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Ordered some Ti screens from HTV - to save $10 on shipping I spent an extra $80 odd dollars....lol:shakehead:

Got two smell proof padded carry cases to take my vapes safely and smell free to other places or on pubic transport without concerns of sniffer dogs

Also got a dynavap magnet which is a lot stronger than the one on the PSM so the VC actually stands up on it now - I learnt watching Georges video on caps that magnets will cool the cap quicker in between clicks - it works well

Great service as usual from HTV and a free dynastash plastic container for bud

Carry cases are great too - good quality and smell free when things inside ....hardish case on outside soft inside

The Ti screens are great

A new screen in my old Ti made a huge difference - you would not know the old one needed replacing as it looked and functioned fine

But putting a new one in it is like new - so good taste and clouds
Surprised at the difference when the old one is not in that bad a shape at all

I also put a Ti screen in the shadow SS M - also a big improvement in performance - I also had filed the M more than I had said above - this was a good move for clouds and taste, but the Ti screen is also another upgrade to performance :)
You should not ever wear out a Ti screen, usually only need replacing when lost, have you tried cleaning them? My ultrasonic cleaner and iso bring them up like new, I am always cleaning them with the amount I use through my WS.:thumbsup:
You should not ever wear out a Ti screen, usually only need replacing when lost, have you tried cleaning them? My ultrasonic cleaner and iso bring them up like new, I am always cleaning them with the amount I use through my WS.:thumbsup:
I clean always....as I said it does not look like it should be any different - yet there is definitely an improvement having put a fresh one in there - I do not get it but it is true
You should not ever wear out a Ti screen, usually only need replacing when lost, have you tried cleaning them? My ultrasonic cleaner and iso bring them up like new, I am always cleaning them with the amount I use through my WS.:thumbsup:

The only thing you can do with a Ti screen is snap it. I may have to revisit the To screen but I really love the SS ones. Christmas time will mean a deep clean on all my vape gear.
The only thing you can do with a Ti screen is snap it. I may have to revisit the To screen but I really love the SS ones. Christmas time will mean a deep clean on all my vape gear.

I've went through 3 ti screens in the last couple years. I lost one and two broke, probably because I clean them with a torch.. Eventually they split. But considering other vapes like my ssv plugging screens daily, it's not bad at all..
I don't even take the screens out to clean them, I just toss the whole tip in a test tube with iso in it then dangle that in the ultrasonic cleaner and it does the work for me!:thumbsup:
I've went through 3 ti screens in the last couple years. I lost one and two broke, probably because I clean them with a torch.. Eventually they split. But considering other vapes like my ssv plugging screens daily, it's not bad at all..

I think that is why I like the S/S ones as they can take a torching & are not as brittle as the thin Ti ones. VapCaps are largely maintenance free compared to most other vapes.
Have a green Christmas
ROSIN will work in a VAPCAP?
Pretty well, if you have a cap; that is! Cotton or hemp is a good base to put a bit on/in and heat a couple seconds past the click.:thumbsup:
Ataxian, Dynavap is running a sale right now... 10% off everything in the store (except Dynabuilder). Sale ends December 24 at 11:59 PM/CT. You can get a cap on sale...
Unfortunately, they do not take Paypal.
I buy mostly with pay pal.
I have so much stuff!
My. Wife would freak out if I bought stuff unrelated to Xmas?
Next year maybe or use something else?
Da “M” was nice while it lasted!

Fuck I blew it!
If your needing a pocket friendly vape get a VAPCAP.
Decent machine until I ruined it.
My fault!

Good company actually!
I was watching a live feed with Randy and Zakk from @PuffItUp the other day on IG. They were asked what vape they would choose if they could only have one vape for the rest of their lives. A couple different vapes were discussed, but hands down, it always came around to the Dynavap. The reasons were because it will last a lifetime, doesn't need electricity, and can be used for both herb and wax. Sort of a 'one size fits all' vape.

I spoke with George the other night and there's some exciting stuff coming down the pike with @Dynavap . Can't wait to share it all with you....
I was watching a live feed with Randy and Zakk from @PuffItUp the other day on IG. They were asked what vape they would choose if they could only have one vape for the rest of their lives. A couple different vapes were discussed, but hands down, it always came around to the Dynavap. The reasons were because it will last a lifetime, doesn't need electricity, and can be used for both herb and wax. Sort of a 'one size fits all' vape.

I spoke with George the other night and there's some exciting stuff coming down the pike with @Dynavap . Can't wait to share it all with you....

As long as the sun shines, I believe we will always have electricity. If it stops shining, we have bigger problems than what vape to use. Lasting a lifetime won't mean much.

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VGoodiez 420EDC