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Two Year Anniversary Giveaway!!!

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I would like to vape from behind a waterfall so no-one could see me being naughty(still illegal in Aus) I would use my Huon Pine Ed stem as HP does not mind getting wet:thumbsup:
It's not me, it's my cat. I switched to vaping years ago. Two and a half, but I'm serious about it. I F*cked Combustion, checked into The Asylum. Threw out my lighters, then had to buy more and start calling them torches. I'm vaping now, matter of fact. It's a portable. Just my Solo. Good vape. Reliable. Durable. Big clouds. It's a good vape. Not good enough for Felix. No. Not near good enough. That's the problem. Felix, my cat, has been sneaking off. I think he's off mousing, and he comes back smelling of smoke. Reeking of pot. It's obvious. And he never brings me back dead birds, or mice, or old leaves any more. He just comes in, reeking of pot, eats a BIG bowl of food, then naps about 16 hours. He used to be such a good cat. He fell in with a bad crowd. Nonvapers. The reeking of pot is new. He never smelled before. He smells like weed! He smells of incense and patchouli oil. I know he's sneaking off to meet friends. He goes off into the alley, and does God knows what all. He's become an alley cat! My Felix! I just want to know what he's up to. I want to find out where he goes. I want to go where he goes. He needs to understand, to understand vaping is so much better, cleaner, healthier. He knows this. He knows this . I just want my kitty back.

I want to vape inside of Target while my wife and kids do there shopping. I’m not much of a shopper but I feel like I could be alright with it as long as I have a trusty vape device. For target and how long they shop for, the Mighty seems viable. That way I can reload easy and not have to worry about recharging by the time they are done. Plus maybe I can convert some combusters with the smooth vapor clouds of the Mighty.
If I could go back, I'd go visit my late uncle Elmer, the Pig Farmer. I know most are judgemental, and called him the Drunken Pig Farmer, but that was unkind. It was true, but unkind. It was really the fault of the pigs. Not fault exactly, but they are gregarious animals, known for thoughtlessness and revelry, and other piggish behaviors. My uncle was a good and generous man. A bit too generous with the drink, maybe. A bit heavy on the pour. Myself, I vape. I'd take my Solo, and share it with my uncle. It might get his mind off the booze a bit. I'm going to leave it when I go, as he needs a great deal of distracting. The Solo would be his alone, and I'd tell him he didn't have to share. Not that he wouldn't. Uncle Elmer just loves those pigs beyond anything. They are a bit demanding, and dear Uncle Elmer was so good to his dear piggies, I just want to share a vape with him. Problem is, I share a vape, then he shares the vape. Sure as anything, he'd share, then it wouldn't be about the Drink. He'd be known as the Stoner Pig Farmer.



