......the beginning of the end of the beginning.
I like that I won't go to prison and I like even more that our kids won't go to prison for Cannabis.......A end of all that and a new beginning of this.
8 outta 10 and time for some rosin..........good night.
I don't understand it either and I suspect no one actually does as without lab testing of each batch of anything there is a lot of......assuming?
This is why I measure in ml from my syringe or g as they are common and workable sizes or in point g or point ml
Purity as you say will always be debatable and assumed

Unfortunately I still risk gaol for weed...one day we might catch up... Or maybe I'll move to Canberra lol
When I consume edibles in the form of distillate infused candies etc.... They sometimes come in 10mg pieces.
I require at least 300 mg to get where I need to begin to be.
Funny the the law here in Arizona has made Recreational Pot OK.
I can go in as a patient and buy 1000 mg doses.
The recreational consumers can only obtain 10 mg doses.... and can purchase up to 10 of those.
I get really comfortable after 500-600.:nod:

NOW this is a puzzle: ....
Edibles Vs. weight in flower Vs.concentrates
I as a patient can get 70 grams of flower or concentrates. Either/or.. or mix and match.
A rec user can get 1 ounce of flower.. OR 5 grams of concentrate.
I already told you rec. users limit on edibles.....
for a patient 100mg of edibles =.10 of a gram.....
1 gram of my allotment would be either a gram of flower, a gram of concentrate, or 1000mg of edibles.
This may appear incongruent, but I like alot. It works well for me as I like Medibles!
Back on track....
I am a solid 8 and climbing!
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When I consume edibles in the form of distillate infused candies etc.... They sometimes come in 10mg pieces.
I require at least 300 mg to get where I need to begin to be.
Funny the the law here in Arizona has made Recreational Pot OK.
I can go in as a patient and buy 1000 mg doses.
The recreational consumers can only obtain 10 mg doses.... and can purchase up to 10 of those.
I get really comfortable after 500-600.:nod:

NOW this is a puzzle: ....
Edibles Vs. weight in flower Vs.concentrates
I as a patient can get 70 grams of flower or concentrates. Either/or.. or mix and match.
A rec user can get 1 ounce of flower.. OR 5 grams of concentrate.
I already told you rec. users limit on edibles.....
for a patient 100mg of edibles =.10 of a gram.....
1 gram of my allotment would be either a gram of flower, a gram of concentrate, or 1000mg of edibles.
This may appear incongruent, but I like not. It works well for me as I like Medibles!
Back on track....
I am a solid 8 and climbing!
Thank you
So you guys can buy such tiny amounts
I don't think I could seperate my oil for example into such small amounts

.1 ml is a small amount at 100mg

1ml/1g is 1000mg as we said and the doses you are describing are similar to what I think

I just can't see dosing in such small amounts as 10mg

Maybe for a complete noob .05 ml dab would be okay and that would be 50mg

I did not realise ppl microdose so much as to have 10 mg incriments
It would be the smallest of smallest bits of oil and do nothing to me even when I didn't consume

But the way you say you dose for yourself is similar to what I would think is normal so I'd never think to work in mg

Only ml or g

Cheers for your answer
I understood the maths already but wasn't aware of ppl dosing so small or it being sold like that
So you guys can buy such tiny amounts
Please let me clarify one step further.
Those small doses are jus equivalents.
The smallest dose of medibles is 10 mg. This is available to rec users.
they can buy up to 100 mg dose.
A patient has no limit on dosage... and the edibles.. in THC mg. is given to us very fairly.
1000mg edibles (10 100mg keif colas.. or 10 100 mg suckers) is only counted against our allotment
at 1 gram. I would be allowed to obtain any of the following... in any combination, every 2 weeks:
  • 70 grams of flower....
  • 70 grams of wax/diamonds etc
  • 70,000mgs of THC in edibles (not weight of food, just THC mg)
I am about 9 from testing some old dab device...fucking good if you fill er up :nut:
Waking up with the loaded Tafée Bowle next to the bed was either the best thing I ever did... or the worst!
I wake (5:00 a.m.), Vape, and then stumble through the morning grinning.
A dab an hour after wake & Vake means that after 6 a.m. I am comfortable.
Todays beginnings included G4 for flower, and Cherry Tang Shatter (sativa) for the dab.
I am at a 7.... about to start declining.
That Superglue in the Herbalizer will have me up to an 8 in short order.

