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Two Year Anniversary Giveaway!!!

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The desert! Yes, I too love the desert. I'd like to go to the desert, and learn to paint. The ocean's too complicated. I'm not yet proficient enough to capture the waves. They just move too dang much. I think the desert would be ideal, as there are fewer moving parts. I'm taking my Solo, because I'm going Solo. If I take my dog, I'll take my Solo II, because, you know, he's a people too!
I'd like to stay in at the cabin, and paint and vape, and eat cactus candy and drink tequila for my art.
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Going to paint part of the cabin, anyway.
My mom, sister, wife, daughter, nephew, cousin, uncle are accomplished artist!
Love to study art while getting high, medicated in my case these daze’s!
JONI MITCHELL and my mom R very similar?
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I want to vape here in the backseat. You can drive as I wait to hear the click of my 'M'.
What? You heard something? I heard no click officer. Maybe it's time for the cruiser to have some maintenance.
What smell? I smell nothing. How very dare you to question my hygiene! It's more piney than skunky to my nose. Perhaps it's you, or those that sat here before me.


The ^^ultimate^^ vape spot for an act of civil disobedience.
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I'd like to find, where is my Bad Kitty? Gone for days, he loves to roam. I want to go to where he is, to make sure he's safe, and bring him home. To see just what he gets up to, while I sit and worry. I'm taking my Ghost vape in an attempt to embarrass the cat. Ghost because he disappears, get it? No? He doesn't either. Subtlety is lost on Bad Kitty. He only understands food, warmth, and purposeful adoration. I'm taking milk, and tuna. For the cat, not me. I'm vaping, and eating Hot Dogs and dry roasted peanuts.



It's all good, I found him. Calls himself Catullus now. Emperor Catullus.
It's actually pretty nice here, and get this, because he's my fur baby, I'm a Dowager! Pretty cool, huh? And there's plenty of cat nip and kitty treats. It's like Heaven, or as His Royal Highness, The Exalted Emperor Most High In The Land Catullus says, "It's the way Heaven should be."
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Time is long, and Space is vast. There are creatures untold, and some that may have been mentioned. My hearts desire is to travel to see The Hookah Smoking Caterpillar. I'm wanting to learn to blow vape rings, and wish to learn from The Master. But before that, I'd like lessons from the Caterpiller, so I don't show up at The Master's and embarrass myself.
Taking my Sidekick, because you always interview for the job you want.

I'm taking Mullberry leaves for the Caterpillar, and I shall eat mushrooms,
And those candy Peach Rings. I usually don't care for them, but they sound kind of good right now.


We're going to get Hi, Hi, Hi
With the music on-

My Other Vape shall be my Super Surfer. It's not as fancy as a hookah, but it has rainbow colored lights, and a wax warmer to make the world smell good, and a weed warmer to make me feel good.
I'm going to learn to blow O's
And eat a Portobello burger with grilled onions, with a brandy and cream sauce. I don't care about the mess. FUCK the mess. I'm talking to a damned caterpillar, and actually care about vape rings. This is despite having one of those monkey looking toys that let you blow vape bubbles and I never use it. I should use it. I sort of forgot I had it until just now.
Honestly, I'd skip the Caterpillar and just use the vape bubble toy, but that bello burger sounds good. Do I really want to talk to a giant, larval insect? About a burgers worth, I do.

The best place to watch a hurricane from, the ISS, I would sit back with my Plenty as it looks like something out of Flash Gordon vaping on some type of Sativa while listening to Major Tom
So now that I've been able to go back in time to stop the assasination of my friend and Hero, Abraham Lincoln, I'm going to visit at a later time. He's been on my mind lately, and I miss him so I'm going to see what Abe is up to. Abe has retired from politics, and has taken up a career as a meat juggler and generalist butcher. One thing people don't realise, is butchers were also tree surgeons of the post Civil War era. I'm going with Abe on a tree emergency, and time is of the essence. I'll just meet him there. Oops. I kind of miscalculated, and missed all but the delivery. Still, healthy tree, healthy baby, I always say. Tree and baby are fine. I got to cut the cord! I brought my Mighty, because Abe is Super Duper and Mighty.
Honestly, without refrigeration, I kind of hate to stay for meal times. I do always bring Pop Tarts, as Abe loves them. They aren't really convenient, as toasters haven't been invented, so you either hold them over the fire, or heat them on a hot rock. Still, Abe loves them, and strawberry with strawberry icing, and chocolate with chocolate icing are his favorites.


Now I'd like to travel back in time on a Mission Of Mercy. While I am so happy this man gets to vape at work, I have to admit I feel bad for the way he has to wear his vape. I'm taking my Air, so this man can see the Future Of Vaping. He seriously needs a decent vape, that is under the size of a bread basket. He can sit at his desk, vape, and not have to have a fish bowl on his head. That should be a minimum for anyone at work, really, except for maybe astronauts, deep sea divers, and certain types of clowns. I'm leaving the Air, of course. His work day will be so much more pleasant and productive. What did they do at work before the internet? It doesn't look like there would be much to do but work.

This second situation looks far worse. Instead of a clear bowl with vacuum cleaner hoses and electrodes, you have what looks like a vacuum cleaner bag over this person's head. I'm enthusiastic about the study vape concept, but feel the ability to execute the concept has improved enormously since ancient times. For this person, I'm bringing A Solo. Face it, the poor guy is used to isolation with the weird vape headgear. Whereas an old fashioned joint is conducive to sharing, the Vape Helmet is not. Still, props for being a pioneer vaper. He shall be rewarded with a Solo, and be able to get a few heavy hits, and have some left for his buddies. He has no buddies? Give this man a reasonable vape and a pile of weed, and friends will show up. It's happened to us all. No reason to expect it won't happen for this fellow. After all, he is willing to try vaping at a time when people didn't even have an Instant Pot. Heck, in those days, a Solo would be called an Instant Pot device.
People also ate weird foods in the Older Days. I'm taking plenty of marshmallow fluff sandwiches, Pepsi and peanuts for in the Pepsi, and oranges. They only had three fruits in those day's: apples, bananas and oranges. With the startling newness of the vape I'm bringing, I don't want to be getting too out there in the fruit department. Some advancements are made quick, and some slow, but I'm not going to be the one to explain about kiwis and starfruit.

