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Vape RBT Milaana


Well-Known Member
The Milanna must not go missing from this forum including RBT's latest creations, the Zion and the Splinter. Milanna hits like
Mike Tyson,The taste, oh the taste, is the best I've ever had. Its 100% on demand convection heating.It extracts like a table top and the vapor and clouds,both dense & thick.
The Milanna must not go missing from this forum including RBT's latest creations, the Zion and the Splinter. Milanna hits like
Mike Tyson,The taste, oh the taste, is the best I've ever had. Its 100% on demand convection heating.It extracts like a table top and the vapor and clouds,both dense & thick.
Okay then. :lol:

Would you care to expound with some pictures and why you like this over other vapes you've tried? Since you are the OP and all... :smile:
@Stevenski the more economic wood is like 189.00 I believe maple.. I liked it but not a fan of removable batteries that you can't charge inside the device. Noticed I had to switch out cells too often and I got tiered of the charging and swapping and making sure not to over charge or leave the batteries charging overnight. Flavor was pretty good. WS had a better flavor imo and I didn't have to keep up making sure the batteries were always charged. The glass stems were too short and it made the vapor harsh.. thru water was fun but if you went a little too long on the throttle you would combust easily . Mine was the 14th made so I'm sure there have been some improvements. It is a nice unit just wasnt what I was looking for .

Oh and warranty was lifetime and now it's three years
@momofthegoons I should've known to give more info to back up my claims, I'm new to writing in & didn't know the protocol .
As far as pix, I'm not computer saavy & it never goes right for me.
I'm an" on demand "person who rarely does sessions.I like the idea of the Milaana being unregulated, as much draw and heat as
you desire.I use the longer stem, it makes the vapor cooler and delicious . I like natural things. Milaana is made up of wood, glass,brass & that exceptional heater.No plastics, no rubber, mostly nature. When comparing it to other vapes, I own a GH ; FF2;
Crafty;Fury;Solo and Haze V3.The reference to a tabletop is my "Herbie " My final thought is that I believe the extraction capabilities of the Milaana is head & shoulders above any portable that is available today. Best of luck in your new venture.
@momofthegoons I should've known to give more info to back up my claims, I'm new to writing in & didn't know the protocol .
Lol... no worries. But since you had such a high opinion of the RBT products, I thought we should get some reasons. :biggrin:

From the looks of it, you have several popular portables to compare it to. I haven't tried the Milaana so I can't make any comparisons myself. I agree with your statements about liking a 'natural' vape with no plastics or rubber in them. Part of why I've always loved log vapes and anything else made of wood. :thumbsup:

However, there are quite a few portables (the Dynavap comes to mind) that do a hell of a job of extracting. So I'm not sure I would say that the Milaana is 'the best' at it. Remember...... there is no 'best' vape since it's all so subjective. :wink:

. Best of luck in your new venture.
Thank you! We have a wonderful community of members here. I hope you will continue to be a part of contributing here.
The Milaana hits like a tank. It hits like a desk top. It takes some practice to get the draw down because your draw - how fast and long determines your tempreture. It's unregulated so you are in charge. It's a hard hitting portable. It will blow you away.:flamethrower2:

It's very easy to combust with this unit. Once you get the technique down you will have less incidence of combustion.

The batteries did last around a half hour of continuous use for me. It is similar to a portable log vape. Some folks don't like a plastic vaporizer. They may like something more natural like wood.

I use mine once and a while but not all the time.
In the beginning I used mine a lot until the next new portable came along.

There's a trigger that you push that signals the battery to heat up the oven. So it's a combination of draw style and your trigger that allows you to get the temp you want. You can push the trigger longer that will heat the unit faster but will also cause you to combust if you are not careful. This is an On Demand style portable.

I used more cannabis with this unit than with my Solo or my log vapes.
Here's a pic of my Milaana.

  • Nci53KJ.jpg
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Carol King, give the non regulations idea some more time. It got to a point for me where I now sense whats coming and thereby control vapor production, heat , flavor , and smoothness intuitively. You'll be able to micro dose 'cause that's 90% of what I do. I think a lot of us are conditioned to draw restrictions, I know I was for about 20 mos., but then I realized I can provide my own draw restraints, if I so desire, with my breathing and the same goes for flavor, heat etc.etc. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but as you can tell I get excited in talking about Milaana.
I have a Millie. It's my fave vape for every day use. Swapped out glass stem for wood stem and it's been beaten, kicked, dropped, stepped on and whatnot and survived like not much else has. Spare batteries are easy to carry around, and the entire unit fits in a chest pocket. Instant-on, rugged, spare batteries. I have two, just in case one breaks :)

Love, love, love my RBT gear. My other vapes include Mighty, Crafty, UD’s, E-Nano’s, WS’s, DV’s, Supreme V3, FF2, Plenty........My RBT Splinter on the Lost Vape Theron DNA 166 is my nighttime go-to almost every evening. An extracting beast, I usually make an end of the day flower/CBD Isolate/Flower sandwich and just sip and stir.....
I have started to appreciate wooden vapes since getting a WoodScents and now I am trying to decide which of these I need, maybe a matching set, like a set of shotguns.:biggrin:
Is the joint a standard female 18mm that can use any adapter, say 18mm male to 18mm male GonG or are they ground at a different taper than standard?

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VGoodiez 420EDC