Uncle Elmer and his Party Pigs
For snacks this trip, bacon.
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After awhile, you get weary of Time Travel just for shitz and giggles. You go every where, you vape every where. After awhile, you get tired of the travel and entertainment aspect. You get tired of being invisible . You want to be seen, and interact. You want to interfere . It is in that Spirit, that I want to go back to the forests where the following scene takes place and Help.
First, isn't it odd that Apple doesn't made a vape? Just wait till that shitz legal. Or you could go forward in time, then you could avoid the lines . Be the first to own the Apple Blaster, or whatever they call it. Ok, we know they are going to call it the I vape. Imma call it the Apple Blaster. I can travel through time, dawg. I own the Vapes. I Name the Vapes. That's my Super Power. I'm the Time Traveling, Waaay Early Adapter Vape Namer. I may need to work on the name a bit, but my Skilz are Solid.
So there I am with my Apple Blaster, and this time I'm not invisible. Correction, the girl can see me, but that crazy bitch witch has powers of her own. To the old hag, I can't be seen. That way I can vape with the girl, build up some trust. I can say, "You don't need that damn apple! Try this Apple Blaster" and she can see I'm for real. I can offer better snacks. Of course I'm taking snacks! Black Forest cake, for one. Apple strudel. That sort of thing. Picnic basket filled with pastries, and Apple Cider to wash it down. I always take my own food. That way I don't have to deal with questionable food quality. I don't want to be eating a bear claw or something, and find they put in lard, or something weird, like bear grease. Ewwwwww. Yuk. My food is Choice. So is my advise. Imma say, "Did no one ever tell you not to take fruit from a stranger? Especially apples? Especially apples from a woman that looks like the bird on your head. That's a big N-O, NO. Just NO. Just say No. Ever notice how dumb the word 'no' sounds when you say it too many times? No? Well just keep saying it till it sounds stupid. Keep saying no like your life depends on it, because it does. No, no, no, no. Get that? Never take candy from a stranger. Ever hear that? No? You're the reason parents say stuff like that. NO. " Then, imma punch that Bird Bitch until feathers fly. I have a chance , too. She won't see it coming. I hate to resort to violence, but the kid isn't going to listen. I know this. She borrowed my vape , and ate my strudel, and she didn't know me from Adam. I'm just a Time Traveler with snacks to her. She'll never learn.
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So I got this cute portable vape called the Elf. I love that thing. It's tiny, but not quite elf sized. Actually, I think a gnome could use it. You know, a yard gnome. With the red hats? I know, it's confusing. Who really knows the difference between elves, fairies, brownies, goblins , gnomes, etc. ? I'm talking the ones that live in your yard, maybe in the woods behind. A more suburban creature. Semi-rural at best. Not the ones with wings. I think the winged creatures, fairies as they are called, would be too small. You couldn't fly with it. Fairies could probably float on the vapor. Sort of like hang gliding. A gnome could handle the Elf. You can't under estimate a gnome. They live around people. They learn things. Or maybe we learned from them. Gnomes are the right size to use the Elf. They are said to measure two spans high, a span being the distance from the thumb to the forefinger. I can comfortably grip the Elf in one hand with plenty of hand left over.
So what I'd like to do is, go see some gnomes and get vaked. I'd bring my Elf and a crap ton of weed. They're small, but they are mighty. Gnomes can pack it away. Seriously High tolerence. I'd just love to hang, talk to the gnomes, maybe watch a gnome orgy if one is going on. They get up to stuff. Don't think they don't. Gnomes are Super Big on 'shrooms. Well, obviously they are large in relation to mushrooms. I meant they imbibe, or rub them on their bodies or something. I'm not real clear on the details. That's the sort of thing I want to find out. I'm taking those chocolate coins covered in foil. Or are those for leprechaun's? Isn't a leprechaun just an Irish gnome? Ok, so no chocolate coins. They might be disappointed it's not real gold . I'm just taking Doritos. Everybody likes Doritos. They might say they don't, but put a bowl of Doritos out and they will be gone. If they aren't being eaten, then they are escaping because they go quick. Also taking tiny food. Petit Fours. Finger sandwiches. Mini-quiche. I hear gnomes like macarons. Or maybe it's macaroons. Or macaroni. Like I said, there are things I want to clarify.

Gnome Orgy
Pre-vape Gnome
I would like to have a vape on a Train with Jimmy, I would have a Sic Halo and rosin as I suspect poor Jimmy would need something stronger than straight buds.

I'd like to go,
To the Bunny Rodeo,
And watch Bunny Gals win a trophy.
I want to take my Solo to share,
And maybe my Air,
So we can get good and dope-y.

Note to:
Reason to go: I love Giant Pink Rabbits
Reason for vapes: they are dependable portables that I love.
It's all about the love.
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The "garden". My happy place. We've probably all heard the old idea about CO2 supplementation by smoking with your plants in silly but thankfully we vape now. Usually spend time with the plants in the morning so some hemp in the splinter is my weapon of choice down here. Handy log for sitting and working then staying awhile and pondering

Yes, I love spending time in my garden! I lose track of time, gazing, inspecting, smelling, admiring...being in the room is rejuvenating. Perfect spot to enjoy my Vapcap. So simple, so relaxing.


