Thank you @Stevenski it's been a bloody good laugh so far. Hectic and scary but fun no doubt.
This stem was supposed to be an experiment with another process for it to go thru but it looked too good as it is.
So nice to be able to post pictures
Some great stuff going on in this Blackwood, if it doesn't sell then it's back on the lathe.
Trying to get some video of the ribbons this blank was giving off has just reinforced my need for a better set up with a long articulated arm so I can get the camera in the right place.
I just got a fresh batch of GDP & Rosin GSC + OG (OCEAN GROWN) IN DA HOUSE + A MYSTERY JAR? = CIVILIZED
JUST MISSING A STEM BY: @phattpiggie 2 complete this day!
I checked my wood pile and found BLOODWOOD too?
@Baron23 U only vape at night?
27/7 is da way da truth & da life