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Vape Dynavap

The obligatory leftovers shot for anyone, myself included, who thought I may have had a bush fire..
Plenty left in there

Just for you @Drexciya,
From buying the 2 'M's on 4/20 to this.... 9 days later.
My little green package from Wisconsin came in yesterday!! I don't have time to post a pic right now, but I got a cocobolo 18mm omni vong, carbon fibre body, and an M, plus some extra screens and wax. I have been waiting for this for a while since I had most of this order planned since I received my green package from the black friday sale.

Initial comments:
  • Dynavap must be swamped because my omnviong came installed upside down. :tongue: I imagine they worked some crazy hours to get their 4/20 sale products created and out the door. It didn't really matter since I needed to clean the whole thing before using it, but I found it funny.
  • I have already switched condensers between my blackwood ti-woody s and my omni vong. I have used the o-ring on the end of the vong because my 18mm female is recessed and impossible to hold the air hole while in the bubbler. So far, I think I prefer my gen3 tip for during the day and the gen4 tip for evening. I am happy that I have both as a comparison and something slightly different.
  • I love the feel of the omni mouthpiece. It was a surprise because I have read that others don't like the feel of the ti moutpiece but I like it better than the wooden ones. That is why the vong went on the woody-s which I won't be using dry. However, I prefer the omni by a fair amount and will likely only use the vong in the evening/night.
  • I was surprised by the feel of the carbon body. I didn't really know what to expect and it is ok, but it is currently the lego piece that is being left out. It came down to how each felt in my hand during use and the wood made the vc easier to spin. I do like having a backup body in case I screw up the blackwood.
  • I haven't touched the M yet beyond cleaning it up. I am not sure if I will be using it or if I will decide to gift it to a friend. I might end up trying it a few times to get a feel for the difference, but I am not sure yet. Then again, once I try it, it might be my favourite.
  • I was surprised how much the wax impacted the look of the vong. When the vong came, it looked nice but didn't pop. Once I added the wax to it, I really became a fan of the look. The blackwood on the other hand, wasn't impacted by the wax and still looks the exact same.
I hope to get a pic up in the vapcap picture thread at some point. So far I am very happy with my purchase!
In my pic above. ^^^ @fluffhead 's there is 3 types of mods and the cap puller that I came up with. Had to go jedi modmaster on it. :sherlock:

My best method for heating is mostly Georges method and holding the cap at 45 degrees. So the flame licks over the entire cap. More surface area being covered while holding the torch. But hits the key spot while I turn it. Also, how I properly heat up a frying pan. Instead of turning up the heat full blast. Force the heat to envelop the cap plus the standard approach of turning and hitting a desired spot.

Which is why I slipped it into the 45 degree adapter. :biggrin: So I can hold the glass Gandalf comfortably while using the torch. Ergonomic for me.

Had a glass stem also in the pic, that I bought on impulse. It looks like it was made for the cap. A Ti would be even better for it. Or is that my VAS talking?

I've used the SS screen with the 'M's screen and after I put the flowers in to prevent spillage.

C'mon nobody wants to know about the cap puller.:biggrin: It's the Dynavap holder with the thick silicone tubing on the end. There is a magnet inside and the hose is flexible. So squeezing or bending the hose breaks the connection with the magnet. Taking the cap on and off like some sort of magic trick. :partyhat:

I have an SSV wand, another impulse buy, that works great with my 'M' carbed closed. A little silicone magic and it slips into the chamber end of the wand. and the screen works as a particle filter. :smile:
I finally got my shipping confirmation on my M. Super excited for when it comes in. I also got a dynastash coming and I had a question, what are the dimensions of the other hole in the stash? I was thinking about getting a smell-proof container to slip in there and was wondering if it was large enough to accommodate anything worth looking for.
Passed my camp stove test. :thumbsup: The tube on the end of the Green Dynatube is a cap puller thing I came up with. There is a magnet in the bottom also. Not pictured - Added an ordinary pen clip to it so I can attach a lanyard to it, Luke.
I've been playing around with heating the M tip and started out doubling up the heat before the first toke.
Heat to the click, force cool to the click, heat to click and toke type thing.

The other nite I was running a bowl and making mental notes so I could describe what I'd done to @M0J0.
It didn't go as it had done in the past and I found an even better way to apply the heat and get plenty of vapor and all in 1 heat cycle, I did another but it was only to see if there was anything left.

The removal of the digger has made it a lot better, if it's the same @MinnBobber here and FC then thanks for the inspiration. The rim of the cap is being heated to a dull cherry but only in spots not a full circle.

0.05g load, triple jet inner blue flame 8-10mm, two jets running on the apex of the A and the single one hits the apex of the N on the cap. The center of the cap is 20mm from the top of the torch body.
If anyone was curious about my arts and crafts project, I finished it up this morning. And its a failure.

These diametric really suck at being really magnetic on the flat surface… Instead, most of their magnetization power is on their sides… So while I can get the vapecap to stand up right on a few of them, it's an extremely weak pull…

I'll have to give it another try later, but with trying to get the magnet on the top. That's much more of a challenge due to shrinkage of the clay when it's fired. But I can probably pull it off.
...yeah ...I'm a vaporizer "addict"...but there is really something rather insidious about this device...I just absolutely love it...and I can't get enough of them...
....just got a ti cocobolo double crown with exotic mouthpiece....my new fav.
Thought I'd let everyone know that Dynavap will be having a sale from June 30th - July 5th. Might be a good time to stock up. :biggrin:

'Dear valued customer,

We are excited to announce our Battery Independence Day special which offers you a couple ways to save when purchasing our products. The special runs for six days beginning on June 30th and ending on July 5th. During this time, anyone who purchases products from our DYNASHOP will receive a 20% discount.

We have something special for our previous customers. Beginning at 7:10 pm CT, Friday June 30th, you will be able to buy an M for a Friend for $20 for 20 hours. Click on the picture below to be directed to our “M” page."

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VGoodiez 420EDC