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Been busy with all the regular shit life throws at you recently.
Had Mrs.P.P. off work for a few days and got a bit of work round the garden done, took her mind off a job offer that's come her way.

I'm getting closer to receiving news from the machine shop and it's giving me the jitters.

Took my mind off that by filling the shed with the stench of burning hair. I won't do another lidded piece but can see some Blackwood with small accents getting done in this material.

Buffalo Horn and Blackwood Lidded Stem.
Needs a small leather washer in the joint to stop over tightening of the brass coupling.
There is needs & wants in this world. A Phatpiggie stem is a want that is rapidly becoming a need. That horn is giving me a horn alright.
Nerve racking investing money in the unknown but today my parts were finished so it was time to work out how to hold them successfully.

The first idea is a little Ti top hat, the 8mm hole for the Ti tip has to be spot on otherwise this happens.
This is a scrap stem, I can make new Blackwood ends for the segmented stems but it's time lost every time one is wrong

With the addition of this piece I can ensure I have no more wasted wood or time.

Figured Walnut.

There are a couple of other ideas still to be explored but for now I got some of these made.

They fit in place of the Blackwood hot end, Macassar Ebony
Another lovely stem. That snakewood is really cool.

Wood is such an amazing medium to work with. It has so many different textures and grains. And in your able hands turns into amazing vape art. I don't think I've seen a wood stem you've made that I didn't like. And the acrylics are pretty sweet as well.
@momofthegoons it's a lovely wood to turn and the outcome is always stunning.

The pen turners have concerns with it cracking and it does splinter very easily when taking it from square to round but as long as I take my time I've had no problems with it.

Thank you for the kind words, who would have thought acrylic vaporizer stems being a viable option.
Got a nice Blackwood piece coming up with a little red acrylic accent.
UK weather put a halt to any turning last week, temp fluctuations from tropical to below freezing could lead to all sorts of problems.
Luckily it's all over and done with round here now so I can get back to normal.

Today has been a Blackwood day, roughed out 5 blanks and an acrylic.


Which along with a couple of pieces of A&W tin ended up looking like this

Before I set to with a file and squared it up. The Kirinite is almost ruby like.

Making a VC pipe is always going to be a bit of a challenge, keeping something with a angled stem clean is the problem.
I had a bit of a play with a design idea and will be exploring it some more in the future.
Two neo magnet rings and X rings help keep it together and sealed.

Few more tricks up my sleeve yet @momofthegoons

Not done any Omni sleeves for a while so it was nice to set this Bocote Twist out and set to.


Bocote looks good anyways but changing it from a plain cylinder to a twist really shows off the grain.

Also roughed out this acrylic which should look great with Blackwood ends.

A parcel landed today which I can't wait to get stuck into proper.
I'm not the best of travellers, much prefer the comfort of my own home and it's taken Mrs PP 3 years to get me down to the south of Spain.
But when you get the chance to go to the biggest hemp expo in the world and meet George and the team it just has to be done.
Over the Pyrenees meant not 'til we touched down

Positively short against these three

Home for the weekend, this is late Sunday after the 50k people descended on Saturday this was very peaceful

George, Ben and Matt headed off to see the city while we held down the fort, I can go over anytime it's a long flight for them.
We met up with them later on for Tapas.

It was bloody good, squid, octopus, spuds, bread, chicken, goats cheese salad, black pudding, pigs ears and beer for 5 came to just over €100.
The best black pudding I've ever had.

Left on Monday in this kind of weather

And landed in Luton to this, a shock after the warmth of Barcelona

I had the best time in a long time with great company, it's looking like I'll be doing it all over again next March but this time @Ed's TnT could well be over to spread the word on his patent pending Woodscents.

Can't leave the man to demo it all by himself now can I??
Omg... look at you looking all sporty in that t-shirt representing.... :biggrin:

I am so glad you were able to take advantage of this opportunity and meet some of the people you work with. From the looks of you guys it would seem you all had a great time. But pigs ears.....? :uhoh: Not so sure.... I heard, I believe it was, George saying he liked something better than the other.... wouldn't have been those would it? :lol:

I believe Randy told me he is 6' 6" and I've got to believe that at least one of those three you were with are close to that...

Thanks for sharing your trip with us... I look forward to seeing what you get up to next year; especially if you can convince @Ed's TnT to come along with you. :razz2:
Pleasure @momofthegoons and I'm glad good things are coming of it.

The ears were steamed or boiled and I'm not sure if any of the other got stuck in with the gusto I did.
The didn't go down well with Matt or TheHedonistClub, don't remember how well @DynaVap Video guy took to them.

George enjoyed it for the collagen content, but I don't remember seeing him eat a lot of it.

It was smoked and had a gelatinous and crunchy, chewy consistency, the cartilage was the crunch.
I've seen ears fried for the crackling but not like this, I wouldn't refuse them a second time.

6'6" is too much could you imagine me stood next to him and he's only an average NFL height.
Great pics @phattpiggie was good speaking with ya Monday too. Yeah you mentioned you were vertically challenged next to the others lol. Might have to add some height to my flip flops when I come over next year lol.

@momofthegoons not convincing needed my guy in France says it' a must and Phats said he'd be my solid for the whole thing so it' a win win, I am excited to spread the word and most of all break bread and put away some coldies with the man himself. Told him drinks would be on me if Mrs Phats would allow him to come. He mentioned you oughta make it too, if ya do know I got you as well sure could use another heavy hitter doing demos for me like yourself.

Moving still happening on my end, hoping for permit approval today was told would be yesterday bit now gotta deal with their delays and rain ughhh.

Thanks for all y'll do @phattpiggie and @momofthegoons

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