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Discontinued MistVape Touch

Vapes no longer in production
It is a bad day here, I ordered some stems from abrimagery.com and got this

The amber stem is 2.5" long and the end is sharp, no fire polish, real junk.
The double ended male is suppose to be 4" long it is 6" and it was suppose to be heavy wall glass it isn't. So they said they would take them back without the restock fee, hopefully they will.
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Apparently there has been an issue with a FW4 so I have looked at the Touch to see if there are any problems. The only thing appears to be if the wrap on the battery is damaged it may be possible to momentarily short the battery. If the wrap is intact no problem. The bottom line is make sure your batteries are in good shape. If they wrap is damaged you can buy re wrap kits on line. Please don't push your luck and try to use a battery that has a damaged wrap.
The part that can be a problem is the wrap around the positive terminal. As the door shuts the "bump" in the copper anode strip on the door could contact the outer metal part of the battery and the positive terminal causing a short.
There have been no incidents where this actually happened and I want to keep it that way. If you have any concerns please contact me or post something, info@mistvaporizer.com

I just sacrificed a LG battery, cut away the wrap around the positive terminal and carefully assessed the possibility of shorting. With the battery I had and the anode strip I tested the "bump" was able to ride the gap between positive terminal and the outer negative housing. That is it did not short but it was very close. A different battery or anode strip might have shorted, it is possible but if you are careful and make sure your battery wrap is intact there is no danger.
I am considering changing the battery polarity at some future date. If the negative pole was up then it would not be possible to short the battery. I'll keep everyone informed.
I've been meaning to post on this. One fellow who has a Touch had an issue. He had treated it fairly roughly and used fingernails to press the touch sensor. during a kitchen clean up after dinner he was vaping and set the Touch down. A few minutes latter he realized it didn't shut down, the humidity in the kitchen and the nails to sensor caused it to stick ON.
Here is the sensor

So please no fingernails digging into the sensor. This could of been bad but he caught it and i was able to restore the unit but there was charring of the wood but it sanded clean.
Found a local glass worker. I'm going to get some 14 mm gongs made with a recessed end like the standard Touch stem.
Also asking the guy to consider doing custom work for the community. Not sure on his time for this but I'll let you know.
Engraved some production units tonight. Here is one with alternating yellow heart and snake wood.

I haven't glued the inlays in or pretty them up, yet! This is going to be pretty cool.
Engraved two snake wood trimmed frames, one purple heart trimmed and one plain.

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VGoodiez 420EDC