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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Vape Dynavap

@ataxian is that a lighter or a fire extinguisher? :biggrin: Thought you was using a Vertigo before?

Not your type of problem. But the Vertigo I own is the only one that works in 9c winter weather of the 4 types I bothered to carry. Sparks up fine. Just wont shut off! :yikes: Have to snap close the lid. So, my quest for freezeproof lighters continues....
@ataxian is that a lighter or a fire extinguisher? :biggrin: Thought you was using a Vertigo before?

Not your type of problem. But the Vertigo I own is the only one that works in 9c winter weather of the 4 types I bothered to carry. Sparks up fine. Just wont shut off! :yikes: Have to snap close the lid. So, my quest for freezeproof lighters continues....
We have this really cheap TOOL STORE maybe 2 miles away.
The Torch was $8.00 I use with ROSIN super cheap during harvest time. (HARBOR FREIGHT I believe?)
I ran out of butane so I'm using something full.
My smaller torch has a right angle I really like.
Tomorrow I'll look 4 it and charge it.
I ordered the "M" starter pack from Dynavap today. I had to find out what it's all about. Can't wait to try it and get addicted to accessories. I'm looking at you @phattpiggie. :biggrin:
I ordered the "M" starter pack from Dynavap today. I had to find out what it's all about. Can't wait to try it and get addicted to accessories. I'm looking at you @phattpiggie. :biggrin:
DNYA CAP makes all kine stuff lik that?
The "M" is what I got and I'm a HOMO SAPIEN that break's everything I touch.,

If you like CANNABIS the "M" is perfect! (POV)

IF your EGO wont fit through door jams? (get whatever float's your pool toy)?

Look at what I got gifted to me today. Custom SS VC and Ed's TnT Dynatube. :cool:Already had a UD stem of this type of wood and wanted more. It is carbless and condenserless and a wide airpath.
Green was already my color scheme. What are the chances of that? Was eager to share this with the Asylum. The back history of custom built in a later post.:peace:
Congratulations! How very nice. :biggrin: Your collection is growing without you even trying lol.
Thank you! :smile: Indeed! Kind of eerie how these things find me. Never thought I'd own an Omni, much less an OG 7fin. Non XL. Which is exactly what I would have chosen, If I knew about it beforehand.
The fact that it didn't get snatched up the first auction makes me wonder....

This latest addition was given to me for merely PM responding to a post at an another vape forum. People with Dynavaps who want to spread the karma, I guess.
Already wanted more Burl wood and green is already my vape color scheme. Yea, kinds eerie.
I am a seven fin man personally. The five fin style does not do it for me but it could just be.

Cleaning out my vape drawer & found my old 420 2016 OOG glassy has a crack in it. I have one of the later glassies but this was perfect last time I looked & has not been used in ages. Twas only kept for antique value but still fucks me right off. It still has the ceramic screen in it even since I had not even changed it for the 8mm Ti ones I found.

That is a sweet little collection you have there @Cuckfumbustion . That green one :babeando:
I have one of the later glassies but this was perfect last time I looked & has not been used in ages.
I bought my OG from Pufitup knowing it would break on me. But just hanging out in the drawer and then taking damage. Bummer. :ugh:

Still look over at the glass VC's offered at Puffitup. I've rationalized buying the Vapcap-S and if/when it breaks, I use the parts to turn my M into an M XL with a spinning MP. :goofy: The wooden MP you get is random.
That is a sweet little collection you have there @Cuckfumbustion . That green one :babeando:
The green one is special. :nod: I found out more about and the process of anodizing metal through Stardustsailor's videos. :science:-> Stardust Sailor - YouTube - YouTube

Still amazed that I have an OG Ti 7fin to show everyone. It is such a solid piece of mill work. I like how it tapers in after the tip. Or the thin lines around the carb hole. It isn't an XL or have a spinning MP. But due to it's millwork and narrower body, it it easier to spin one handed. The M is a straight tube where my Omni refines all aspects of the VC. And what a difference.
You might not be missing anything? I'm still getting to know mine and liking how it performs. More mill work and design, lighter materials, Ti tips and body.

