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Iv been looking for a nice glass stem for my vapcaps for a while now.. just can' find anything to suit...
Yea @Kellya86. Puffitup sold me the OG VC that I once had. Works great. Knew it would be hard to keep from chipping. :rip: Kept my eye open for anything comparable.

The glass thing I got in town recently is for the blunt type combustion thing. Like a push up pop. Burn a little. Push a little out and ash it off. repeat. It's for combusters, But what I saw a glass VC. :mental: Well that and I looked at everything in the store that I thought would fit. It was pretty much the best and only choice.

[FONT=Open Sans, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]Taught myself a new trick. A thin half loop of cotton hanging between the two temp rings help keep the tip from sliding out on it's own. I tried every ring combo and that tiny amount of fiber seems to work quite well with some effort. But hey, now I can change the inside volume of my Tele VC at will. And its Glass. And it had the bulb end I like.

See the blue end. I slip an MP on that and tuck that inside an 18mm female socket and now it fits my 18mm DD water piece. The 'Q'. O.K I'll try not to gush too much over my find.
LSS keep your eye open for a possibility. :sherlock:

The other glass socket that I own and showed in an earlier pick was an impulse buy. Did not know anything about VC and knew it was THE ONE. Now I have it and a Telescoping VC that functions like faux glass omni that can double the length of my 'M".

And Yes another project. :science:Used the glass condenser from my broken VC and made a Frankenstein Vape. It sticks out of the 'M' body because they are incompatible, So i cover up the glass part that sticks out with the fat MP. Inside the body, I slip in a condenser ring so the glass doesn't kiss the Ti tip. :nod: After some stretching the MP and having a tug of war with the tip and condenser, I have found it. It looks like an 'M' with a fat MP on the outside nut it heats up differently with the glass and Ti tip heating inside my EVO. The body being SS, gets hot on it's own if I use the EVO click to click. Plus the glass airpath might vaporize any larger bits of extraction? :thinker: The combo seems heats up well in my EVO for whatever string of reasons. :biggrin: Worth the effort.
5 glass pathways. the 3rd one has an OG condenser inside. Notice the tube sticking out of the other 'M' body. Top one is an older Arizer balloon adapter.:goofy:
@momofthegoons They all are glass pathways, internally anyway. I'm taste sensitive to metal and knew my O.G. would not last long. Having the glass tip of the O.G. might be my favorite taste and perhaps performance option tho.

Still need to use them more to get a better impression, but yes right away I could tell. Heat, flavor and perhaps moisture of the vapor. The second 'M' with the glass tube stuffed in it narrows the airpath. So I will get to try the variables.

The middle VC has the TI upgrade and the OG condenser. That one can get heated well with the EVO. Dang sounds like my VC's are all specialized.:goofy:

@ataxian Dynavap might have another sale if you ask George nicely. :lol: Probably 4/20 otherwise. XMAS maybe? You can register with Dynavap and get on their email list, but I would still try to keep a pulse on it beforehand. There have been product special sales and offers in the past that sprung up.
UPDATE EDIT- @momofthegoons has a pulse on it already. :biggrin:
Lmao... sorry but with you tricking out your vapcaps this sprang to mind... :dog:
Guilty as charged. :goofy: :rofl:Y'now what just came to me. NITRO BURNING FUNNY CARS. :torching:

Having the glass condenser being protected with an SS body is definitely tricking things out. The visit to my junk drawer and coming up with two more glass options even catches me by surprise. :science: I actually had a tube that fits the inside of the 'M' perfectly? :uhh:

The old Arizer ballon tip is my OG for now. Not a perfect fit, but if you heat the very top of the cap, it kinda works.
The straight tube that fits inside the 'M' is from ebay perhaps. It is chemistry glass or for glass blowing.

The two glass VC's are bought in local head shops. The Telescoping VC with the bulb end is some sort of blunt thing. I picked the best of 4 from that. The glass socket was an impulse buy from a real funky head shop before I had a VC. Thought I could use it for an Arizer at some point. :mental: What an amazing find. This should be cloned. With the cap on mind you, the tips can be plugged and unplugged in this thing.

The Arizer balloon tip as a mini VC. Junk drawer treasure. :lmao:
@Cuckfumbustion I knew you would end up like this with the vapcaps... your a modular kimd of guy right.. I wish I had access to the head shops you guys have.. all we have here in the UK is people selling chinese glass for UK prices...
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@Kellya86 Yea, I'm a modular guy. So is George. :biggrin: So it's more like M squared. :rofl:Well O.K. not really.

To be honest, Even with our local head shops, I still didn't think I would go home with a glass Telescoping VC.:whoa: People are spending over $100 buying Omni's. I have essentially a glass version that functions in the same manner where you can adjust the inside volume, yet differently where you can extend the length. And it does other tricks too.

The magic with the VC is all in cap.:twocents: The tips are engineered for the cap. So I went modular big time one afternoon and came up with 5 glass solutions. Didn't even include my ever common Silicone ring. So that's 6 glass solutions.

@Kellya86 If you get the dimensions of your VC, there may at least be a glass chillum that fits the bill. I was looking for any chillum that would fit. But came home with the Tele VC. Happy hunting.:peace:
Tips and caps.

Left to right
A glass tip with a Blackwood adapter then generations 1-5 and my modded M, my daily.

My first cap was meant for the Pyrovap I prefer no digger. If I had to have one I'd prefer it to be skinny like the second one. A blackened tip followed by the current version and the one I use daily which I ground to be 'diggerless'.
The Blackwood stem sold as soon as I posted about it here but all the others are available from myself.
Two 150mm Daddy Long Tokes

TheHedonistClub.co.uk has the 100mm stems which match some of these vongs, they have them online Thursday I believe.

All monies will be used to keep me warm outside this winter, more important keep me warm and turning.

@ataxian I believe you have a new M, how are you finding it??
I knew the M would be a better choice for you with your preference on a 'non wooden mouthpiece' Vapcap.

@Kellya86 I'm hoping to get in touch with @mvapes in the New Year to work out a nice glass stem or two.
I have been slack when it comes to contacting him but now I'm worked up I have more time to explore some of the other ideas I've been looking to.
Glass being one, inlay work being the other.

Red coral, blue and orange magnesite.
The Blackwood stem sold as soon as I posted about it here but all the others are available from myself.
Two 150mm Daddy Long Tokes

TheHedonistClub.co.uk has the 100mm stems which match some of these vongs, they have them online Thursday I believe.

All monies will be used to keep me warm outside this winter, more important keep me warm and turning.

@ataxian I believe you have a new M, how are you finding it??
I knew the M would be a better choice for you with your preference on a 'non wooden mouthpiece' Vapcap.

@Kellya86 I'm hoping to get in touch with @mvapes in the New Year to work out a nice glass stem or two.
I have been slack when it comes to contacting him but now I'm worked up I have more time to explore some of the other ideas I've been looking to.
Glass being one, inlay work being the other.

Red coral, blue and orange magnesite.
I have a "M' on it's way.
I love METAL!
I love GLASS = against lip's
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@ataxian great news I look forward to hearing how you get on.
As soon as I saw the M I knew it would be a better choice for you.

I'm hoping to get to a local machine shop which will mean I will be offering metal mouthpieces on custom wood stems.:thumbsup:
I don't want to sound like a ARCHIE BUNKER?

WOOD is OK for some.
I don't like WOOD on my lip's. (some do)
I use glass CHILLUM'S for mouthpiece.

Don't base your MARKET program based on me.

I'm JUST a BROTHER from another MOTHER!


I can't wait to try a CAP? (however I feel no pain) time to read!

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VGoodiez 420EDC