My heartfelt desire is to visit the Comtesse de Vapeur, with the intent to discuss the finer points of vaping. While the Comtesse vapes a different flower than I, I can't help but feel we would have a great affinity for one another based upon our mutual appreciation for la fleur. I would very much like to bring my Yocan Torch, as it is used with glass and thus might distract from how far from lovely my vapes are. Once the Comtesse has a dab or two, she might think my Torch was very fine indeed. If she does not, I will offer her no more, for she is a stuck up bitch. For flower, I'm going to try the Lady's vape. When will I ever get a chance to use a Bell Jar vape, ever again? It's so Sylvia Plath. I'm not bringing food, as that would be rude. I will, however, provide a detailed list of my dietary preferences and requirements for the Chef. It would be rude not to, knowing how much the Comtesse desires above all, the comfort of her guests. Truly, I want eclairs, and those cream puffs that look like swans. I will not mention Napoleons, I will not mention Napoleons. I must remember that, and I do so love a Napoleon. Some people are quite touchy, I find.
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OK, 7 days left so 7 more entries, where do I want to escape to today...
Yep, Flinders Is again(I miss the slow laid back speed of life there)

Notice the complete lack of people, miles of beaches to yourself. I would set up an inverter to run my PID controller and would dab some rosin with no worries about hiding everything away as there will be no-one to have to hide it from.:smoke:
I want to go,
where they serve escargot,
And feed some to my poodle.
We'll have some wine,
And plenty of time,
And after our salad, it's noodles.

I'm planning to vape,
On our date night escape,
As vaping is for winners,
My Air shall be there,
vaping the air
While wifey and I eat dinner.

As he eats a snail
My dog wags his tail
And jumps on top of the table
My dog loved his day
At the cafe
And starts talking because he is able

"Not quite a bug
you fed me a slug
and I ate the movable mucous
You say that it's not, just crawling snot
But it still makes me want to puke-us"


Where : Alfredo's
Why There: Delicious food, excellent service, elegant atmosphere
When: Date Nights
Why: Hungry
Food Served : Escargot, Salad, Noodles
Vape: Arizer Air to share
Why This Vape: Correct number of syllables
What fun! Things have been happening so fast, I'll have to catch you up, by going back. So, my friend, Susan, was throwing a party, and I really wanted to be there. I guess that would be my "where", and it's because Everyone was going to be there! All of my friends, Teri, Linda, Lori, Jill, Sandra, myself ( Hi! I'm June!), and my new friend, and new boss Evelyn. Yes! I got a job! Turns out, Evelyn does these Fuckie Parties. They are such fun! With Evelyn's assistance, she helps you set up a home party where you invite your friends, and give them the opportunity to try and buy some of the World's Finest Lingerie. The World's Finest provides some of the World's Finest Lingerie at out of this world's prices...no wait, sorry, new at this, and the focus should never be on price, you know. That's the sort of advice Evelyn gives, as my Sales Manager (!!!) to me as a New Member and World's Finest Fuckie Party Associate, where I have an opportunity to set my own salary, based on my own personal drive and determination! Evelyn helps me set up parties, at my home and the homes of friends, where I demonstrate the many fine wares available for purchase. It isn't just Naughty Panties, you know, though that's certainly a large part of what's on offer! We have lingerie, sex toys, personal ...I know, right!!? Sex Toys! Can you Imagine me, with a Dildo!? You can? How flattering! Well, that's because I'm a natural born World's Finest Fuckie Party Associate, as my Sales Manager Evelyn says. Evelyn helps me set up Group Parties and Private Parties, where I can demonstrate the many fine World's Finest products on offer. After I make my sales, I give a percentage to my Sales Manager, Evelyn, and, after paying for product, party set up, and my Introductory Kit, I get to keep what's left!! And wait, that's not all. World Party gives you a chance to have a lucrative career demonstrating the Funest and Finest Private Party...wait. OK, I'm so excited, I'll just tell you. We get to invite friends to parties, where they also get the opportunity to be part of the World's Finest world's finest home party business. When my friends sign up and sell anything, I get a percentage of the earnings. Forever! They work for themselves, and they also work for me. And Evelyn and World's Finest, of course. And the party's are fun! Susan set up her Volcano, and we were laughing, and passing around balloons, and laughing, and getting trashed on Wine and Weed, and more laughing, and Trying and Buying the many fine items on offer. Evelyn says, intoxicants are highly encouraged ! People Buy When High, Evelyn says.
Booze helps guests Relax and Buy