Instead of working the carb hole, you adjust the condenser and how far it closes into the tip. Some people dial in what air-vapor mix they want and don't mess with the carb.

The condenser in mine clicks as well as the tip. It is set well inside the tip on the furthest closed position. More feedback in the click. That could be just mine alone, the condenser or my type of Omni which tapers in after the tip. :nusenuse:But I like it a lot for all that. The air path feels wider as well. Then again, I bought 2 M s and have one condenserless for more throat.

@ataxian I got a SWEET deal on my Omni and wouldn't part with near 200 for something that could get lost in the grass. :yikes: That is what the M s main function for me is. :chill:
The use of hotter torches has caused some to combust easier or get a spot red hot. What heat extremes would have to occur for certain metals to be dangerous? To start flaking? To off gas? Are scratches in the metals used a thing? How rough can clean them and not enter other problems? Can I clean my M with a small strip of scouring pad in the field? I'm thinking backwoods maintenance and best treatment.

Any further info about the type of SS used in the cap? :sherlock:
So you have to be a baller or C^nt F^ck face to try a OMNI?
Well I guess I'll focus on CANNABIS since I'm under the bus?

Sound's like your living large?

I guess I'll use my "M" will be in my ROTATION until you tell me to throw it away!
I've looked for the HOLY GRAIL all my life?
So I missed it!
I was under the LOGICAL thinking: FUNCTION not BLING!

U say I'm missing out?

I hate to be UNCIVILIZED!
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So you have to be a baller or C^nt F^ck face to try a OMNI?
Well I guess I'll focus on CANNABIS since I'm under the bus?
I'm trying to spare you to succumbing to the VAS @ataxian. :ugh: You've seen pics of people with tool chests full of VC parts and bling and stems. Do you want to end up with a VC collection like me? :whipit:Or be fully satisfied and content with your M? :thinker: Your quest for fire has left you at this fork in the road.

Or perhaps you can split the difference and get some Ti tips for your M. So many choices, even if you don't like wood. :science:You don't necessarily have to buy a whole new VC to widen your rotation.

You can own an M to be CIVILIZED and CONTENT. It serves it's function indeed. Don't feel left out if you don't own an OMNI or special. People gift their Ms to get others on board the Dynavap train. That is remarkable in itself. Now do I like owning an OMNI. Hell yes! Do I like owning two M s? Hell yes! I like all my VC's.

Definitely try an OMNI or any other VC for that matter. But I tried to spare you. :smilie-devil:

I was under the LOGICAL thinking: FUNCTION not BLING!

U say I'm missing out?
I hate to be UNCIVILIZED!
Logical fallacy? False dichotomy in play? one does not exclude the other. They overlap. :twocents:You would only be missing the part where they don't overlap.:biggrin: All those functional points I made earlier. The M has some features of their own. Some users who already own OMNIs, still ended up buying an M when they came out. :uhh: How do you explain that?



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VC family pic with the 18mm Vong from my UD collection inserted in a condenserless M. Green 3D printed stash and filler with a ti tip attached to the lid door.

The magnet in Ed's Burl wood holder is powerful. So it sits up straight on a lot of things. Especially the magnet on my 3D stash. And I place the cork in the hole in the 3D stash to prevent it from rolling around.
Or Ed's stash works can work as a wooden handle for other things. :roto2qtemeto: Like say my scraping tool.


I am a seven fin man personally. The five fin style does not do it for me but it could just be.
Haven't tried the 7 fin on the M body yet to discern well enough if there is anything basis to it. Well more fins does mean more surface area. FWIW. When I didn't know anything about how the Dynavap works, I thought you was supposed to heat up the fins with your lighter. :roto2palm:You can see my reasoning there right? :goofy:

Also easily swayed by anything with fins that resembles Art Deco.:cool: ->
art deco industrial design - Google Search
While cooking the other night I had my two stems from @phattpiggie rocking...


I tend to switch out the tips. And unfortunately, my 7 fin often sits sort of wonky (as in crooked). Doesn't matter which stem I use it in; it still sits funny unless I really keep on straightening it. So sort of a bummer aesthetically. But it doesn't affect the performance.