Where: There
Why: I'm nice, and I was passing by, so...
What Vape: Arizer Air, Arizer Solo
Why: They're small and cute, and these men deserves a vape that's both. We all do.
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I would have loved to go to one of Hugh's pool parties! I could meet all sorts of interesting people and would not have to worry about drowning in the pool with all the buoyancy aids around. I would have to take the Plenty as it is made for multiple users and packs a mighty wallop, perfect for parties.:smoke::partyhat:
It's not like I drink that much, it's that the few times when I do drink, I like it to be handy. Having a Whisky Wall Despenser is like having a bartender in your wall. Any time I need a refreshing beverage, I just take my drinking vessel to the wall. What's nice is, there is still room on the wall for the TV. It's really a great size. There is even room for a matching wall mounted Vape Machine. You just walk over, insert your whip, and vape. There will be an ABV receptacle built in, and a dial front grinder. The vape itself will be a Super Surfer, with a very nice surround matching the Whisky Wall Despenser. It will be more of an on demand vape, than a session vape, but we could put a chair in front so it would be comfortable to stay awhile if you needed the extra time. Really, owning a Whisky Wall Despenser and Weed Wall Despenser With Exudant Vapor would make my home the place I would want to be to vape. And drink, because think about it, you stay in and drink, and with the money you save from not wrecking your car and getting a DUI, you can pay for your Whisky Wall Despenser AND Weed Wall Despenser With Exudant Vapor, and have money left over for a Hot Beverage Despenser Featuring Coffee, Cocoa, Tea and Instant Chick'n Boullion. It would almost be like they pay for themselves.
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Once Upon A Time, it was ye olde Middle Ages, and I don't mean the kind that come when you realize 40 isn't young any more. This was the Middle Ages of no indoor plumbing, castles with moats, dragons that didn't realize they were supposed to be extinct, and nonexistent educational standards. These were the Medieval Middle Ages, and they were awful. Try going back and finding a decent laundry or cell phone reception, and see what I mean. I'd love to go back with antibiotics, bottled water, aspirin, and toothpaste. Oh, and I'm bringing plenty of hand sanitizer and some toilet paper. I'm taking my Air vape, because good Air will be more important than ever with all of the grody cooties floating around. Why go? Because this is Histry, real and raw, and I need material for my blog.

There will be projectile vomiting that comes from everything being fetid and putrid.

There will be Giant Snail Invasions where the villagers protect their stump.

There will be graphic displays of some severe misunderstandings about infant circumcision.

It will be ugly, brutish, and a fairly short trip. I figure if I eat some edibles, load up the Air and a spare, and head out, I should be good for a few hours anyway. After the puke, snails and smashed babies, I'll have seen just about enough of Histry as it wasn't writ.
In a galaxy, far, far away, with this guy, Darth Vapor, look how much vapor he is making already!
That honey straw dabber he has looks like it would be a bit of a rosin hog.:thumbsup:
I would share a LSV with him, obviously, as he could teach me the dark way to use it:smoke:

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I'm going to go
Where the gumballs grow
Out of the vapor of ladies
It seems innocent
Until your money is spent
On the head of a creature from Hades

This creature from Hell
May seem like a Belle
But she's really intent on some minions
If she blows a bubble
There will be trouble
In the form of a bunch of gum young 'en's.

Will you think it's dandy
When Hellions of candy
Decide to arise and marauder?
It'll happen one day
And you won't have a say
Other than "Nothing is odder"

I'm going to Candyland to vape Candyland in my Plenty. Taking a Plenty to this land of plenty
just makes sense to me. As to why I'd go, I think you need to see some things with your own eyes. With all this candy making going on , I intend to be totally vaked on Candyland in Candyland,
and if I get hungry there's Candy!

Oops. But wait, there's more....
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There came a day
I got in the way
Of a Giant Gummy Candy
Out ran my luck
I truly was stuck
And bondage made me randy

I thrashed and I flailed
I even yelled
Inside that gummy candy
I knew that I had
Begun to turn bad
When liquor tasted dandy

I stripped and I Vaped
I even draped
Myself around inside that candy
My Solo I used
In places I choosed
Mostly because they were handy

Where: Inside Giant Gummy Bear in Candyland
Why: Why?! It wasn't meant this way. Sometimes you get stuck due to poor planning and Bum Luck
What vape: Solo
Why: Because I'm alone in there
What snack: Excuse me, duh
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I want to go back to before I even met the S.O.B. The best I can do is go back to when I discovered Her. I mean the insult, the humiliation ! Cheating on me with a doll. Plastic! Well, I'm here now, vaping with my Fury 2, which is fury squared in my mind. Very appropriate. A doll! The next time will be the last time if I have anything to say about it. Which I do. Mr. Jalepeno is saying "NO" to his peno, if you know what I mean. Which you do. And he will.

Where : Back to the boudoir
Why: Vinyl Vixen Viper
Vape: Fury 2, also, see above
Why: Emotional resonance
Food: Something Spicy

Yellowstone Nat Park would be a great spot for a vape as it looks so beautiful, it has natural vapor spouts! I would have to take my Mighty to try to keep up with the geyserr output.
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VGoodiez 420EDC