And, there are other Sales Opportunities Available for those interested in Outside Work. In Public

And Private

Vape: Volcano, because it's Party Powerful
Where: Susan's Party
Why: Because I love shopping, weed, wine, my friends
What foods served: Crudute and Dip, Cheese and Crackers, Nuts and Nibbles
Haha! I almost said "nipples" !
The Sky's the Limit. How High Can You Fly?
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View attachment 8407
My heartfelt desire is to visit the Comtesse de Vapeur, with the intent to discuss the finer points of vaping. While the Comtesse vapes a different flower than I, I can't help but feel we would have a great affinity for one another based upon our mutual appreciation for la fleur. I would very much like to bring my Yocan Torch, as it is used with glass and thus might distract from how far from lovely my vapes are. Once the Comtesse has a dab or two, she might think my Torch was very fine indeed. If she does not, I will offer her no more, for she is a stuck up bitch. For flower, I'm going to try the Lady's vape. When will I ever get a chance to use a Bell Jar vape, ever again? It's so Sylvia Plath. I'm not bringing food, as that would be rude. I will, however, provide a detailed list of my dietary preferences and requirements for the Chef. It would be rude not to, knowing how much the Comtesse desires above all, the comfort of her guests. Truly, I want eclairs, and those cream puffs that look like swans. I will not mention Napoleons, I will not mention Napoleons. I must remember that, and I do so love a Napoleon. Some people are quite touchy, I find.
I love NEPOLEAN and he was a great leader and a CIVILIZATION advanced thinker!
ROBERTS a writer from ENGLAND wrote about him! FYI?
His LIBRARY was big as a housing tract!
THOMAS PAINE was in his life before and during the FRENCH Conversion from MONARCH 2 DEMOCRATIC CIVILIZATION!
Napoleon? Oh yes, I meant the pastry, not the Emperor.

But now that I'm here, I'd like to be there
And go back to ancient Histry and visit Napoleon and his Mighty Dragon, Puff.
I'll take my Mighty, and my Fierce and Fury to share with the General
Before he heads into battle, Mighty, Fierce and Furyous
All are battle ready vapes, and I might even bring a Volcano, in honor of Elba.
I've always longed to see the Olden Days, as it saves on reading, and nobody got time for that!

Of course , we'll dine on Napoleons and drink Napoleon Brandy, and vape weed, weed, weed.
More Histryly Accurate Napoleon Visiting. Same day, different Dragon.
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Napoleon? Oh yes, I meant the pastry, not the Emperor.
View attachment 8432 This
View attachment 8433
But now that I'm here, I'd like to be there
And go back to ancient Histry and visit Napoleon and his Mighty Dragon, Puff.
I'll take my Mighty, and my Fierce and Fury to share with the General
Before he heads into battle
All are battle ready vapes, and I might even bring a Volcano, in honor of Elba.
I've always longed to see the Olden Days, as it saves on reading, and nobody got time for that!
View attachment 8435
Of course , we'll dine on Napoleons and drink Napoleon Brandy, and vape weed, weed, weed.
The desert is nice as well.
Sorry I got excited about NAPOLEONS library!
JEALOUS I guess?

When I am in FRANCE I love SNAILS by da way!
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The desert is nice as well.
Sorry I got excited about NAPOLEONS library!
JEALOUS I guess?
The desert! Yes, I too love the desert. I'd like to go to the desert, and learn to paint. The ocean's too complicated. I'm not yet proficient enough to capture the waves. They just move too dang much. I think the desert would be ideal, as there are fewer moving parts. I'm taking my Solo, because I'm going Solo. If I take my dog, I'll take my Solo II, because, you know, he's a people too!
I'd like to stay in at the cabin, and paint and vape, and eat cactus candy and drink tequila for my art.



Going to paint part of the cabin, anyway.
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