Maybe I haven't played with them enough... but I really don't see a huge difference between tips; performance wise. :nusenuse:
Maybe I haven't played with them enough... but I really don't see a huge difference between tips; performance wise. :nusenuse:
Oh well, at least you can tell the tips apart. :biggrin: An older heavier 7 fin compared to a newer Ti. They might just edge each other out.

You are comparing a Ti tip to a 7 fin? I do notice the dif between an SS and a Ti. I try to do two medium draws with the SS and one shorter draw with the TI because it cools a lot quicker.

As far as it being wonky.Perhaps the rings might need a little attention to get a nicer fit? Maybe the 7 fin became accustomed to whatever stem it was designed for.

And/or they were milled a year apart. Improvements being made over time, etc. Do you think the new 7 fin will be the best of both perhaps?
You are comparing a Ti tip to a 7 fin? I do notice the dif between an SS and a Ti. I try to do two medium draws with the SS and one shorter draw with the TI because it cools a lot quicker.
I am fairly sure that both of these are Ti. The SS tip is still on my M (which I use as a stem for my WoodScents). And I believe I purchased the 7 fin as an extra tip about 6 months ago... But whether I ordered it from Ed or from Dynavap... that I cannot remember since I ordered one from both IIRC. Then again... my memory is not what it used to be. :lol: I've ordered extra tips a couple different times now.

So I'm not sure which generation of 7 fin this is. But knowing George I would assume that each generation gets a little better?
So I'm not sure which generation of 7 fin this is. But knowing George I would assume that each generation gets a little better?
That is one presumption. 6 months ago you think you got the tip? That doesn't explain the wobble problem so much. George has continued to refine the milling of all his parts I'm assuming.

The newest version of any tip, presumably use less materials and better milling. 7 fins do need more metal. So there is another point to make.

Intended, tempered or just luck of the draw, My 7 fin fits like hand in glove with my older Omni Ti. Like say a precision fitting.
Still want to buy 2. Right or wrong.:smilie-devil:
I'm trying to spare you to succumbing to the VAS @ataxian. :ugh: You've seen pics of people with tool chests full of VC parts and bling and stems. Do you want to end up with a VC collection like me? :whipit:Or be fully satisfied and content with your M? :thinker: Your quest for fire has left you at this fork in the road.

Or perhaps you can split the difference and get some Ti tips for your M. So many choices, even if you don't like wood. :science:You don't necessarily have to buy a whole new VC to widen your rotation.

You can own an M to be CIVILIZED and CONTENT. It serves it's function indeed. Don't feel left out if you don't own an OMNI or special. People gift their Ms to get others on board the Dynavap train. That is remarkable in itself. Now do I like owning an OMNI. Hell yes! Do I like owning two M s? Hell yes! I like all my VC's.

Definitely try an OMNI or any other VC for that matter. But I tried to spare you. :smilie-devil:

Logical fallacy? False dichotomy in play? one does not exclude the other. They overlap. :twocents:You would only be missing the part where they don't overlap.:biggrin: All those functional points I made earlier. The M has some features of their own. Some users who already own OMNIs, still ended up buying an M when they came out. :uhh: How do you explain that?
I did not experience VAS in 1970?
PAPER is what we had. (PRE-BonG era)

I will use my "M" with delight! (that word is old however useful)

This morning I opened my closet full of VAS sickness.

Never mind the bullock's!

You da best @Cuckfumbustion

I was having a VAS attack?


The "M" dry work's as well = FUNCTION = CIVILIZED = MAX FLIGHT
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Having a G2, G3 & 3 x G4.5 tips I can say by far the best quality finish is my G2 probably because it was not made in house. Nothing wrong with my other tips but the fit & finish of the G2 is about perfect.
Having a G2, G3 & 3 x G4.5 tips I can say by far the best quality finish is my G2 probably because it was not made in house. Nothing wrong with my other tips but the fit & finish of the G2 is about perfect.

I use my g2 for the vong exclusively.. the more conduction and forced bigger oven (thanks to lack of adjustability) mean a better water experience for me...

My 7 fin g4s are just perfect for stems...
I see the g4 as the pinnacle... now cost saving is what alters the following gens... imo...

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VGoodiez 420EDC