The M has a lot going for it. I really like the idea of buying a vape for $50.00. It's $55 now. But a great value. nonetheless. I think every head shop should have it as a counter impulse item.
There was a lot of thought into how to make this possible. Less millwork a consideration, a straight tube for the body, one less ring in the tip, less grooves and groovework in the tips. Utilized the pluses of SS. It's heavy duty and certain grades are foodsafe.
You even damaged the cap, and fixed it and now you back in business. Can you say that about any electronic vape? George did drive over a vapcap in a video.
M might as well stand for MODULAR. I love MODULAR. There is some mods you can do with a
single M by simple reversing parts or putting the Orings in such a way to say block off the carb. IF you don't use the carb, it's doable. Or just go condenserless.
I have the stem on backwards with my other M. The rubber MP slides on really easy. So I have that kept in my 3D stash as well, to keep the other two tips in the stash without any rattle.
And that near pencil width vape can be upgraded in so many manners.
The straight tube shape allows for all kinds of adapter mods. So you don't have to give that up.
I use the M's SS body as a feature with one vape. It will be heated less orthodox with candles, campfires, hemp wicks ?, etc. So I made it an XL and the wooden tip will insulate the heat from the rest of the vape.
The OG was good while it lasted. So I use the remaining parts for other vapes.
@ataxian Do you think they will have a flash sale on tips and caps today?