I have to fight autocorrect!
I have to trick it into letting me type Herbalizer
It makes me jump through hoops to make it not type Verbalizer!
Waking up with the loaded Tafée Bowle next to the bed was either the best thing I ever did... or the worst!
I wake (5:00 a.m.), Vape, and then stumble through the morning grinning.
A dab an hour after wake & Vake means that after 6 a.m. I am comfortable.
Todays beginnings included G4 for flower, and Cherry Tang Shatter (sativa) for the dab.
I am at a 7.... about to start declining.
That Superglue in the Herbalizer will have me up to an 8 in short order.

I have to fight autocorrect!
I have to trick it into letting me type Herbalizer
It makes me jump through hoops to make it not type Verbalizer!
Auto correct can suck it.
I didn't spend all that time learning my ciphers for a machine to tell me how to express myself.......sheeeeit.

I hope everyone had a good day and is feeling as well as possible.
I am firing up the dabber and gonna try and catch up to Moms.
Woke up at 3 a.m., again. By 4 a.m. I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep, so vaped a bit for something to do. I was at a happy 6, when the cats got the idea that an extra early breakfast was a great idea, and I was the very person to provide service. Ruined my buzz.

I find if i wake in the night, if i vape it wakes me up...
Woke up at 3 a.m., again. By 4 a.m. I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep, so vaped a bit for something to do. I was at a happy 6
Same exact timing and same exact hours. I still have not been to back to sleep. I cancelled my blood work today and scheduled it for Wednesday.
It would be in 2 hours, and I shouldn't drive this sleeplessly.
Vaped repeatedly in the past 20 minutes... and I hit a 10....
I will let myself pass out and wake up naturally .... when Brain and Body say so.
Must be something in the universe....... Mrs.arb was also up at 3:00ish.
Supposed to be my day"off"today I was gonna use it to catch up,hell I even made a list.
Taking five after the list making and loaded up some purple pounder in the coil8avator.
Not looking so good for the list but The Creature From The Black Lagoon sounds...........about right.
7-10 and ain't doing shit and can't nobody make me.
Must be something in the universe....... Mrs.arb was also up at 3:00ish.
Supposed to be my day"off"today I was gonna use it to catch up,hell I even made a list.
Taking five after the list making and loaded up some purple pounder in the coil8avator.
Not looking so good for the list but The Creature From The Black Lagoon sounds...........about right.
7-10 and ain't doing shit and can't nobody make me.
My wife is the $ maker so I go by her rule’s.
Not a wis just reflecting on my dilemma?
Hot here in the western section of the USA.
Look’s like winter is in hiding?
My seed’s of CIVILIZATION are needing popping b-4 putting them in the ground.
3 month’s longer until this act of gardening can b-performed!
DISAPPOINTED my near by dispensary is closed this daze?
2 reach 10 I can only try?
7 would be decent if possible with the kief & gsc left in my medical storage of blissful existence?
CANNABIS is da solution 2 make the pale blue dot CIVILIZED!
popping b-4 putting them in the ground.
3 month’s longer until this act of gardening can b-performed!

EDIT: I READ "PROPPING" NOT "POPPING"... SORRY! PLEASE DISREGARD & CARRY ON (damn cheapo readers...!) :smug::myday::sherlock:bonghit

you could...:

A. lower the lights and put an oscillating fan on them gently...
B. move them to an area where they get more light (sun) and exposure to breezes


I always try(ied) to avoid staking... and let the stalks build up their own strength naturally...

or continue as planned... you have it all totally under control...! :thumbsup:
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you could...:

A. lower the lights and put an oscillating fan on them gently...
B. move them to an area where they get more light (sun) and exposure to breezes


I always try(ied) to avoid staking... and let the stalks build up their own strength naturally...

or continue as planned... you have it all totally under control...! :thumbsup:
I grew inside 2-try the millennial method, however outdoor is my preference?
The dispensaries R available in the bubble I reside.
I have some GSC & KIEF to get me 2 a level decent 2-B CIVILIZED hopefully?

I had a indoor grow room fitted with lights, air, water cooled hospitable style that freaked out my grownup kid’s!
Outdoor the COLAS “R” super long (not popular 2 daze?)
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VGoodiez 420EDC