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Glass Where Do You Buy Your Glass

I own that piece Mom.It is a larger volume piece with a heavy wide base,so its would be very stable for the Evo etc.

Good build quality with straight 18mm joints.I love the smooth action of the downfiring Showerhead.

My only minor issue/gripe I have found is the bowl joint is recessed maybe 1/4 inch tut tut Steven:roto2qtemeto:
I had to find a particular 14/18 reducer to suit it,otherwise I couldnt remove the reducer.

As @LesPlenty says the Mouthpiece is short and Isn t right.oh and please throw away the supplied hose. Pink or Purple SSV hose if You must.:biggrin:

My favourite thing though is cleaning this piece ......cleaning is so easy compared to other large pieces.I clean mine,mouthpiece removed using PBW in my microwave.Its my only use for my microwave these days.

I mainly use my “ the orbiter” now.It cools vapcap vapor just enough without losing much in flavour and wood and brass accents really make It a nice piece to have around.Perfect for pens VC or dabs.

For a design inspiration,great idea btw.....Maybe Paisley.

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Dhgate is great for glass
great thick quality glass and worthy knock offs of 300-1000$ bongs at 30 odd dollars
I have a mobius matrix perc with sidecar knockoff from there and it is as good as a legit I reckon, at least for the price
I have another piece in the mail too....
Plenty of choices on there

I would maybe avoid china plastic and coloured glass in case of lead paints etc, but for clear glass I have absolutely no issues with the quality of work
avoid china plastic and coloured glass in case of lead paints etc
Great advice, I like to see how much vapor I am making too, all clear makes this possible.
I like my Matrix sidecar KO too, perfect fit for my Plenty;
Plenty on Sidecar.jpg
Pretty glass, plus it will come in a nice 6 pack holding foam esky, link please as I do like the car tyre percs.
Oh, I did not realize the different coloured writing was the link, that`s tricky and neat.:thumbsup:
Edit, I love function videos, I did not realize it had those pillars from the picture, it purrs nice, I like how they at least put a cone on it to show how it works with some resistance.
Edit, I love function videos, I did not realize it had those pillars from the picture, it purrs nice
When I first saw this bubbler, I thought the pillars were enclosed.... so I understand. Might be the fact that I was a bit bleary eyed.... :lol:

The function video is what sold me on it. Looks like it stacks beautifully. I guess we'll see cause I've pulled the trigger on it. :nusenuse:
I was tooling around DHGate the other day and fell upon this little recycler from Stevenlmz79. It caught my eye and the reviews were excellent so I caved.

I'm not impressed. Lots of 'glug' and very little recycling action. But it is a sturdy little piece. I figure it's good for what I intended it for though; taking it up to the cottage. We have super hard water up there and I don't want to take a good piece up. I'd rather just not have to worry too much about the piece. I'll also say that the picture they use to advertise the piece is misleading as well. You do not get the accessory with it.

View attachment 3789
Sigh... I've been wondering why there is always a bit of water on my desk and have realized that this bubbler has a small leak in the bottom seam of the bowl. And it's been a few months since I got it so there really is no recourse. I've dealt with Stevenlmz79 in the past on issues and have never really gotten any satisfaction out of him. It's the risk you take when buying from DHGate. :nusenuse:

Pity too.. I was just starting to like this little bubbler. But not enough to buy another one. Now I'm just hoping this last purchase from him doesn't have any issues. I think he's still considered the most reputable over at DHGate.. with the best knockoffs. So fingers crossed.
Bugger, upside, a bit of silicon and you will have a pretty new flower vase.
Okay... here's a question for all you fine folks.... :biggrin:

I am shopping around for the next piece to use for a forum bubbler. The last bubbler I used was a little Sovereignty knock off and I'd like to find something a little more sturdy and with thicker glass so that @mvapes can scratch a little deeper.

The piece should have a can or blank area large enough to put the site artwork on.

So what would you all think is a good piece to use for this? Give me some suggestions.....
@LesPlenty My Fuchner flask arrived. However, the 29/22 adapter hasn't arrived yet. Here is what I came up with in 5 min once the Flask arrived.
I only use my sidecar with free flowing vapes like my Plenty or for dabs, I mainly suggested it for the large surface area for engraving.
The one you linked is my daily driver, this is the one I put in the dishwasher every night. I mainly use the showerhead/tyre perc in the main bong as the matrix is a bit restrictive and use the ash catcher with a J-hook, matrix and no water. I also use a straight tube mouthpiece. It also is just great to hang onto.
It is made of very thick glass and the only reason I recommend a D020-d knock off instead is the price.
IMG_20180724_154901 (2).jpg

My perc des not sit exactly vertical, but is close and does not effect performance as far as I can tell, I am thinking of buying another downstem the same as the tyre perc pictured to use both at once (they are about $15 separately, which is handy if you break one part)

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VGoodiez 420EDC